Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Oh nice! I just got my Au Ra some new horns and am super happy ^^

Well, my lover actually gave me the horns, but you know whatever :stuck_out_tongue: I’m very excited for Reaper as well! Hope it’s as fun as it looks.

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This is mine pre-relic weapon. I can’t get an updated pic because of maintenance.


very nice!
i’d show ya mine but launcher not launching

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Oh you know what! I found this image again in my bookmarks and while I suggested it for void elves, it TECHNICALLY could work for blood elf blood or anima theme, REALLY leaning into horror for these folks.

Also NOT MY ART as I said on that thread but wanted to make it clear here too.

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my first attempt was an au ra. then a miquote. and finally settled on hyur. woulda keep the miquote but her tail was bugging me. she’d have this beautifully textured robe and springing forth from it, a waggingly furry tail lol

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I think they are doing maintenance atm.

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I have to admit, I LOVE tails so much :stuck_out_tongue: I think they are adorable, or neat, depending on the race. That’s entirely fair not to as well though!

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was wondering. they been at this for hours .

yeah probably ocd or something. my old brain is expecting to see a normally smooth robe and poof, right in the middle, is a nearly invisible cat

I’m a cat lover irl, but also the Miqo’te have the prettiest faces. I just wish I could have head hair colour and tail colour be different.


I ADORE cats and find them neat, plus I enjoy the concept of neko. I just wish FFXIV had kitsune though… like legit kitsune and not silly tail or ear glamor. And yeah that would be cool to have them be different colors!




I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me it comes down to a combination of proportions and faces among the a males of each race. It’s one of the things that attract me to the Thalassian Elves in WoW. Males of most other races are just not proportioned in a way I find aesthetically appealing and/or they have unattractive face options. The females of most WoW races tend to have good proportions and at least a few pretty face options so I tend to have more racial variety among my female characters than my male ones.

In FFXIV, Elezen are too lanky and their heads are too small. Hyur (both Midlanders and Highlanders) have good proportions and faces but they just don’t do it for me as far as a character I want to represent me goes. Roegadyn & Hrothgar are too big & Lalafell are too small. Au ra males are attractive but a bit tall and while I like the horns/scales on others, I don’t want them myself. Viera males (forthcoming!) are my cup of tea proportion-wise, and they have some good faces, but I’ve been a Miqo’te for so long I doubt I’d change at this point.

Anyway, on the topic of blood elves, I do want to reiterate that NON HOLY light themes would be alright in my eyes, like the phoenix fire/phoenix themes. So…fire elves. That concept is much more appealing to me than ‘opposite of void elves’. I’m not talking about Druids of the flame either (though…those folks are neat), but kinda their own aesthetics if that makes sense?

I would like to see every race be less constrained by a single theme. Like say, Dwarves getting Frostborn customization, for example. So while I have no qualms against Light themes for Blood Elves, I don’t want them to be one-dimensional and limited to just those. As “vanilla” as my aesthetic tastes are for the most part, I do also find gothic, vampire-esque, themes alluring (thus my desire for Dark Ranger/San’layn customization options). I also like the Fel themes from Burning Crusade and that Demon Hunters currently have, so more of that is also welcome. Fire/PhoenixBlood Magic themes seem appropriate for Blood Elves as well, so again that is welcome as well.

I wouldn’t want any race to be stuck in a single box, and honestly I feel that Lightforged and Highmountain should have been customization options rather than allied races, but it is what it is.

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I like cats. I just think they’re neat.

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Oh don’t get me wrong, male Miqo’te look fine ( :wink: ), but female ones are… meh.

Au Ra seem better but not by much… no Forsaken in FF.

So my options are Au Ra, a… cat girl… or a scheming potato.


Blood Elf Female:

dagger_size = dagger_size * 1.2

That concludes my wish list.

I really wish Blizzard would give us some scaling options in the transmog UI. I mean, I get that we probably won’t get an actual scale, but even a selection of “20% smaller, default, 20% larger” boxes I can tick for weapons, off-hands/shields, and shoulder armor would be appreciated. The scaling for these particular slots can very wildly depending on race and sex >_<. Some things end up looking ridiculous.

here we go. my makeshift helf on ffxiv


I’m sorry, but that’s just a standard anime protagonist.

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oh not nearly as well dressed as most. :smiley:
(and no elf ears)