Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well, yes you are right regarding that it would help “close the deal”. Hmmm… maybe spin it as a variation from the Heritage armor? You know, with more flames (ala phoenixes) and less filligree?

I want Blood Elf uniqueness back.


I stand by my stance that Velonaras comments combined with the ease of implementing would make this an ideal route for a second visual theme as well as making the requesters happy, but I’m fine with what ever route blizzard takes for it so long as something visually distinct is given to BEs to offset the visual uniqueness lost and the two available themes to VEs.


This has never been me. I do think there are races like Pandas that need more than elves though. Blizz needs to do a few customization passes for certain races.


The issue in context of just Thalassian Elves will always be BEs not receiving a full pass with VEs getting 2. In that context I do hope Blizzard gives attention and VEs sit out while BEs catch up / something is given to offset the visual uniqueness BEs lost.

In terms of other races it’s a whole other story core races across the board are lacking and any of the ones that are lacking getting worked on instead of the only race with two passes under their belt is a plus imo.


Unique options that should be exclusive for BEs like Farstrider tattoos will always get support from me too

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Every race with jewelry needs multiple metal and gem colors.

Blood Elves could use a lot more types and styles as well. Like facial piercings and simple metal bands.

I think I’m going to die of old age before I can make my grizzled combat veteran alt characters have the scars they deserve to have and that is sad.

And why can’t my black elves have black hairstyles with proper textures?


It’s really a shame. The lack of hairstyles in general is disheartening, but more so when it comes to the lack of black styles. Heck we only got the skin tones, and only a few. We didn’t get specific facial options for them like humans did.

Also I want some scars.


I’m going to see if I can’t make some hair mockups. But I’m feeling lazy.

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Can’t say I blame you, I just made a bunch of caramel and candy apples for Halloween and instead of wrapping them, I’m sitting here reading the forums and eating one. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Awe that sounds so calming, I can’t stand sweets but I love holiday vibes




I mean I can do something now but I’m waiting on a doctor’s appointment.

Stuff like eye scars and jewerly shouldn´t had been used as “exclusive customization props” tbqh. Those should be seen in every playable race.

And after 9.1.5 hair colors fiasco, the devs should too pull the ripcord in those and let people using any damned color they feel like using ffs.


This, along with hair styles in general in my personal opinion should be available to every race.


I kinda want to make a separate thread for each Blood Elf option request on the list and be annoying about it. It worked for others.


Glad you like my post. :smiley: Yeah, I’d much prefer it if it was themed after the sun and Sin’dorei than with holy light. We have SO much holy light themed content in game if you think about it. Bastion and the Kyrians feel like they’re holy light themed by possessing a similar aesthetic.

Oh yeah, I love mythology, but I’m not expert by no means. Just passionate, though I thank you for the compliment. <3

It does look like it could be a Sin’dorei themed druid cat form just on virtue of the colors, the sun and autumn theme, and the fel green colored eyes.

Love these~

It’s a freakin’ mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot as to why they didn’t do it in the initial pass and still haven’t done it.


Made some list to help define the “Subrace/Second Theme” ideas. So here’s a list of the minimal requirements for each.

Subrace Additions/Concepts

Dark Rangers

  • Red Eyes (Already Exist, just needs to be flagged for players.)
  • Undead Skins (Already Exist, just needs to be flagged for players.)
  • Dark Eye Makeup (For the tear marks/WC3 Dark Ranger Markings)

Can be helped with

  • Ombre Hair Options (Curtain color combos can add that undead look)
  • Scars/Damaged Ears
  • Darker Jewelry Colors


  • Fangs
  • Undead Skin (Can be shared with Dark Rangers)
  • Bat Like Ears
  • Amber/Dark Eye Option(s)
  • Claws (Can be taken from Demon Hunters)

Can be helped with

  • Dark Eye Makeup (Can be shared with Dark Rangers)
  • Red Eyes (Can be Shared with Dark Rangers)
  • Scars/Damaged Ears
  • Ombre Hair (Curtain color combos can add that undead look)
  • Darker Jewelry Colors


  • Fangs (Can be shared with San’layn)
  • Fel Infused Skins (Exist on NPCs)
  • Claws (Can be taken from Demon Hunters)
  • Horns (Can be taken from/shared with Demon Hunters. Not Highly Likely.)

Can be helped with

  • Colorful Eye Makeup (Can be shared with Dark Rangers)
  • Runic Tattoos/Scarrifications
  • Scars/Damaged Ears
  • Ombre Hair (Curtain color combos can add Fel looking hair)
  • Darker Jewelry Colors
  • Little Black Wings (Unlikely)

Additional Options for each group that aren’t likely.

  • Group Specific Voice Files
  • Altered Racials
  • ‘Heritage’ Armor type sets
  • NPCs calling you “Dark Ranger” or “San’layn/Darkfallen” or “Felblood” or something like that for a racial name.
  • Special Mounts for each group.

Kk, time to be productive on the thread, so these are my images for tonight.

  1. Image posted by Hichem Zarrad in Bêhance. I think the elf right ear is damaged at the tip -God, as Tarrok said once that should be the typical “rookie battle scar” considering the size of the elves´ears in this game-. Some nice subtle and tasteful jewerly details on a male elf too:

  1. Art comission made by RoRippa in Deviantart. I think Fallynn was the one proposing a “phoenix” magical aura? This is the closest thing I found for the concept, so let me know if I got it right:

  1. Continuing the theme of “magical auras”, another fanart comission made by Fanfoxy_A in Artstation depicting something close to the “Light Wings” Lilock mentioned once (that someone suggested at her I think). the only weird thing is that they look maybe a little too close to the in-game Pally version:

  1. Now playing with Heritage Armor modifications, image posted by Zlata Bob in Pinterest. This is not 100% close to the style of tabard I favor (for the people that doesn´t know, I´m desperate for a tabard model that looks just like Lor´themar´s fancy coat), but it IS very good too (also note the tramp rune tattoo on the female elf, I think it´s worthy):

  1. Another tabard model, it´s an art comission made by Yeesoh Lee on Artstation (please Blizz, make the tabards LONGER and for the love of God, make them sport the two side pieces the effect is too awesome visually speaking):

  1. Sun themed tattoo + scar combo. Art comission done by MMEArtt on Deviantart:

  1. LILOCK!!! Look what I found? Ridiculously similar fanart version of the haircut you proposed weeks ago for the males using an irl human model (Uhhh… the name of the artist is errr *how do I put it? It may be difficult to put in here and not get banned, belongs to a tumblr image posted on Pinterest):

  1. NOT a Blood elf art -it´s a comission done by Tiago Alexandre about a D&D character-, BUT I like the way the artist built the tattoos -I think it´s a nice mix that could should you people an idea of a runic + henna combo:

  1. This one is for Averie (a freckles + runic scarification on chest combo. Posted in cocotingo´s tumblr):

  1. Not a Blood elf art, but another amazing rune-esque tattoo combo (apparently inspired in the Lavellan clan from Dragon Age). Belongs to a comission made by Noctuaalba and posted on her tumblr:

Heck, frankly all that pinterest page has so many amazing and useful examples made by the artist Cocotingo and Merwild and many other artists I think I´ll leave it here so you guys check it out and pick your favs:

Lul. Now trhat I think about it that design is exactly what I´d like to see for the Belves in WoW. Now I wonder IF the company could implement something similar taking into account they´re seen in another franchise…