Big Blood Elf Customization Thread


Who says I don’t care for Blood Elves? I’m waiting like anyone else for some updates. I’m also waiting for some glyphes to make the void walker either flame-red or fel-green for my belf-needs.


lookie! nightfallen customization!

must be fan made.


Even the pallies are edgy as they see the light as a tool not as something to worship. Apart of the Blood Elf theme is thar they believe they can control any kind of magic they deem as useful, while also shining magic they deem as too curruptive such as void and necromancy.

They do have limitations as a culture and do not have that much wiggle room.


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Yeah if they reduce blood elves to “light elf” nonsense then I’m gone from the game for good.


I have noticed those types of people tend to just come to our threads now to be drama or to start drama but it gives the thread bumps so I try to just ignore them because if you don’t give them any attention they usually go away, I will however admit that I prefer people that actually care about Blood Elves, unique Blood Elf customization options, San’layn customization options for Blood Elves, etc. that post in these threads rather than the ones just faking like they care but it’s not like the fakes aren’t easy to spot when they post here anyway so.


The only reason I’m hesitant for Dark Rangers, and Vampire elves for Blood elves is because I really don’t want to see the Sin’dorei narrative trudging down a dark path once again, especially after their redemption with the restoration of the Sunwell. I don’t want to see them reduce Sin’dorei to “light elves” but I’d honestly rather see them receive customization that actually stems from their society, than other offshoots who’ve adopted whole new beliefs and traditions.

As of now, Sin’dorei customization is severely limiting, and expands on their visual theme very little, if at all. Male Blood elves only got a couple of unique hairstyles, and beard options and that was it. Before focusing on more subraces, I am really eager to see them expand on customization options that reflect Sin’dorei society like Magister runes, and Farstrider tattoos, and hairstyles for both sexes, because as of now we really don’t anything really that plays on that fantasy. We’re stuck with age-old customizations that were created before the developers really polished their craft, while these new races are getting fresh, cutting edge customizations that really put what the blood elves have to shame. Just look at the new lightforged draenei hairs for instance.

I would far prefer them to be added as an Allied race at some point, because at least then their narrative is their own, and will have more opportunities to get customization that actually focuses, and plays on their race’s visual themes.


Oh yeah that’s entirely understandable. Things classic to blood elves essentially. I’m in the boat of really wanting scars and tattoos for example! I’m more talking about essentially turning them into lightforged draeni but as an elf.

I guess any special effects like glowing hair or tatts I could see as Phoenix related, so a fire, but I’d be really disappointed if they just turned blood elves into holy elves.

I also wish we had more body types, I would love to play a muscular lady elf.

But yeah I’m all for blood elf (not jewelry unless it’s finally unobtrusive) non-undead stuff, especially more hair styles. I’m just really not a fan of "lightforged elf ". Should at least be fire for Phoenix, not “let’s now make them the opposite of void elves”. They deserve to be more distinct than taking from LFD which already have the extreme end of that magic.


they could start by adding males to the blood elf race.

That’s such a stupid and tired joke. I’m really sick of it.


You beat me to this one but really they need some new material.



Mechagnomes aren’t a misstep.


None of the races is a misstep honestly, they each filled (or had filled) different niches of fantasy.

Wanna play a sailor, play kul’tiran.

Wanna play a soldier of the light play lightforged.

Wanna play a pure orc, play mag’har.

Wanna play a person in an empire, play a ZT.

Just some examples.


Of course I’m absent during the FFXIV talk :sob:

Loving it!!! Currently a Hyur DRG (WHM as heals, PLD tank) but working to get DRK, AST unlocked and will try both SGE and RPR >:D whenever EW releases!


The Blood elves have several themathic venues as per their own official description on WoW´s webpage. To reduce them to “Lightforged” elves and nothing else is the dream of the people who didn´t see them as their own unique race but that see them as the foil for their pet race a.k.a. the Velves.

A pretty narrowminded vision if I may say so.

Please Midare, you believe that conversation was done involving the WHOLE server or merely their friends a.k.a. the echo chamber of always?

We talking here about people that sustains that “playable” High elves will totes save the Alliance participation as per numbers cause apparently EVERYBODY is a closeted Helfer, rofl.

