Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Blood Elves Should Lead The Horde!


I’ve always liked High Elves, but I was a Blood Elf for a very long time in the game so I’ll always have an affection for them.

Frankly it’s just sad to see such a divide at this point, and all because Blood Elves could use more unique features to further the gap that’s been really erased by some of the Void elf changes.


I know my friend, I know…

I take it you made a visit on the Customizations thread that gets the messages of Linxy, yes?

You see, if we had a different story team I´d even entertain this.

But the current writers only know two ways to write the characters: as plot devices (Baine, Thrall) for their Human pets (Jaina and Anduin) or their self inserts (that disgusting pre-patch portrayal of Lor´themar fangirling Calia comes particularly in mind), or as cartoonish villains (Garrosh, Sylvanas). So taking this into account, I rather the Belves don´t get too much relevance on the story.

Not unless the writting team is absolutely replaced.

You see the divide cause the people still complaining are literally the same individuals that see “no issue” with the Belves losing their stuff to favor their Helf pet race. Not even a year aftyer the community witnessed how HORRIBLE it is for fans of a race to lose important stuff like capitols (Nelves) or racial leaders (Forsaken).

When I told them i rather they don´t mess up with Silvermoon, they literally told me I should be grateful the “city would get updated for story relevance”. Escuse me, go ask the Nelf players how “happy” did it made them to lose Darnassus and Darkshore for “story relevance” and how “good” that story ended up in SL.

the only message I get is that those people are nothing less than selfish jerks and sorry not sorry, not interested in entertaining that kind of people on my free time, tyvm.

I still think SMC should be fixed just to be fixed at this point. It’d be nice to at least get the giant hole patched up.

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This is fundamentally different to “Silvermoon should become a Warfront / Bg cause I want MUH story about MUH fav race conquering the pesky Belf stuff cause it was MUH stuff in WC2!!!”.

I mean if it was a warfront they could do the phasing thing and make it look cool at least. I’m not saying that it should be a win or lose thing in lore but it’d be nice if it got some attention. Especially Ghostlands. Maybe rebuild it like they did Arathi.

Cool like Darnassus looks right now? Cool like Darkshore looks right now? Or maybe cool like Tirisfal…

Sorry, but we have quite extremely different deffinitions on the word “Cool”. And the very fact you guys even entertain the notion it doesn´t have to be a guaranteed “win” for the Belves tells me everything I need to know regarding your agenda.

No. Stop trying to live vicariously through the Belves, for once in your lives exercise some modicum of COHERENCE and work in getting the Helves and Velves developed thanks to their interactions with the faction trhey belong to, period.

I did, that and this thread are the two I visit the most. I saw someone post something about how blood elf fans screech and it took every ounce of my soul not to make a mean spirited post and prove him right.

I think you misunderstand my intent. I just wanted Ghostlands to be fixed up like Arathi was.

I mean a BG doesn’t always equate to lore, I just wanted them to go out of their way to make Ghostlands look like people live in it again.

I bet it was the Mag´har Orc, he/she is so absurdly salty people don´t buy his trollish arguments.

That or our friend the Worgen.

No, i got your memo perfectly right. What I find supremely insulting is this notion that we as players can only get “zones updated” to reflect LOSES.

Why should Belf players receive “an update” to Ghostlands NOT cattered to portray constructive stuff like how the Belves have secured the zone but to portray how the Alliance is powning them in their backyards? Why catter to the people screeching for NEGATIVE consequences for the Belves in the story instead of cattering to the people wanting to see optimistic stuff?

I repeat: you think Arathi made Horde players happy? Or Darkshore made Nelf players happy?

I apologize beforehand, but that´s Danuser levels of blindness.

No but I think everyone was happy that old zones could be reupdated. It doesn’t have to be for lore reasons.

Really I just wanted Quel’thalas and Ghostlands to look nice and I would take really any excuse to make it happen. This isn’t about lore. This is just about two zones I really love that I want updated. I don’t care about the context to which it happens. I don’t want them to just beat the Horde down or make them look weak.

