Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

The hair colors the Nelfs have and honestly I love the leaves in the hair. Not really into scars but they look cool on others. Tats but I doubt that will happen. More hair styles , they did good with heritage I think. I think a bit more is needed. perhaps some facial expressions better jewelry for the longer ears idk same as most I guess. Skin tones, I would totally emo out my toon with some of that hair . LOL. But I am so drawn to the nature vibe too but not for my lock but I do have mogs I make with that. I love to be able to make a lot of my own mog with tailoring

elf druid


I could get into a butterfly thing. I just never wear my back from SL AW because then you can not see wpn but I am burnt out on purple and red tbh I like teal I try and match stuff with that. Not a lot of options unless you want to no show stuff I no show hands my helm just is in the air behind me with a little bat that moves it matches the staff but I love the whole glowy vibe of mog the helm glowing , shoulders crazy weapon crazy. On me I like another vibe. I really enjoy looking at mog on everyone. people are creative for sure.

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I have the horns all the Arden mog but its just idk I made a set but never use it. I love the flipping green leafy stuff for sure … I think because I main a lock why always have skulls and bats lol. maybe I want priest vibes :slight_smile:

when i think elf, i think this kinda elf.

tall, thin, gentle features. maybe not so misproportioned though. this guys too tall for his head size

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oh here ya go. new belf hairstyle request


Probably a teenager. He’ll grow into it…? Lol

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this one goes with the phoenix idea and bonus, is druid

pardon me, i’m in belf druid mode. :innocent:

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yeah I do my research. put it on the net it stays on the net. the whole 5 of you who even talk here no wonder this happened. He flagged it denied it then got upset he was flagged the irony of that. I am sorry but I think based on what I have read this is not a very tolerant bunch . And I think this person has said way worse things to people and what I said was not even bad so to each and agree to disagree And that is OK do yo thang . Peace and love :slight_smile:

moi? :innocent:
i toiled away, sweat dripping from my brow, to present you with nature themed elves and got a new hairstyle to add to it, with leafy nature shoulders, you vanished and came back unhappy. hehe. what does it mean?

my friend I am not against the voilds I am the one they here do not like and that is fine. ALSO if you kindly look up the word you ( not Lilock) you know who you are I used earlier its not in any way bad. actually go flag the pages of posts on the forums with it. You can search the word. Also google works. literally means what I said to act up go off or complain. Also the player names , guilds ect…

LOL because I did some research. And I regret being sorry for literally doing nothing wrong but I think the theme is ’ we like to argue with others , here and other places anywhere we can">. Why ? I just honestly made a mistake coming here to such a toxic place. Also since we are on the hypotheticals earlier what if I had some disorder and you all just kept on about my book post. You want to be heard and respected yet do not have the same decorum. You good in my book Lilock.


Anyways, since this is a customization idea thread for the Blood Elves, thought to post some of the ideas I would like to see:

  • Tattoos and Runic Tattoos
  • More Jewellery options for for the Blood Elves (And not gender locked)
  • Female Blood Elves to have some long hair styles (Sucks that the male Blood Elves have longer hair styles than the females
  • More hair styles
  • More hair colours
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Lilock, it is me or the usual suspects went on a mass flag parade.

We’ll, I suppose the saltiness reached critical levels. I repeat: not our fault their threads are deader than dead, and this behavior is a proof I at least am way better without interacting with those kind of individuals.

The ignore pile has been more than justified.


Well said Ariel

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yeah theres a velf hairstyles compilation where the longest male belf hair is on a female velf. have you seen it? i’ve always wondered why long hair on female chars was rare. i think nelf females were the only females to have hair past mid back during vanilla, tbc, wotlk, cata, mop and wod, other than dwarf female braids, and thats not the same thing.

i’d hang out on velf thread if i had anything new to add that i havent already said a kajillion times lol. new hairstyles, puhleaase. and braids. oh and that starry hair is cool. and maybe some ethereal stuff.

whatcha think about this as a phoenix type theme for blood elves?

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i dunno who the usual suspects are and i cant tell when someone is mass flagged unless their post is hidden.