Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

The only valid thing to say to Kael in SL

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I got ya and I agree. That would be nice. Wonder if they’d let the Draenei stay there too? Since it was half made up of them. I imagine they’d (The draenei within the Shattered Sun Offensive) probably not stay and return to the Exodar, which would be cool all on its own.

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The Dranei of anyone seem more likely to return to Adal or yea the exodar

I really don’t like being too deep in a what if scenario though


Thats fair. Especially when its not important to the thread.


I mean others are free too as it could pertain to the thread idk I just for me I dislike going too far into it

Like HEs who haven’t taken the BE name have a case for returning (especially the OL ones that had no choice to become a BE) and I’d imagine since we’re discussing integrating into society they’d take the BE name as it doesn’t matter at that point but they’d very much now be part of BE society and Horde.

Past that like more specifics is too specific for me


Fully agree.

Well, the Silver Covenant is pretty much Alleria, but part of Dalaran. Alleria wants Quel’Thalas to join the Alliance. The Silver Covenant wants Dalaran to join the Alliance, and still has love for Quel’Thalas, but not for the Horde.

There’s also a few that live in Alliance lands, like Elsharin in Stormwind, uh, some ranger I forget the name of who’s part of Stormwind (I think she shows up in a BfA or maybe Legion quest?), and Vyrin who lives in Loch Modan.

Then there’s the Highvale, who clearly lean Alliance. Draenei live with them, and they were seeking to establish relations with the Wildhammer I think? It’s been a while, so I’m kinda rusty on this stuff.

We really don’t have enough info on the Outland groups to know which way they’d go. It’s all guessing. There’s the one who mentions that she can’t see herself going back to Quel’Thalas, but of course that’s in reference to her incorrectly thinking all the blood elves are like Kael’s.

It’s a safe guess to assume they’d want to return, since defending Quel’Thalas was the reason they went to Outland in the first place. But its not a certainty.


I realize some people are extremely defensive over the faction barrier but I feel like a game that didn’t have that narrative crutch there’d be room for a deeper look at that dynamic

Or Vereesa could decide she’s sick of Dalaran because Aethas is back, she could bond with Rommath over how much they hate him (mostly joking of course)


Well, they’re gonna be testing the waters on that in 9.2.5. If it goes over well with the players, maybe one day the barrier will be gone entirely.


tbf I’m still concerned they’ll manage to monkey paw it something fierce (also specifically I meant like, defensive because some people have been pretty aggressively Quel’thalas vult which, admittedly, kinda sucks)

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Which would mean they defeated the purpose of their own AR for nothing and also had BE players customization lose visual uniqueness for nothing

Almost comical at that point, but I also don’t mind cross faction stuff but not dropping the factions


Yeah, it would be almost exactly what they wanted to avoid with Worgen when they chose to not let them be human form in combat.

It would be comical, but also sad.

I’m not sure how I feel about it, because I’ve never really given it deep thought. It never even occurred as a possibility to me before, and now it’s just something I can’t really picture so I can’t gauge how I’d feel.

If they were to do something as radical as removing the factions, at that point they might as well go whole hog and merge ARs into their parent race. Let you select racials and voices and such, but get access to both heritage sets and all the customization options and such. That way I could have a Dark Ranger looking elf chill in the Undercity or Org at least. Plus my Mag’har could switch to the stronger Orc racials.


I’d happily take redoing the voice set for belves tbh, the lines are mostly fine but matching accents with velves would be neat

But that’s admittedly minor gripes to put a bunch of dev resources into


I wish they’d let us at least adjust the pitch of our voices or something.

I was on my belf DK, and used a toy to transform into an NPC Nightborne. While transformed, the DK voice effect also included the deepening that’s normally not on the female DK voices for whatever reason, and it sounded soooo good!


I’ll be interested to see what is coming for the expansion, but also the last I assume .5 patch? Because the way they have done BEs letting them lose visual uniqueness w no impactful options in return it’s kinda make or break for me as a BE fan

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Sounding the alarm on this again because :exclamation:


That’s the point, not everyone should have an explanation, it would just be nice if the ones that are most contentious had one. The blue eye color for BE’s was a long spanning request that the lore put as a possibility in the far future, so it would have been nice to had a lot tidbit about it.

And the others, like the natural skin and hair color on VE’s are even more in need of some depth.

Indeed, but the way it was put made it sound it would take longer, so it would have been nice to have a bit more explanation on that.

I do agree that not all customization options need explanations, but things like the VE natural colors, and Farraki trolls in the Horde could have really used some flavor text.

There isn’t just the faction barrier but just how some characters have acted towards others. The Horde thing wasn’t the only thing that separated Thalassians. There was also the different opinions over how to survive the well being destroyed.


Forever wondering what in the world Blizzard is prepared to do for Blood Elves after allowing any sense of visual uniqueness to be lost to the AR on the opposing faction w no impactful options in return, combined w the fact they couldn’t even be bothered to turn jewelry on for guys too still very uncool


I think anything that diminishes the vegan elves nonsense is good, honestly, because it’s the silliest split. Like outland high elves opposed the Sunfury because of what they did in Outland, not because a culture with a millenia old hunting tradition and specifically rangers of that tradition (which we know can be incredibly vicious fighters at that) acted high and mighty about a few rats.

Vereesa in the Knaak books doesn’t even have a particularly negative opinion of the blood elves (at least until the third book and mostly related to her cousin).

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This is what they are going to do for Blood Elves: They’re going to give our hair to Void Elves and give paladins to Void Elves, and give Silvermoon to Void Elves.