Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Only the story point would be seeing them integrated into Quelthalas under the BE banner because the train of thought is they have no reason to not want to return to their people, which would make them Horde.

But its also fair to dislike those Elves for not returning sooner / making the choices they did

Softsong had better arguments for this topic than I can muster but she very much was not trying to sneak Alliance Elves into a Horde city


The only sneaking I believe in is in terms of full cross faction anyway (getting full explorer in Legion on both sides was a fun self imposed challenge but it would be neat to be able to visit in peacetime yno)

Also by high elves I think it’s not so much the ultra faction loyalist types as the ones who were on the edge. A bunch of vanilla high elves would likely be included in blood elves now and even in BC a bunch of probably already blood elves

Astromancer Darnarian has been a blue eyed blood elf in the scryers for like 15 years and like with Lanesh it’s not like they’ve changed the eyes even though I’m sure there must have been a bunch of bug tickets over the years.


I wouldn’t say a massive win, except to players who want that as their personal story or who argue in the forums against the false narrative of belves eating fel (which that stupid throwaway line in an Alliance book doesn’t help).

This I agree with. It’s clearly happening if you do the digging to find it, so if/when they update Silvermoon, they might as well put in an overt reference to it.


No, but she did want them to keep the high elf title for some reason.


so how big is this blood elf? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This big:


looks like either a kul tiran in a blood elfs body or a stretched out blood elf.

I think it had to do w the fact she argued that it made no difference once at the point of returning to Quelthalas, I’d like to think they take the name too as that is sort of part of integrating into society at that point

In any case she was still very much not arguing in favor of anything but a Horde aligned BE narrative victory which imo having HEs return home is narratively a win for fans that want to see that


Nah, I think it was something about them not feeling worthy to take the title blood elf or something? I dunno, seemed kinda mopey if I’m remembering it correctly.

This, exactly.

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I really just mean to stress the point that this particular idea def comes from a BE / Horde fan seeking the narrative victory for BEs / Horde, not some sneaky idea made from an Alliance leaning fan type situation like elaborated above.

Though I do think its valid for BE fans to also dislike the HEs who didn’t come back to help rebuild etc, I get that sentiment, but I also like to think we’d see the bigger picture in having them integrate back into society if they choose to want to come home, and narrative wise I don’t think Lorthemar would take issue w that, but I do think it would be in a “you’re allowed to enter BE society” type situation and that would mean the name / faction alignment of course


Sunreavers does join up fully during MoP.

While they’ve since returned to Dalaran it would still be nice to see a little enclave from their time there.

Dark Rangers and San’layn I’d only really want on the level of walking around like the Nightborne do.

Though now I think on it seeing some Nightborne doing more than wandering around would be fun.

Felblood I would think wouldn’t have many other places to go… What few of them even remain.

With an updated region I’d like a show of at least some of the current times events.

While there is no need to directly explain such things that lead to our available options, seeing appropriate story beats is still good in an rpg.

I mean both could still be hanging out in Outland where they were based when we met them. They’ve about as much reason to be in Quel’thalas as the Sunreavers would.

I’d like to see all aspects of the blood elves represented within Silvermoon. (dark rangers and San’layn are far more optional since they’re a little apart or more Forsaken.)

I agree with this.


I think they’d be more likely to return home / fulfilled their mission / OL is literally dying as a planet isn’t it?

Where as Sunreavers are apart of Dalaran / a city that doesn’t really have a single mission statement / on a dying planet

I imagine Scryers may not have even thought it possible to return home at the time of them betraying Kael for the what ever those floating light things are in Shat


That’s where I’m leaning too but given Thrall was giving it a go some may still be there or still feel loyal to Shattrath and A’dal.

We’ve not really heard anything so it’s all kinda…unknown.

Entirely fair. I just think that since they were once rejoined with Silvermoon and only recently were allowed back to Dalaran they could easily have kept a place for themselves within the city.

Yeah actually I seem to remember them literally saying that back in TBC.


Indeed, it is. You see it on the BfA cutsceen where Saurfang recruits Thrall.

Dalaran does have a mission statement. It’s: “We vow to float above the continent in which stuff is happening in case we’re needed as a neutral hub for the next expansion.”


I don’t think they’d be denied if they did want to return to their people anyways

I feel like if thats the case a token force is more or less the only thing needed since the planet is literally dying

xD Yeah I just meant they more or less are a nation, where as what even is Shattrath post BC, let alone post legion like I personally see Scryers likely to trickle back into Azeroth with no other allegiances tying them down save to return to Quelthalas, where as Sunreavers are their own thing for Dal so idk if I’d want to see them idk


Yeah, I can certainly see Lor’themar letting them back in. He’d definitely raise an eyebrow if they refused to call themselves blood elves though. And if they told him they wanted to remain loyal to the Alliance, he’d show them the door and tell them to tell Alleria he said hi.


Not at all. As you pointed out above Lor’themar isn’t about to refuse anyone who actually wants to return home. (Though also as you point out I doubt any would keep the title high elf if they had it before.)

I agree as well. I’d love to see their new home bases within Silvermoon. (Though I’d get the Shattered Sun Offensive folk being based on Quel’Danas.

… now I want a npc bit where he actually has to deal with a few like that and sends them packing with that line.


Yeah this is literally a non starter in the idea for HEs returning to Quel’thalas as the idea is in regards to returning to their people and their people are Horde, so they’d be integrating into society not society reforming itself on their account, as well as the arguments that outside of Alleria there aren’t really Alliance crazy loyal HEs more so either circumstantial like the OL ones that didn’t have a choice or various more neutral leaning groups


I’m available if Blizzard wants to hire me as a writer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m not sure what their mission statement is post BC either but if they can just become an added defense group for the Sunwell permanently that would be nice, obviously that falls under the jurisdiction of Blood Elves but like an organization that solely protects the Sunwell but maybe thats what they are already idk

I’m trying to imagine what I’d be describing but sort of like how those Wardens were NEs but their sole goal was hunting demon hunters or what ever, something like that as an extra defense of the Sunwell


“Lor’themar sends his regards.”