Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Lol, sorry I’m not walking into that one, so this conversation is over.

Think we’re talking about how people keep asking for Dark Ranger/San’layn themes specifically on void elves, exclusively even, hence why it’s better on a blood elf because lorewise undead elves make far more sense on the Horde.

People will attempt void elf mockups with that sort of thing which yeah, I personally do not favor myself.

As for the jewelry, many blood elf fans including me can’t stand it. If it came with other things like tatts & scars, maybe, and more customization for the jewelry itself… but it didn’t sadly.


well i mean if you dont think i should have preferences, thats fine but i mean at this point, i’m not sure the alliance is gonna last long enough for any of us to worry about, one way or the other. all this fuss and criticism over velfs or helfs, will have been wasted.

I’m inclined to agree, plus I have said many times they can have all our jewelry options because really it’s not like we’d be losing anything because most people don’t use them anyway.

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oh lol thought she was referring to jewelry mockups lol velfs dont even have jewelry. well we have earrings

Yep, agreed entirely there. I wish we had more options from other races and they can get ours too. At least it would lead to variety rather than the mess we were given…

Jewelry is something I personally don’t think should ever be exclusive, and in fact I really thing it should have been transmog myself :frowning:


I think most of us would have preferred you got jewelry but not the visual uniqueness of BEs.

So I hardly think the point about jewelry stands as it’s not an impactful visual theme so idk why anyone would present it as more meaningful than it is.


Always an issue, but feel free to bring up anything you do think about even if it has been rehashed and I’m sure we’d (in my velf thread) would be happy to go over it again.

Can do. You have always been very supportive of my thread and it’s concept!

Thank you for that.

I’m not sure what to make of the “hysterical” one.

They used a term that is very bad to a community and seem to not see that word as bad?

Between that and some miscommunication that was happening between us I think it’s better I don’t engage them.

Lilock though did a wonderful job reaching out to them.

They are… I actually have two ideas I want to see if they’d mock up for me.

Ariels pheonix eyes for belf, and making me a new velf eye table…


I also have to agree with this because customizations are so unbalanced it’s crazy how much races like Void Elf, Human, Night Elf and Orc have vs Nightborne, Blood Elf, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, etc. hopefully eventually all of us will get equal good stuff that’s worth having vs just junk like the jewelry.

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i thought naughty was fussing about void elf jewelry mockups lookin bad. and i was thinking… do we even have jewelry mockups? and if they dont look as classy as blood elf stuff, well color me surprised lol

Nope, I am all for Void Elves getting jewelry options including ours, like 100% for it, the more the better.


I wish Blizzard would actually stop being lazy and actually work on more unique options for all races. I mean, I wouldn’t exactly say Hair Colours, Eye Colours and Skin Colours should also be included, but in other stuff such as jewellery, hair styles, tattoos, ect, should just all be kept unique to the races and kept different from one race to the other.

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i’m not saying that lol okay, so we get to see the red/silver jewelry on blood elf dark ranger mock up. and naughty says its so much nicer than velf stuff. i didnt know you meant the dark ranger coloring but the jewelry cause that was what you were responding to - the dark ranger gem thing

my fingers hurt lol

They both showed how easy Dark Ranger stuff could be imo


All the colors for all the races in my opinion there. We should have more options in general, it boggles my mind that we don’t. :confused: Also that the jewelry is even exclusive at all, because it honestly shouldn’t be. And to JUST lady elves too. Unreal. Men need jewelry too.

(And facial piercings. Please.)


If they ever add stuff like this in depth they should add body jewelry too because I want to have navel piercings on all of my characters like the real me has, that’s legit one thing I have always wanted in WoW well besides pink hair color for all races and high heeled shoes/boots. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Well, I didn´t notice until you pointed to it. Frankly, I just see curls doing their curl thing (regarding the hair), I don´t see the “flame” stuff on that haircut (maybe it´s the drawing itself idk…). The robe does seem to have a “flame” theme, but the idea is to put the theme on the toons themselves, not their clothes.

Themes on clothes are more a tmog stuff the way I see it.

Uhhh yes? That´s exactly what I said. When I call out the misbehaving Helfers, I´m not talking about you.

I´m talking about the people that literally came to this thread yesterday to create a toxic environment while they accused us of “acting toxic” (talk about lack of self awareness ffs).

Exactly my thoughts. Nope, the Helfer support came from their upvotes, check those and you will see some regulars that honest to God shouldn´t even be reading this thread (no seriously if they don´t care and we tell them we don´t care over their opinions, there´s no reason they should bother coming in here. It´s a literal waste of their time).

And a Belf neither… what is that person doing in here, again?

Whatever issues that poster had that´s no excuse to come here and attack other posters (remember what I said yesterday about respect? Perfectly applies to this case: whatever issues he/she suffers on his/her private life, those does NOT entitle him/her to come here to use questionable language and throw baseless accusations just for giggles, PERIOD).

I repeat: not referig to you but to the people upvoting their posts.

Depends. I don´t believe in coddling rude people cause they won´t start respecting others if they find individuals that let them get away with the bad behaviour.

Probably means to tell that those colors better match a Dark Ranger mockup.

Frankly, unless there´s a HUGE availability in colors (for both the metal AND the gems), jewerly is a waste of space, cause more times than not tmogs won´t match and believe me, most players will simply choose to disregard the jewerly than to change pieces of the tmog they have been painfully trying to collect.

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i think the devs just keep velfs around to make belfs feel better, cause if you’ll notice, if velfs have a hairstyle thats similar to belfs, its always uglier in some way.

how? not sure how to do that

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I know several posters that will literally tell you the opposite.