Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Lol, not gonna lie even I am at the point every time I see a new High Elf/Void Elf thread I auto mute it now, case and point a new one yesterday about green eyes. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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lol what in the sam hill. yes that is a troll thread.

Yeah it was weird because it was in my recommended when I was jumping thread to thread so I just auto muted it it works much better that way in my opinion.

Fen´s thread is NOT a Helfer thread, even if some of them post there from time to time.

It´s a thread dedicated to explore the void theme on the Velf race, something I supported waaay before any of those “fans” did back in June / July. Ask Fen, he{ll corroborate.

Uhhh… pardon me, but what is the phoenix angle on that image? I mean, I just see flowers?

The rude poster that came into the thread to gloat about mass flagging and the other hysterical one that managed to even scare off Fen (and that man is patience incarnated) yesterday ofc. And their cliqué who I could see upvoting their post (a.k.a. some of the regulars on the Helfer threads that usually behaved VERY toxic).

I´ve been doing this since the 9.1.5 announcements. And I suspect we aren´t alone regarding that choice in these forums taking into account those people resort to coming in here to bait us probably to fight boredom.


her hair style looks like wisps of fire are dropping off it. the robe looks like a stream of fire running up it. the warm colors. the flowers are the druid angle. its supposed to be an elf druid.

i’m a void elf and i will post in the void elf thread about things i want for my void elf. comprende’?

sadly, at this point i only know 2 people’s names you might be referring to, so this is why i say i am not sure. you saying they are helfers? didnt know that war was still ongoing. whats to fight about ? lol

i mean a velf who wants to look like a vampire is not helfing.
a blood elf asking for blood elf stuff is not helfing.
out of those two, i’m the only helfer.

No I haven’t. But would be pretty cool to have those hair styles on the Void Elves also available for the Blood Elves.

its the one on the far right,from kul’tiran female but the devs used male belf hair for it

looks pretty good. could be used on female belf for sure.


Oh, I agree.

Hey! This mockup is by Lancelot :slight_smile:

It has been posted before, but it’s good to post again as a reminder for tattoos and scars!

Also, here is some Dark Ranger customization mockups by Somand! I posted it in the Dark Ranger thread but wanted to here as well, given Dark Ranger customization would be excellent for blood elves.

More via Lancelot:


did you see this?
the sulfur stave from loatheb in naxx. the wings flap lol


A second visually distinct theme would be so appreciated.

And I love those examples


That’s pretty awesome, I enjoy the animation ^^


Somand’s gem color toggle mockup!


Fabulous, stuff like this always looks so much better on actual Blood Elf characters rather than the poor examples I always see from the Void Elf side. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Somand and Lance are the best :sob: :raised_hands:t5:


for some reason, i didnt realize his head turns too. and i have that stave. paired it with the lock set from aq 40. dunno if you remember it, but that is the oddest color pink and that stave is the only thing that matches it. its like the artists had that color for aq40 and vanilla naxx armor and then never used it again lol

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Ah I will admit I am not a big fan of pink :stuck_out_tongue: If the staff matches that then it might be why I never looked into it!

tribal. :innocent:

I’m sticking with what I said, sorry you don’t like it but Blood Elves will always be better at being Blood Elves than Void Elves because we are well Blood Elves.

i just think its silly. i’m not trying to be a blood elf. i have blood elf chars for that. i’m trying to be a void elf who looks like a high elf. and we dont have jewelry to compare it to cause blizz devs would prefer the game only had one faction and it aint the one i’m in lol