Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well hopefully the mods put a stop to the false flags. It’s gotten out of hand. It’s just a meme. Nothing to be that upset about. People have said far worse about Belves, Belf players and Horde.


Yeah I’m sure it’s a problem for a lot of threads but considering the earlier exchange with who said flagged you I’m guessing for the elf threads it’s a specific group of same people.

And agreed I trust it’ll be handled.

The only thing I’ve seen problematic here that was flagged already when I saw it was a word I rather dislike as my youngest brother is autistic, I didn’t say anything as it seemed to be already commented on by someone else but insults like that I think is uncalled for.

We all benefit from constructive conversations imo as opposed to not


Yep. And have gotten away with some really bad stuff that went unremoved even after flagged. It’s bloody ridiculous how much they false flag and get away with it.


That’s a shame. Hopefully Blizzard’s next step in dealing with harassment is to address the issues on the forum.


Love this entire post by the way, and you’re right. Yeah Freyja’s chariot is drawn by actual cats. Not large cats, but rather enlarged housecats. I love it so much, lol. As long as they don’t go ‘holy’ light I will be a bit more open minded. But like I said, I hate the zealotry nonsense with ‘holy’ stuff.

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holey rusted metal batman! mythology expert! :sparkling_heart:

I love the kitty. But it isn’t like it’s going to go any time soon. So I can buy it later.

what worries me is that the cat mount may have originally been a belf druid cat form and then they ran out of time and just made it a mount. :face_with_monocle:

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Wait… Ran out of time then put a saddle on it and gave it a unique animation?

Also look at that face! It’s far too cute to be a battle form.

(mostly not serious)

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it just ticks so many belf boxes. even has a belf riding it in the advert video lol

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I need to get this thing…

hehe. i know its calling to me also. must.resist.

I might get it for myself for Christmas.

I am sorry that calling myself that upset you I see if you do not know context it would. But ur friends here are a bit hypocritical when false flags drop.

I am like brand new and also have Autistic cousins and I can assure you if it was me you are talking about that word used in context is used by well respected gamers and not in the context clearly if you read it was meant to harm. I think everyone knows that. I literally made fun of myself while getting comments on my very first forum post dragging me so I just went with it I agreed. I took the book down.

I honestly think this is a huge misunderstanding. Also I do not use other groups or flag anything. I have seen way worse here and everyone has the right to express. But if it offends someone that is not cool. so I am very sorry for that and want you to know that it was never meant to be malicious. I called myself that , a boomer and many other things that where insinuated so like the ladies pointed out earlier how they like to be aggressive and mean I was just making jokes on myself that did not hit. it happens. life goes on. I took accountability for that but others refuse that’s ok. Tell it like it is right? but only if you are the one telling it like it is. Seems like I told it and got flagged ignored and rented head space for 24 hour ops on my “alt” that until people started looking at my toon I private it. I do not hide. nobody here should have to.

I think I was nervous and just went in with my wow feelings and I did not know that my long winded …wait did I not read someone who called me out on that say they tend to be long winded? anyhow… I am unbothered by the flagging as I talked to Blizz and made sure they are going to look at every comment. Self deprecating jokes are not TOS . Again sorry literally all of that interaction was in my op a misunderstanding and I tried several times to convey that and have a meaningful chat that made everyone feel better but kept getting told I was ignored or wrong or not my vibe , or I do not like you. Even after saying I may have took it the wrong way, the girls that chose and one other person that called me sir or madam and said he can tell I am a 'certain kind of person">. cool if I would have said “well I think you are a creep” that would have made no sense and been flagged as I do not know him/her. Maybe typing can seem a little weird when you can not hear tones or expressions.

A lot of things happen that way on the interwebs and I made a good faith effort. I again am sorry I feel you on the Autism issue and it is not a slur or an offensive term to some , it can be if you have no context. Its a meme people use when people rage on youtube and twitter. If people use it out of that context its not ok. I did not do that so I hope that clears the air not that it matters I guess but I felt bad when I read this. I always want people to call things out , and I did and got called a victim blamer, hysterical ( after I mentioned socials are not good for my mental health} assumed old because kids right like who has those? It was just an odd take on a long post with no proper format sooo sorry. I know she at least playing since 2012 so close to my age maybe 4-5 years. Ageism is a thing and I am not bothered but to sound like she could not ell if I was “one of those old ladies with kids’ or a young mom” how to gently be crass was not called for. I am just new , just learning that’s all. And it was upsetting that a few ladies and gents decided that because I was a bit odd sounding nerves and all and typing without even looking was cause for the whole issue is just idk . Wow communities used to be fun. Not sure if making one around the dislike of an entire player base is going to get a lot of warm people. perhaps the handful who …what did she say she did went into another board and made comments? not nice ones? But I am a supervillain.

I seen a room today new one with noting negative on VE I commented on how they do have enough for now and later commented on how nice it was to see nobody bringing anyone or a community down posting gifs and memes. Not gonna lie tho the BE photos of what they want hurt a bit. I do not agree with the VE on Ally but I am not going out of my way to attack people who want to play it. Maybe in private… lol Hope I cleared up my green light on the dock . Sorry I tend to be long winded and you made some comments other than the one in question and I wanted to clear up anything possibly blamed on me as I was not even on I got on here because I just knew that after I had said I was not going to comment muted this thread and logged off it probably kept going. As it will again probably. Have a good one :slight_smile:

I honestly don’t know what you said, but if someone says that you said something ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, or islamaphobic, the best thing to do is what you did in your post and apologize and not do it in polite company.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a meme, or used by “well respected” gamers. But really there’s no need for a defense or excuses, just stop doing the thing. Easypeasy.


This is exactly the wrong way to respond.

and P.S you do not know my race so you just assumed I was spouting off some real off the wall trash. Why could you have asked me what it was and why I worded the other things that way. You know someordinarygamers?Belluar, ect are they full of hate speech? But they have said that. Did you also know that some online groups take words or colors or literally anything to make it into that. This is why we cant have nice things. They do it on purpose. My goodness. I am saying that I am sorry and I get it period end of story stop projecting everyone as these stereotype’s are you not boxing people you do not know up because of an apology to a seemingly nice person? um k

I didn’t assume a single thing.

I rattled off a list of things that people commonly find offensive.

and that word was not one of them but I GET WHY HE WAS UPSET. Because some jerks out there exist. And when I said I did not want to sp out thats the whooole story . My Autistic cousin is my heart and if someone felt that I said something idk if I did I am just assuming he never said who or what if they called HIM that if he was having a moment I would understand but also know that the context is different. And that trolls do it just to make people mad. A word not like the ones you mentioned is taken by some perhaps and used in a foul way. Or maybe not idk a lot of people say raging or rage quit its the same thing. ranting. That is the meaning . And I was not using it in a context of hate period if I was it was to myself I was stating I did not wan to rage or sperg out to much about the game. aslo idk the proper pronouns to address you so that aslo made me feel uncomfy because I did not want to get anything wrong but I DO NOT KNOW ANY OF YOU and you do not know me and you do not care to fine thats cool. Some here do and I appreciate that.