Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

He is not a VOID ELF!

hehe! /checks sentence
well i’ll be

Ooooo very nice! Blizz please give!

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Mmm yes, that’s the stuff right there!

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Well, Belves are the only race with both easy access to the Paladin class AND the option to tmog decently togas and/or pants (the Tauren lookk… weird with plate toga tmogs and the Z Trolls need a bunch of old stuff to be done to become available for new players). also, they are the only race with the DH class combo on the Horde side.

Belves will always be popular if only thanks to the influence of these two class combos (last time Realmpops delivered data more than 40% of the Belf playerbase population was centered in these two class combos).

/And yes, that image was tagged as a Blood elf warrior -apparently his name is Velian Falleaf-.

Exactly, a perfect example on what Soulebreaker and myself desire -a red eyed ALIVE Belf -.

Velf players -apart from one or two well known trolls that just ask to bait us Belf fans and “antis”- aren´s asking for red eyes, they ask for the N´zoth style of eyes (those are more on the orange side of things).

The markings are literally perfect to illustrate the kind of “tattoos” the Belves could get (if you notice, it´s a completely different design from Alleria´s, which is the thing I´m trying to argue in favor right now).


I wouldn’t trust them, I don’t trust them not one bit as I think that those elves just want to take all possible customerization options.


I have to agree with you here because it seems the more Blizzard has given them, the more they want from us and it never seems to end.


Oh the trolls ofc can´t be trusted, they have admitted they just act by pure pettiness.

However, we can´t assume ALL the Helfers are “trolls” -considering how dead are the serious Helfer threads as of late, I´d say most people on that fanbase are happy campers right now. Ergo, they aren´t trying to poach more stuff from us-.

We shouldn´t annoy the decent individuals on that fanbase by proxy of judging that whole community by the misbehaviour of the worst of them all… that´s incredibly unfair.


There had been velf threads asking for Ranger tattoos with matching eye colors & those were not trolling.

The issue lies with that a lot of them are trolls and a lot of them want more and more and more from Blood Elves without actually playing Blood Elves so anyone that’s a major Blood Elf fan would take issue with that and no I’m not saying all of them are bad but more of them than not seem to be.

Very much this.

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You have to take into account they have Alleria with her Celtic inspired tattoos getting rubbed down their faces since WC2.

Her Legion model only doubled down on that issue… it is not different to us asking for the runic marks of the TBC artbox, the scars ala Lor´themar and the tattoo design on Rommath.

As long as the designs are different, I havew no problem with them getting their stuff. I do get annoyed when they start asking “San´layn red eyes” (which are a myth cause the San´layn NPCs in game have DK style eyes or plain black/golden eyes) or “runic markings / scarifications”, etc.

Well Moon, usually happy customers are quiet customers. Ergo the loud individuals posting incessantly for stuff aren´t precisely “happy”. And they probably blame us in some measure for not getting “their stuff” -remember they have despised the implementation of the Belf race since more than a decade ago-.

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Happy or not doesn’t change or excuse how some of them act, as I already said in my last post I can see why most people take issue with them, even I do lately because they act like they get zero new stuff when anyone can see they are getting tons and it’s all being taken from us again.

Believe me, most active posters seem to agree with you.

Take notice how their threads are taken as literal jokes or people literally ignores they exist. After the behaviour of those individuals in particular, the average GD posting community are ignoring them, and don´t bump their threads.

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It’s mean to say but it’s a shame people didn’t do that faster, sooner, etc. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Average posters didn´t had the close contact Belf fangirls like myself used to have with that particular portion of the Helfer community. Add to that I´m a lore enthusiast and oh boy… the issues only got worse. 9 out of 10 times I had to deal with someone literally telling me the “Belves were a mistake” and that they hoped "Blizzard reconsidered and give back the Alliance their “kingdom!”.

The discussions I used to have with Alurna (the mother of the Helfer megathread) on SF were… VERY harsh.


Often being nice most of them just comes back to bite you in the bum down the line, it’s why these days I try to not interact with any of them but at times like earlier in the general customization thread I get sucked in and I can’t help myself because my niceness has it’s limits but you already read all that so I’ll leave it at that.

Moon please, you talking to the current “Helfer Boogeyman” of the Belf thread. I bet my ignore list is bigger than yours.

I stopped bothering with their ignorant takes since like a month and a half… i only see how relevant their threads are depending on how high they appear on the GD thread list before I log my toon. And lately I barely see Helf threads getting traffic or at least the upper places on the list.

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I’d agree with this because I only have 4 people on my ignore list because as I already said I usually just ignore them or ignore replies from them and for the record even though I have said this before in my opinion you aren’t that bad, you are one of my favorites and I’m pretty picky about my favorites so whether others think you are bad or not doesn’t matter to me personally. :blush: :blush: :blush:

I take the approach where if I see any type of pro-high elf getting more assets for void elves post, I immediately ignore them. I know that’s extreme, but 9 times out of 10 they start monkey pawing and arguing in bad faith. I don’t have time for it. My “view ignored content” list is so large that I go to check these threads and the new posts are posts I can’t even view lol