Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Hi yes I am one of those posters, I love many of the velf styles.


punch in the number right next to the upvote, there you will see who upvoted those comments… nonetheless, most of the more aggravating comments from yesterday semm to have disappeared, I don´t think you may be able to corroborate much.

Cause beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What looks hideous for some perople is pretty for others and so on and so fort.


I know people that love Void Elf hairstyles vs Blood Elf ones, Fall is one of them, so is Bale, I like some of them personally I just think they look really weird with normal hair colors and without tentacles if they are supposed to be there because they are clunky.

about the hairstyles we share? like the pony tail that once the tentacle is toggled off looks um… hehe…

Oh I don’t like the tentacle styles myself, I’m talking about the non-tentacle ones, there’s a few that I really like!

Tentacle ones eeeeeh I’m not into tentacles, and the absent-of-tentacle stuff they’re doing could use touch ups.


That’s exactly what I was saying, when I said they look clunky without them because they do but it seems they are going to go live like that so I guess Blizzard doesn’t care.

As a dirty anime fan, I honestly find the long styles for both female Velves and Belves too “Disney Princess” lite for my tastes (ergo why I stuch with this short and simple haircut).

If I get to have long I want stupid long, like knees long (and funny enough I´d not use them cause seems impractical for a physical class combo like a rogue).

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Yeah exactly, they need to do a ton more work with it in my opinion x.x


yeah lol
i am not referring to the favs, like melancholy. and the long styles without tents. just the ones we both have. theres another that is almost the same except it looks like we forgot to groom, at all, ever. lol


It’s almost infuriating that blizzard hasn’t granted the request for Dark Rangers at this point even as just rp.


Hopefully they actually touch it up because honestly it really should be done. Has it been brought up a lot in the other customization thread?


They need the same thing with Nightborne because they are missing pieces when you use the new eye option or hair decoration but I doubt they will be fixed either so I guess it is what it is unfortunately.

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frustrating! i dont understand them at all anymore. signals crossing all over the place

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Well guys, the previous executive team had this notion Belves were the Barbie race with no real males. Dark Rangers kinda go against this ridiculous notion.

Lul, this kinda implies these assets were indeed something they had before and that they deployed as a “break in case of emergency” measure.

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Most of the hair decorations are just sized up from original, it’s really a terrible way of doing Nightborne given how bad they already were but I guess if it supposedly counts as new that’s all Blizzard cares about so both Nightborne and Void Elves are going to be messed up if you use new eyes, hair decorations or no tentacle toggle which is sad.

Luckily we’ll get the customization for blood elves at some point soon because at this point it’s an inevitability. Literally just red eyes and DK skins. 0 effort on their part. They need to step up and do it.


oh. i was thinking you have a phoenix theme, it would help if the body art themed wiith the gear and vice-a-versa and if you have that theme established that it echo across various classes, like belf druid. hehe hehe…hehe?


I really hope the lynx mount is a sign for updated lynx hunter pets and a belf druid form. It’s so darn cute!


My positioning on the whole customizations for everyone thing is I don’t mind Velves getting looks to look like Alleria. I just hope both they and us get things to look distinct from each other too.

There were several Belf and Velf requests not met with the customization options. And I’d sell all our jewelry for tattoos and scars.

Most of the jewelry ended up too big. I wish they’d size the pieces down at least.

And I want red eyes to fit my rage. For as much as others want to look like High Elves, I do not. I want to look like a rage filled Warrior that’s been through at least a couple wars.


I have never been against that. What I have been against is people just acting like they have more than a right over others when we all pay the same amount, every month, for the same subscription, to play the same game.

But I do honestly hope that you Blood Elf fans do get something that will help push for something more unique towards the Blood Elves.