Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Lol, I feel like I’m the only one of us that has never started my own thread but I have trouble at times keeping up with all the ones like this one that I talk in anyway so not sure I’d actually want to. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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No, you just have to actually THINK carefully about how those ideas actually impact the game (from every perspective including the lore, yes) before posting them.

You literally NOT thinking -like, at all- about the actual consequences the change of a zone from normal to “Warfront / Bg” is what landed you on the wrong side of the bed with me, Take it as a lesson, as how you not only have to consider how YOU personally see the change but how other players see the change.

And then analyze if the change is actually woth the effort. Is it worthy to annoy happy players that aren´t bothering the company regarding their zones to what… update the graphics? Does the graphic update guarantee the player participation (I mean, take into account Warfronts were deemed a “failure” as far as gameplay features are concerned… I know I only did them once to get the “hero” piece and after the zones were as nonexistant for me as they used to be before the upate (worse in some cases… i avoided leveling on them to prevent phasing issues with my low level alts and ganking).

I’ve made a few but no one ever seems interested in them :frowning_face:

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No, I just feel like I can’t really articulate any point that people haven’t already. It just kind of sucks to be torn down when you can’t like, express your opinion properly.

So I’m throwing in the towel. Blood Elves have my support but I’m clearly not the guy to ask for improvements.

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Awww, I’ll go over to yours really quick to just give you a like, a bump and a follow. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

The “I´m a victim” when we reject ONE suggestion… why am I NOT surprised.

You want to get actually overwhelmed? Ok: if your “good faith” support ran as “deep and commited” as our “inconditional support from any crazy idea that crossed your mind”, then yes: feel free to keep your ideas to yourself. I don´t need the extortion.

I’m not trying to extort you, I’m trying not to detract from what you’re trying to accomplish.

Sure my man, that´s why you literally closed off and mentioned you had to “keep your ideas to yourself” after I rejected you proposal and I exposed my arguments about why I was rejecting it.

“Support me inconditionally or else i won´t propose anything else” seems like pretty much extortion to me, but you do you.

As I mentioned in the FIRST answer: the zones SHOULD be updated to portray growth and to improve the moral of the players attached to them. If you agree, then simply say so and follow this path, period.

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I don’t feel that mean about it. I don’t agree with it. But I don’t think someone should be shamed for it.

I do agree with updating. Just not the war part. If we could get a rebuild expac, I’d be happy. At least repair the lands before striking war once again.

I really just don’t want to say to appease you at this point other than ‘Keep doing what you’re doing, and I’m sorry if I offended you with my opinion because of thoughtlessness’. You were right and I was wrong.

Not much more to say other than I’d rather help than hinder at this point.

I´m not asking you to neither “apologize” to me (you don´t have to apologize for nothing dude)… I´m just asking you to read and understand my point. Just take it into account, not because I am making it,. but because there are other players with a similar vision out there (I literally have irl friends that left the game out of disgust after what the story did to their favorite races… yes, they may not be common, but those kind of players EXIST), and they will probably raise the same complains and arguments I raised. Heck, if you disagree, simply say so and we will move on from the topic, period.

Nah, I just think I’m not cut out for discourse. So I’ll just keep it to myself. It’s not out of victimhood but ‘I’m out of my depth here and can’t add anything’. Even if I disagree, I can’t really articulate a better reasoning.

So when I say i’m throwing in the towel, it’s because I legitimately think I add nothing to to the discourse and shy away from any debate.

Perfect, then I´ll personally consider the topic closed. You want updated Belf zones and don´t care how they get updated, I don´t want updates if this involve the words “faction war” or merely “Big Bad Evil striking for reasons”.

We disagree on the means, no issues there.

That about sums it up.

Happy we managed to clear the issue at hand.

Going back to the customization topic: apart from the stuff we have already mentioned, you guys have any other idea you want to see implemented? I think we have a pretty decent base of requirements.

Apart from the phoenix and Salamander magical animal mottifs for the runes and tattoos, i´m not sure if you guys have any idea of any other “magical animal” motiff we can use?

oh heck. i dont mind people suggesting stuff. i just entered thread mid discussion and thought they had announced a warfront in ghostlands/eversong. scared me. lol. finally learned the zones, can even find my way around silvermoon easily. those plastic flowers, they need help lol



Dragonhawks, hawkstriders, lynxes, and mana wyrms, since they’re all found in Eversong and are some of the first creatures a new Blood Elf character meets. Imagine a Sin’dorei falconer or rider having a tattoo honoring their first dragonhawk, for example.


Blood Elves have the straightest ears!

after looking at this (its a blood elf wearing magister’s robes), it dons on me that pupils + darker iris rim, would be a way to make belfs unique and they really make the whole face look good.