I take it he´s still SO terribly salty I put him and his irrelevant hypocritical friends on ignore as they deserved (and considering the comments no wonder, they do nothing but to prove me right as I could attest on that portion of his post leaked in your answer to him).

Besides someone coming to this thread complaining about “poster antagonizing Helfers”… excuse me but, isn´t the title of the thread “Big BLOOD ELF Customization”? I don´t see the part mentioning “Alliance High elves”, nor “High Elf posters” nor any word that implies this thread is done in favor of those themes nor that portion of the fanbase.

Simply put it, we talk about Belf stuff here and what we comment regarding the Helfers (in this case, our opinion on their behaviour) is simply NOT the business of the aforementioned Helfers, period. This is a free forums and we can say whataver the damn we want as long as we don´t go to harrass and insult them into their own threads, period.

Hypocrites pretending to get special treatment are NOT welcomed here, and I´ve been quite direct and blunt regaring MY stance on that matter. Nobody is putting a gun to their heads to make them post nor read stuff in here, as adults they just need to move on and stop trying to butt into our thread just to pollute with their Helfer rabble, period.

Will we have to make a warning post in Spanish too? smh

It is fan made but frankly, I don´t like it. In a way, this design does end up limiting the RP options of the players and making a ridiculous stratification that´s not worth the effort (ergo, I could only use red eyes if I select “Dark Ranger”… excuse me but, I should be able to use them regardless of class and status. Those pink eyes? only available for Nightfallen, ergo someone like Moon gets screwed up cause she would not be able to use them with a regular Nightborne).

Too much investment for too little gain imho.

In those cases I´m SO proud of my boogeyman status, hehehe /clues hyena laugh

You know what they say, truth hurts the most. And they hate to see people commenting their truth in on other threads (they can´t even accuse me of “harrasing” them when I conciously and respectfully DON´T post anything related to my opinion on them in their threads; not even on Fen´s I´ve acted like that. The ones that come here to try and police us to tell us how we “must” refer to them -and by proxy, actually harras us- is THEM).

Belves need a robust “base” model that involves the “core” features common to their identity as per the lore (that is, the scars and the tattoos both as runicscarifications and henna based). The “magical themes” can be implemented with a wide color palette, and more special features like wings or horns etc., can be implemented afterwards.

They are for people who never see the value of any WoW race as the sum of its parts (lore, model aesthetics, gameplay features like racials) but only under the cosmetic lenses. Mechagnomes have some of the best racials in game ffs. Their lore is excellent in comparison to Mag´har lore (maybe boring but coherent at least).


Oh, I’m well aware. Knowing this guy, chances are he started the conversation only in an environment he knew he would get agreement with his own position.

What I find hilarious, that even with that, he still didn’t post any proof of it.

And even from that perspective, Mechagnomes look like an upgrade of gnomes (yeah… the diaper could use some work, though). Not to mention they bolt their enemies to their town’s walls. That’s amazing.


I mean I don´t think I´ve ever seen -in my decade of playing WoW- a conversation involving the WHOLE faction on my server.

And Drakkari is classified with the embarrasing lable of “new players” a.k.a. we´re a desert and nobody logs here!!!

Ergo, why no race is “a waste of slot” nor “ugly”. They may have weaknesses and strenghts in different parts of their build, but overall trhey are pretty good.

I could never made myself play FF14 precisely because all races are like clones of the other with VERY minor differences and that´s… hyper boring.


I have in A52 when I rarely pay attention. Most times it’s just people trying to out-troll one another.

If I see a gnome laughing “maniacally” and going off about how they’ll end me, I’ll smirk at them and say “you wish you were as cute as a Lalafell”.

All a mechagnome has to do it’s point to the dead mechagnomes bolted to the wall… and I know not to mess with them.


Lol and here I thought you wasn’t scared of anything. :yum: :yum: :yum:


/shudder lol
only cute lalafell is that dinky princess. ok, the conniving guy with mustachios was a cute villain

Hey, for all I know, those were still alive while the bolting happened… and boy, that’s scary :rofl:

The potatoes are adorable.
