Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Not sure which thread I said it in a while back but I think Blood Elves should finally get that hairstyle the female paladin on the Blood Elf page of the WoW site (I believe its also seen in-game in Burning Crusade Classic on the Eastern Kingdoms loading screen).

You meant this one?

It shoud be easy enough, it´s basically taking the normal ponytail hairstyle and adding a bun on the back plus the two pieces of hair in the front.

Heck, omit the bun and simply make the hair longer and add the two pieces on the front.

If they decide to import more male styles on the females, i bet some people will enjoy this one (the third from left to right on the image below):

there it is!


this is awesome

hey yeah, belf druid style.

was a fun watch. i like the chin tat idea


i like that alot. :grin:


I mean let´s be real… “macho” males usually balk at that hairstyle (according to my male friends, the side ponytail is err… “too feminine” for them).

I think I prefer too if the ponytail would simply fall in the back while the right side bangs stay in the case of the males (or maybe replicating the bangs in both sides of the head ala Itachi Uchiha):

Lul, now that I see him, brb need to add a small petition to my basis customizations posted in Linxy´s thread (eyebags AND some old looking faces options for the female Belves).

The whole forehead + lower outer corner of the eyes + chin tattoo is VERY close to irl henna stuff according to my research. Ergo, VERY appropiate for Belves when we take into account they DO have a very Indian Islamic inspiration on their architecture.

It would make for an excellent tattoo / warpaint choice that would differentiate the race from the more Velfy Alleria style. The only issue I see with this “artistic trend” is that is terribly similar to this one:

And we don´t know if the company would get in trouble with Penny Arcade and Electronic Arts. They would have to be VERY smart to “walk the line” but avoid crossin it (maybe put more emphasis in runes proper + phoenixes / suns / flowers / feathers than in pretty lines?)

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technically, persian-indian, which predates islamic iran/iraq. i think they had melded egyptian and asian into their cultures at the time, also. it was passed the ziggurat building era but before mosques.

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Lul, now that you mention it… remember the ziggurat buildings on Ghostlands? Were those Scourge stuff or Belf stuff proper, can´t remember…

But yes, you got my point. Alleria´s design follows a traditional Celtic design, the Belves when they got implemented in WoW got portrayed as anything but Celtic.

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twas the era of genii and flying carpets, inspiration. their pantheon had a bunch of gods instead of just one. they were intermarrying with ancient egyptian royals, and of course, egypt had a huge pantheon

blonde/red-headed persians from northern asia, caucus mts.

some potential background. following “mythology” or lore of the middle east , there were at least 2 cataclysmic type events, one in pre-history, and one outlined in texts from akkad, babylon and egypt. as a result, the survivors who were related by marriage/etc, remained in familial groups, spread thru northern africa, southern and northern europe, the far east and the caucuses (basically the steppes of russia).

the group that went to northern europe, were to become the celtics, but they were related to the caucuses people, who intermarried with indians and persians. so you can actually track in our own ancient mythos and histories, the foundations of wow’s lore.

That’s how I wear my hair…

Yes, like a dead anime mom.

I’ve come across several rude people on the forums today. Is it a full moon or something?


I’m not saying it is you.

Every single race, and I do mean, every single playable race, deserves the same equal treatment as each other, regardless of faction. Blizzard just needs to stop playing the faction bias game and start treating everyone equally. Whether we’re fans of Blood Elves or Pandarens or even Gnomes and Tauren.

I’m not as hung up on this given the lack of the base tool kit to even get started but it’s a nice thought


They went back from this, before. They chanfed “Highmountain Tauren” to just “Tauren,” for example. It was too long in that case, though.

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I wonder if the focus on allied races is just because they weren’t implemented as well as main races. Especially the earlier ones.

I think this whole thing could have been avoided if they hadn’t committed to ‘no customization plans’ when SL was a thing, and we’d already be on a blood elf customization kick by now, but they’re playing catching up.

Personally, I loved that hairstyle. My DH used it until -like the gross anime fan I am- I ditched it for the Sasuke hairstyle (too good an oportunity to pass).

Maybe it´s a cultural thing, LATAM males do tend to suffer still from some “macho” tendencies.

