Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well now that I’ve looked at them I like them specifically the one Hyper reposted with the hood.

I still like Reno’s character example I think it’s posted in the DR thread somewhere.


Hehehe… you liked the weeping monk too I take it?

It´s the best one… even better when one remembers he sports a man bun under that hood.

If my memory is right Shalashaska´s Belf video had one male haircut that sported a man bun… it was cool.


While I did leave my in game suggestions for Blood Elves, which included unique additions to their main theme like Farstrider tattoos as well as RP tools in some capacity for a second visual theme, not sure if they look at those though.

I’m going to try to catch up on the Shadowlands campaign on Lann here even if I really just don’t care for it, while I don’t dislike the covenants or the Shadowlands realm (I’m actually fine with both) Sylvanas is my favorite character so the storyline that they have written for her has not been it for me its giving very subpar while also bothering me that another Horde character had to be written this way / ousted from leadership.

Combined with customizations being a selling point of SL only for my favorite race to lose visual uniqueness to give Void Elves a second visual theme when the focus was said to be core races, now that the focus is allied races and Blizzard can’t seem to return the energy while also giving void elves the last of blood elf visual uniqueness…

I feel like I’m glad I came back to check things out but I’m taking another break when my sub is up lol.


Sylvanas does seem to now have a brighter storyline future. (hope)

As for those void elves, (glare) perhaps their corruption can be cleansed once Anduin turns them all into the next scourge for his army.

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Blizzard can’t recover Sylvanas as a character for me I fear I liked her as Warchief.

They can do something to make up for Blood Elves loss of visual uniqueness though like their own second visual theme, and not share future additions to BEs main theme in the future (like Farstrider tattoos)


I really think the only place for her is Revendreth, just in a ‘I’m not sure anyone on Azeroth is gonna let her walk even by royal decree she’s pardoned’.

I mean that’d be some real Civil War stuff for Alliance, and a good chunk of the Horde. I think Uther makes a good point in the Kyrian questline. You can give your empathy and compassion to someone who has done something unforgivable, but that crime is still inherently something that passed a threshold of ‘we can move on from this’. It’s what I like about Revendreth. You have eternity to balance the scales eventually. A lot of people call it ‘torture’ but really it’s more like weird therapy at this point post Sire Denatharius.

I want her in the maw with nathanos, as prisoners, not the new jailer.

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Not even that, literal obliteration ala error 404 is the actual decent path to follow with Sylvanas, the devs caused too much damage to both her and Nate as far as characterization is concerned.


That would at least keep her from coming back, but oblivion is too nice a fate.

Let’s be honest here: merchandising is what will keep her alive and viable, no more and no less.


Ugh, very true.

Like Garrosh before her, ruined by writing, and must be nuked into oblivion to prevent further misuse by obliterating their very soul. Although I would kind of laugh if Sylvanas doubled down like Garrosh did at the very end.

At least, at the very end, she would be consistent.

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A couple of scar mock ups. The dead scar, and the unnamed scar.


That’s really neat! Love it!


Thanks! I plan to do more, plus tattoo, hair, freckles, and some other things.


I cannot wait to see it! It’ll be nice to have some more In-game viewable pictures for suggestions that have been bouncing around here.

Always nice when you can see not just a reference picture for something but one in the WoW engine.


I still don’t see what she did that was concidered really bad. She did the same as Thrall in a Mak’gora, we don’t drag Thrall over coal for killing Garrosh.

She never put on the Helm of Domination, she just broke it so noone else could. She didn’t commit cold blooded murder like Tyrande had done.

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The whole burning everyone alive in Teldrassil wasn’t cold blooded murder, and attempted genocide at that?


Well she just yelled Burn it! The fire killed all of those Teldrassill tree huggers.