I just wish the zones looked nice. That’s really it.

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EVERYTHING that reflects a change on a zone status IS by default a lore issue. A direct consequence from it like it happened before to Aszhara, Darkshore, Arathi, The Barrens, etc.

“Bubble updates” completely separated from the lore don´t exist on this game, period.

You think war “makes places look nicer”?

/massive facepalm

I actually liked the revamps of both of those zones. I was hoping they continued that trend throughout other underused zones, but not in the “imminent threat” degree. There doesn’t need to be a war OR an Old God invading to make it relevant.

Subject matter larger than I could possibly handle or even maybe too large for this very thread, but one thing Sylvanas can’t continue leading the Horde right?

Like Grommash Hold redecorated with red and gold curtains?

I think Arathi had a massive improvement in terms of aesthetic. It looks like an actual zone people live in and everything was rebuilt.

I think you’re really taking the lore bit too close to heart when I’m talking as a player outside of the game and not within the story context to which they change. I’m just saying I would like to see the zones done up to look a lot nicer. I’m not trying to imply anything about war, or context within the game it self. I didn’t even think about that.

I just thought as a player, it would be really nice to go back to those zones with phasing and have it done it up all nice like the Blood Elves rebuilt and a lot of the damage has been undone through years of hard work.

oh i thought they had red eyes. mustve got that from our resident vamp queen’s video on san’layn customizations.

yeah, like i am not asking for red or even nzoth orange, eyes, but pinkish-purple would be be nice for velfs who want the dark skinned drow look. its typically red eyes on drow but there are many pink examples as well. therefore, i suggested pink for velfs, so it acts as an easy identifier – et. al velfs dont have green, red, gold eyecolors and belfs dont have pink or purple.

i didnt notice that, to be honest. i was more centered on the random alliance helf npcs i kept encountering when questing thru the game. by the time i got to the quest chain for isle of thunder and had to accompany veressa, then land on a boat full of them, then fight alongside them and rep with them, i was getting miffed lol

Ty for getting my point.

Between getting slightly less polygon on the trees thanks to an assault made by the other faction / Old God / FOTM villain and stay with the zone secured but dated graphics, I pick to keep the zone, tyvm.

Especially considering the usual writting “gifted” to the Horde and it´s races a.k.a. blatant villain batting. I´m sure the Alliance would invade and the devs would concoct ANY reason to whitewash their efforts while the Horde gets reatroactively blamed for the conflict -as usual-.

She stopped being Horde as per BfA´s last patch´s end. However the point still stands: Horde leaders are either the neutered fanboys/ fangirls of FOTM Alliance / formerly Alliance / Alliance flavored character OR they are cartoonish villains so absurdly stupid they make Powepuff Girl´s Mojo look intelligent and capable.

Aesthetics bring you to a zone one or two times, after as a player you ignore the features exist.

I won´t believe you if you tell me you go regularly to Arathi merely to watch the updated trees, that´s BS.

Nope, check the actual NPCs in-game. They have all the DK and pre-WoD undead eyes a.k.a. ice blue and pure black (the Princes have golden eyes though).

I´d go for some desaturated magenta shade, a brighter pink would look incredible with the pruples related to the tentacles.

Helf and Belf NPCs didn´t had any particularly different stuff apart from the eye color.

None of them had tattoos. Felblood elves AT LEAST had facial tattoos.

Alright, I guess I’ll table that ‘update the zones’, but I do revisit Arathi a lot as an RPer.

I just want nice things for the Blood Elves in general. It’s not like I’m trying to say things on purpose to make people mad or think I’m anti-Blood Elf. Maybe I could articulate myself better. That’s on me. I just wanted to offer up an idea and I guess it didn’t fly.


ode to eversong…

I think Ariel is a bit wary of blue tagged posters. They’re just very passionate. I know where you heart is on the matter.