Started the day before yesterday. Remember that one poster who come here “to get along” using a “joke” worthy of Annette´s Henry McHenry? (and while I love Adam, honest to God that character from that movie is fulltime rude as far as a comedian impersonation is concerned).

Against my better judgement, I´ll address this.

Cause while it sounds nice and tame, it is anything but backed by your own actions. You come here to say you “hope Blood Elf fans get something that will help push for something more unique” and:

  1. Never propose anything towards this goal
  2. Never upvote the suggestions made by other posters in the thread
  3. Never provide art, fanart or any other source made by third parties as a support from other poster´s suggestions

Literally, your only contributions have been the mass flagging on regulars of the thread and you gloating over that (and sorry, but if the cause was “bad behaviour”, why didn´t you mass flagg the other poster who came here coincidentally just before you and who made a post that was nothing but malicious and that fomented a toxic discussion?). So excuse me Sara, but what am I supposed to deduce from your “good sentiments” when your very actions literally contradict your words?

Frankly, the only thing I can deduce is that your words are empty and the intention behind them just as non genuine (you looove to sell me as the “she uses mental health to make fun” poster child, but when your buddy Dr. Femur used THAT SAME STRAT against me you didn´t do anything, didn´t mass flagg and certainly upvoted him… so spare me your lies about being a social warrior on the forums). And frankly, I don´t think that asking for respect and a non toxic discussion environment is either “trolling”, “believing one has more right than others” nor any other similar wrong premise. We only ask for the RIGHT to conduct a discussion in a peaceful environment and, if people tries to disturb this peaceful discussion, it IS our right too to respectfully ask them to leave. They can either take an adult stance, apologize and participate in a more diplomatic and respectful way or they can indeed leave. But what we DON´T have to do is to have to take their Bs and their rudeness just because, period.


Thats why I just avoid engaging for the betterment of the conversation.

But I agree with everything you said there

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My man, if her comments aren´t a poor attempt to have a “gotcha!!” focused on you and Fallynn, I don´t know what they are.

Sorry not sorry, but if Sara believes I´m gonna take her words (that have never ever been backed by her actions) in account to try to dogpile you to “kick you out” or something, she is deluding herself. Regardless on our disagreements (and we used to be “forum enemies” at the start considering you were a pro), you have always kept your arguments in line, and have portrayed yourself genuinelly both as a pro and as an anti. And that I can nothing but respect and appreciate, cause that tells me you respect me enough to interact with me with nothing but honesty.

I was raised under the belief that honesty is more valious and important that appearances and false diplomacy, cause honesty is -for my family- an inherent component of respect. With no honesty there is no respect, simple as that. And I rather get proper respect than nice words coating lies, period.


I’m just glad the comments are as transparent to others as they are to me.

Especially the comments never lining up with actions, and on some days if I can add the comments don’t always remain consistent because they’ll go back on it the second it seems like it’ll get more attention to do so. Hence why I just don’t even bother to engage just wish them the best.


I always thought we got along well enough, I always argued against the ideas of stealing Quel’thalas etc, I just didn’t see how their community was in terms of things never being enough until the non void skin tones were added, which why I’ve gone on record to praise people like Mag and others who knew from day 1 the importance of visual uniqueness was for Blood Elves

I try to remain as consistent as I can and if I have a stance I try to be as clear as possible, and while people may not like what I say I try to remain as cordial as possible though they’ll be mad about that too, but all we can do is our best and if our cordiality is a problem for others I can’t help that.


Between us both, the behaviour is starting to look more than a little creepy.

What did it happen with them that they are so angry against you, Lann? I mean pixel elves are NOT worth the drama the way I see it.

Indeed. Frankly it all goes back to the genuine posting and the overall respect in the interactions.

I just hate hypocrisy because for me that´s just another form of lack of respect.

Going back to the topic of the thread, what´s your opinion on the examples I linked yesterday? I must confess I´m a little worried that , after finding the EXACT art design I wanted to see implemented for the Belves cause it is quite unique and in lin with their overall cultural aesthetic inspiration, this may be out of hand because it already belongs into another elf race from another franchise (that would honestly suck so much).