Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

so that subject is cleared up! i have comment. i’m a velf player and wondered if i read you correctly. did you say velfs dont need anything else? hehe

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Yes No green eyes we need Naga race or new races and a new caster class. :slight_smile:

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Zan heaves a long drawn out sigh.





Be real you guys got so much BE got nada . But know ur still jelly because you will never be the OG belfs hahaha /j

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so true! i just need more hairstyles. preferably some braids and that cool starry hair fx. :innocent:

Are you like not supposed to post here? Do you know this lore on this Be Ve hatred? Because I have been accused of being one of you running ops and idk what they even mean they think I am on alts , I came here to be just horrid but I actually agreed with them but nope… I was super aqward I know that is spelled wrong and it caused a problem. It was my first post on wow forums because of this exact reason . And honestly I think they are cool ppl

they tolerate me…mostly. hehe

sorry what? I would be jumping for joy if we could get thrown some hair styles and colors and new earrings that are not odd and do not match. I like my hair showing and all that so I have to find helms to do this its not easy. Also I would love more skin tones

belfs need stuff too. yep! red eyes, undead skin color. i’m willing to share velf melancholy hair with belfs. devs just gotta agree.

Oh that’s good for you. I am just not understanding I guess why so much negative hate comes here and then some go to other boards and post things. How did it go that far?? I do not like Ally looking like me but there is a person behind that player.

i tried my best to stop that from being the case by –

  1. asking for half elves instead.
  2. asking for different idling animations and casting animations.
  3. asking for different hairstyles and colors (which they did)

Red eyes eh? is that a VE thing More BE I thought. idk I know the lore read a few books but not too deep to know every eye color like I said casual and I assume a lot are here posting about me literally all night I had to say a few things I was notified I had head space so I dropped some books with bad grammar and all . I do not have time to proof read I do not mind cosmetics straying from lore I mean we can mog. I may wanna look like a mage one day if I am feeling it. Or if the only color that matches my set is hehehe

yes i was referring to that for blood elves.
void elves would look better with the nzoth eyes instead and that fits the velf theme better too - for red eye look

nzoth eyes


My first ever was night elf BE was not a thing yet. Once it was I jumped ship. I think the Night Elves get a lot and would love to make one but nah. not rn. maybe this happening will change my mind on factions but I have been on the same realm we all had accounts 4 going and we played a s a fam. Fun times. I am just over SL and want to go back to Azeroth. You rolling male or female. Love the Belf guys :slight_smile: and the VE they look alike so I can not help to

oh wow interesting like cat eyes almost but vertical. I mean High Elves where a thing but idk if I would have allied that. Poop Voids they need some TLC but I have seen some nice ones they are adapting to what little they have.

male void elves are

What class are you?

this char is lock. but i usually main a mage. one sec will get her