Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

And body jewelry


Ooh these would be way hot, I approve highly. :fire: :fire: :fire:


My opinion of body jewelry is basically always going to be: sure, after we get the rest it would be okay.


I want that Loras Tyrell hair cut same w the bottom hair cut.

Also it’s been brought to my attention humans in WOTLK took the foxtail one, I want Anduins hair cut available on BEs the like small tiny pony in the back

Dif game obviously but it’s basically Anduins hair like that style in the front and tiny little pony in the back



I mean I’d settle w what’s already in game for the female BE model and just turning it on at least for guys


Damn, I love those. Those boots are so much better. The blood knight one would be amazing.


I feel like nipple rings would be pretty easy to chuck in.


Yeah I mean to be fair the body jewelry would probably be easy to include since it was made but then not included iirc? Idk but I agree it shouldn’t come at the expense of more impactful options, but the jewelry they did include on the female model should be allowed for guys too.


Yep. Here’s screenshots of it on Wowhead:


Just going through that the stuff that they added in for the female BE model but left out for the male BE model really is just like … why? What’s the reason? So you can do the bare minimum later and solve a problem that you caused Blizzard? We finally listened and decided to give BEs something else, were turning on the jewelry for guys that shoulda never been taken out and then like they’ll what want praise or something for it I suppose? Cause I’ll be honest I do want the jewelry for guys too on principle but I’m not about to give any thank you’s or pat on the backs for them if they did because it’ll be the bare minimum about checks TL like 2(?) years too late maybe more by the time if they hypothetically did it



Pink hair. For all races. D:<


I want so much more than body jewelry. I don’t even care if it’s used. Just give us good customization with actual care and thought put in.


He same reason they bulked up the male Blood Elf model before BC launched—they don’t want male Blood Elves to seem too gay.

I literally remember seeing articles about that happening.


That’s disheartening if that line of thinking remains prevalent even after everything as of late where you’d think they’d want to move as far away from being linked to that mentality as possible to show and emphasize change


They made them more muscular to make them more masculine and yet played into the whole “there are no male blood elves!” Garbage.


They also used an HIV positive gay man as a voice actor and had him read lines about hair ties in a flamboyant way.


I’m honestly fine w the idea a second visually distinct theme like Felblood or DR would not have Paladin because I feel like I want Light options tattoos maybe hair stuff, so it may be a way to offset that.

But at the same time I’m fine if it did include I’m just not going to structure my arguments in that particular fashion if that makes sense

  • this is more just thinking out loud in terms to arguments used against BEs getting certain options that result in a second visually distinct theme while at the same time offsetting w still a net gain if that makes sense, like if the main issue is Paladin then let’s give holy stuff too so if they did get locked out that feels idk like it balances out

The issue with body jewelry as it was presented is that as far as customization goes it’s… not going to be visible unless you’re a DH or wear use a very narrow subset of transmog gear unless you set everything invisible?

It’s basically an option that doesn’t exist in actual play and kinda sells a cliche that the garbage parts of the dev team have been rolling with for a while (either belves are gay or erp fodder; also why I want a toggle for the fem nelf bounce since literally forever)

At the very least I’m literally never going to stop asking for anything less than full ranger and mage options first, then we’ll see. Then again I’m not sold on “unique looks” being that mandatory for blood elves to stand on their own, at least depending on what people mean by unique looks.

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