Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

i literally check the forums once every month to consider coming back and ya’ll always on the same BS still

Ya’know… I think I’d like dreds as a Farstrider.

Yup, basically. I despise twitter ergo I never asked Metzen if the runes on the Belf art of the TBC gamebox were inspired in Eltharin.

Baal very kindly pointed to me a new path to research, I suppose (there´s another example of written thalassian in one image on WoWpedia but for some reason the link can´t be copied in these forums).

Well man, I guess these kind of developments were implicitly included on the enginering profession. Maybe make the professions more relevant than “craft x thingh for raid night”.

You complaining over customizations on a customization thread? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Whose alt are you?


Notice how those types of people always complain in our Blood Elf thread, in our Void Elf thread with void specific customization options or in our San’layn thread, not in any of the spam threads about High Elves or High Elf options for Void Elves. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Better yet, notice how their High Elf options thread is deader than dead, ergo why they go and fail to bait the posters in those threads you mentioned.

Most sane Helfers effectively got what they wanted and stopped spamming, only the MHP esque of that playerbase insist with frankly minor useless stuff like "but MUH Paladin!!! “but MUH High Elf label for my PC!!” “but MUH Silvermoon!!” “but MUH gold/green eyes!!” and so on… unfortunately for them, most players have kinda stopped taking their petitions seriously -though I have most of that particular crowd on ignore and their threads on mute, ergo I´m not sure how relevant those threads are nowadays, I just see a clear lack of the word “High Elf” on GD before I log.


The few threads I haven’t ignored are just the same repeated stuff on a different day, literally, you haven’t and you don’t miss much I assure you.

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pokes head in

It’s a bunch of useless trolls who think their way of playing the game is the only way of playing the game, and the wants of people like us for ‘elf customization’ don’t matter since ‘oh no we’re elf players and only like barbies’ or something.

sets a barbie doll on fire


That´s but a given. The obssesion those guys have with a class -who thematically the way they want to explore it is either a ripoff of the Humans (that they already have) or the Belves (that they could play as if they had enough maturity to do so)- that is pretty much nonexistant lorewise speaking for their WC2 Helves is hilarious.

That´s why I told Brae that I suspect they are MHP esque posters just wanting a Barbie model to look prettier, not people legitimately interested in exploring the class particularities. They WILL RP those “High Elf Paladins” the same way they already RP their Human paladins, such a waste of time and space.

Only using that argument in mind is why Nelf Paladins would be inmensely superior… those would be members of the Cult of Elune -like Tyrande-, and the cultural difference MAKES the combo worthy. Those DO give the Alliance players a different RP flavor from “Human” (cause poor Dwarves are basically ignored and their faith is probably expressed just the same as the Humans. And the Draenei is just Human worship vibes but on steroids).

Please, they indeed just come to troll… and we know which members of the playerbase have this particular “race” in disregard (let me tell you: is not the average ones. Those basically switched to our side when they witnessed Blizzard trampling down Belf aesthetics in favor of a loud crowd).

/throws other Barbie and Kend dolls in the fire


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Then don’t come back lol

Edit: You’re from WRA, my server. Imagine coming from a RP server and telling others that they think that wanting more customization for their characters is a “BS” thing to talk about. Get outta here with that.


If anyone remembers from way back, I even said this was likely to happen.

While I think there will always be a few hangers on who still ask for Void Elves to get Blood Elf hairstyles, the Paladin class, or still ask for a full fledged Alliance High Elf race, the bulk of the support seems to be waning now that Void Elves will be able to visually fulfill the High Elf theme.

I have been making efforts to avoid posting in most new High Elf topics so as not to provide free bumps and visibility because I truly believe it was the arguing, huge post counts, and consistent visibility that got us where we are today. Hopefully, as more realize this and stop posting in such topics, they will fade into background noise on the forums.

That’s not to say people shouldn’t talk about the options they genuinely want, but I have to wonder if at least some of the more recent posts are just trolls looking to stir the dying pot, rather than from sincere desires for these options.


I’m the same exact way, sometimes I’ll read them or give people I like that do still post in them a like or two but I won’t post in them or follow them personally anymore. It’s also why I wasn’t super against people arguing in this thread previously because it kept adding posts and kept it at the top. :yum: :yum: :yum:


What bs is that? If asking for customizations is what keeps you away from the game, that’s pretty sad.


Well, from what I can tell the few times I skip those threads before properly logging in?

Yup, deffinitely full troll petitions and/or bait. With a side of MHP style posting regarding the people literally asking for stuff that addons already provide (like you now… the nameplate change. I´ve even seen people nicely pointing to those addons in those threads, oh my the time they don´t know they are wasting).

Welcome to exhibit A of a troll post.

We may give our thanks for the free traffic, though.


I was going to participate in some of those threads, and have, but recently I’ve noticed an uptick in folk who just want to get rid of void elves, or make them secondary to high elves and… I just can’t support that.

I’m glad we got the options we did for those who wanted them, but I love my void elves and am excited to see that story go forward.

It just seems like many want to get rid of us.

In some ways they’re like the people who poo pooed mechagnomes and claimed they shouldn’t exist too.

As I love both races I find it hard to take being told my interest shouldn’t have been.


for future reference, (egads my hands are not in good shape today, thus images easier to make points) i will always support thalassian customizations and class additions, because thalassians are my favorite race, all varieties.

i want barbies. creepy barbies (n’zothian tentacled velfs and vampire belfs) not so much, but i support others having those options. i am hoping we all get new hairstyles and requested customizations like red eyes, void eyes, braids, beards, tats, scars, and jewelry/hair decorations.

but as a helfer, i am stoked for helf like stuff. i am not convinced that velfers need normal pallies but i think a pally that draws on the void would work (look pretty cool too). as a belfer, i would love druids. my primary request as a velfer are those glorious starry hairstyles from the velf thread.

You ALREADY have the means to make the aforementioned “Barbies” (omg, how can you reduce the race in such mysoginistic and negative vision, but you do you) and… you seem quite aware of that, I don´t see you throwing a tantrum cause the nameplate on your Velf toon says “Void elf” instead of “High elf”. Or you throwing a tantrum cause you STILL can´t access Silvermoon without the guards harrasing you on that warlock, or you complaining you can´s use green, red or golden eyes on that Void elf cause “muh High Elves!!”

You don´t belong to the category of people I blocked cause they are either trolls or entitled children. What I mentioned above doesn´t apply to you -heck, you even recognize a “light channeling” Voidin makes NO sense; you want a new class-.

Different beats. Unfortunately for you people, the “misbehaving” on your fanbase have been acting quite… noticeable recently. To the very detriment of yourselves.


i was following your naming paradigm. i see helfs more like this taylor swift example - a sort of create an elf theme

The “Barbie” namecalling originated on these forums and in-game as a demeaning term to refer to Blood elf toons (especially for the females and even used against the males by some of the worst posters).

The blame is, ofc, to be put on the designers, cause they were the ones that decided to “overkill” with the “they look like females and the other Horde races can´t distinguish the difference, also, in such excamples portray as useless damsels in distress the big bad macho “saviour” will take care of” jokes in Cata. And considering the current lawsuit well… if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, looks like a duck…

This is why when I say in a Customization thread that hanna tattoos seem to be the inspiration for Rommath´s tattoos and that we can use this same inspiration for our petitions ignorant posters come to remind me the Belves have been portrayed as “preppy boys/girls” and apparently are worthy nothing else. Excuse me, but that´s BS.


yeah, i just ignore that kind of stuff. the thalassian model was a fantastic addition to wow. ffxiv has many beautiful races and a couple not so beautiful. wow was technically the other way around till tbc