Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Ok. Minor update on the list I’m putting together.

Still a work in progress. >.<

  • Amber eyes, orange eyes, red eyes, pink eyes. Also teals and between green and gold colors to represent our eyes shifting from green to blue or gold. (bonus if there is one for green to purple) Phoenix eyes as well.

  • farstrider, runic, arcane, henna, pheonix or slightly fire/light based looking tattoos kinda like the Nightborne have going on.

Kinda hoping farstrider tattoos will be Braveheart like.

Henna like tattoos are neat as well as Ariel pointed out.

  • Scars, body and head…

  • Pink and burgundy hair…also a few more shades and colors of hair in general.

  • Ability to remove the tiara (and other jewelry) from hairstyles.

  • jewelry for both genders.

  • makeup separate and for both genders.

  • Removed Jewelry from initial pass.

  • Damaged ears

  • Beards

  • Fully encompassed blind options… Including half blind options that actually hits every color for both sides.

  • Depending how Blizzard chooses to do it I’d like to either see San’layn or Dark Rangers be represented as well… though my preferred is with San’layn as their own AR and Dark Rangers as customization (or a class) for blood elves.

  • Updated Paladin mount for Blood Elves using either a Hawkstrider or Courser with armor themed on the Blood Knights.

Feel free to toss suggestions at me to add.


I love the idea of the PvP murder bird armor in red and black as a mount for Blood Elf Paladins.


Hey Zandrae, nice to see you back!

I really do think that updating their paladin mount to be more appropriate racially for them is a great idea, whether thats the Hawkstrider or a Courser.


Been busy with school and my small business, and I usually come to the forums for guild recruiting and haven’t been doing that for a bit.


Blizzard has announced limited cross faction elements.

With luck this suggests Blizzard will listen more to player feedback and lead to more customizations for Blood Elves.


It’s gonna be like hanging out with your ex for the blood elves hanging out with humans and dwarves again. Or even Void Elves. I hope this also means they can finally stop favoring one customization over the other to make them too similar and work on making them unique.

I read your title to mean FAT (thicc) blood elves, and i’d be okay with this.

I hope we will be pleasantly surprised. They really need to give belves better options than what we got.


I do hope it means more new customizations and races that haven’t gotten their heritage armor yet start to get them. We’ll see what they announce for 10.0. I imagine that will be soon since BlizzconOnline was supposed to happen this month. And Mike Ybarra said there will be announcements for Blizzard games in a couple weeks last week.


I can’t find a Blood Elf hairstyle I like that’s short. I used to just cover my head with an Oribos guard helmet. I would like some more. That’s all.


From most of my Blood Elves points of view, they’re not gonna have much of an issue with Humans or Dwarves.

Void Elves…depends on the Blood Elf. Kyuu here doesn’t mind them long as they’re not mean to him or anything.


Plenty we’ve come up with in this thread here. They should have a good idea.

We’ll just have to see what comes of it.

I’m hopeful. But also feeling kinda guarded.

More hairstyles I think is always a good request. No matter what.

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I RP a thicc Sin’dorei mage man. He likes to cook and make candy. He tastes his food to much. Such a sweet cinnamon roll.


I should add Large model options for Blood Elves to my list… I’m a fan of differing body types for all races…


It is truly a shame that at the very least Blizzard didn’t allow Blood Elves to at least retain their own visual uniqueness, VEs while benefitting from two passes that infringed in BE visual uniqueness can still retain their own original visual uniqueness.

No energy was returned to allow Blood Elves a second set theme visually like was done for their AR at their detriment.

No energy was put in to options to their main theme like Blood Elf Farstrider tattoos, runic tattoos.

Males have one page of options and have no access to jewelry.

The one redeeming aspect of additions was something they added to all human skin toned races which was to allow more diversity in skin tone options and at the very least with their comments on customizations being an ongoing thing (VEs with two passes for example at this point) I would have expected after seeing only 4 new skin tones added would have expected the new diversity options to be expanded on. For context there are 14 skin tones the other 10 are shades of white, there is nuance and undertones in darker skin tones as well and yet only 4 is what they have added.

Options to allow more interchanging eye colors would also be nice to reflect one’s eyes losing the green and going to either gold or blue.

Blood Elves are certainly not the worst in terms of feeling lack luster but I think it’s felt extra because instead of allowing BEs to retain their own visual uniqueness they allowed VEs options that infringe on that while at the same time deciding not to do anything further for BEs, and I hope that BEs and other races that need work are worked on while races that have had multiple passes can sit out.


Where did the body jewelry go? Those looked great on both men and women. Instead we got clunky jewelry my grandma wore, no scars, no tattoos. Belf men need more options. We all need better hairstyles.


Just stopping in to share this hilarious name I got for a Demon Hunter.

Also, tattoos and scars.


Tattoos and scars should have been added for every race during the initial pass imo.


I never wanted either for any of my characters but I totally agree with you.

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Blood Elf exclusive Farstrider tattoos!


Added a few things.

Still a work in progress. >.<

  • Amber eyes, orange eyes, red eyes, pink eyes. Also teals and between green and gold colors to represent our eyes shifting from green to blue or gold. (bonus if there is one for green to purple) Phoenix eyes as well.

  • farstrider, runic, arcane, henna, pheonix or slightly fire/light based looking tattoos kinda like the Nightborne have going on.

  • More Hairstyles

  • Scars, body and head…

  • Pink and burgundy hair…also a few more shades and colors of hair in general.

  • Ability to remove the tiara (and other jewelry) from hairstyles.

  • jewelry for both genders.

  • makeup separate and for both genders.

  • Removed Jewelry from initial pass.

  • Damaged ears

  • Beards

  • Fully encompassed blind options… Including half blind options that actually hits every color for both sides.

  • Several body types for Blood Elves.

  • Depending how Blizzard chooses to do it I’d like to either see San’layn or Dark Rangers be represented as well… though my preferred is with San’layn as their own AR and Dark Rangers as customization (or a class) for blood elves.

  • Felblood Elves represented through customizations we saw on them in TBC.

  • Updated Paladin mount for Blood Elves using either a Hawkstrider or Courser with armor themed on the Blood Knights.

  • More Heritage Armor tints.

Feel free to toss suggestions at me to add.