Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Lol, I only have a few people ignored because I usually just ignore replies that come from people that I don’t want to reply to or I don’t bother replying to them if I do read it but I can’t say I blame you though.

considering that they are now on a campaighn for void paladins or that void elf natural looks is not enough apparently I can’t blame her either.

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I cleared my ignore list after the hair announcement since my crusade is done. Though I did add one person to it not long after the announcement just because they continuously make negative posts (on a variety of topics, not just elf related) that I just have no interest seeing.


My policy (both for SF and GD) to delegate people on ignore is (so maybe the aforementioned subjects stop wasting their time cause they may recognize in which category they fall):

  1. If you´re a legitimate jerk (people that condone harrasing and/or other ways of bad behaviour and/or joins in this behaviour, people that insults other posters with actual rudeness, aggresive hypocrites, liars, etc): you get ignored

  2. If you´re a non funny troll (people asking for stuff for petty reasons, people qqing using irrational demands like “erase X race”, etc.): you get ignored

  3. A combination of the above: well… duh.

Some of those fall into the hypocrites / trolls category (it depends on the poster tbqh).

Lately I´m suspecting some of them are nothing but particularly errr… “aesthetically obssesed” MHP esque posters (cause for reals, the Alliance DOES have a VERy pretty fem pally model in the Draenei and probably the one with the best tmog model in the male humans). The elves are a petition done purely by cosmetic reasons, period.

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The females should have the option of being thiccer.

My ignore list is large :wink:

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They could also be trolling void elf fans too, which is why I’ve been muting allot of the threads to be honest.

Some of them even thinks that void elves didn’t get a “pass” which is just… illogical.

On topic, I still want to see magister magic tat’s on BE’s, of varying colors to show blood elves heavy arcane culture, and maybe red ones too for blood magic.


After my conversation with Baal, I liked his opinion about Rommath´s arms tattoos being something that could had used henna as a concept (it matches):

Alleria´s are evidently inspired in celtic warpaint. Rommath´s do seem to be henna using the runic language as a vehicle to finish the design (which explains why Alleria´s are something more similar to “disorganized curves” and Rommath´s are regular and almost “rigid” designs.

God damn, should I literally propose them as such and include the Tilaka / Bindi used in that old concept art? Seems the best way to “aesthetically differentiate” between Alliance Helves / Velves and Horde Belves.


if you can find concept art for it, I’d say go for it.

Khairan´s posted one -the design used for Rommath´s tattoos DO seem suspiciously like henna, Brae. And that dot in the middle of the forehead in combination with the tattoos, the place where the tattoos are put, the toga design, is trying to slap us on the face while it screams Indian Islam inspiration):

Lul, look at the images I posted showing close ups of the Felblood elves: those tattoos put on the face ANd the arms, suspiciously resembling leafs and flowers :joy: :joy: :joy:.

Omg, the jewerly is starting to make sense… what does NOt makes sense is how gaudy those necklaces were. A single jewel adornating the middle of the forehead is something I WOULD use but because I find the actual historical reason for that (Bindi / Tilaka) very inspiring and spiritual.

I don´t have any other example apart from this one… maybe we may need to find some artist who would like to volunteer? (we had Izzabelle, but she´s still healing and as I´ve always mentioned, my drawings are a crime against humanity).


those tats do look nice, maybe they will have another BE pass with tats at some point like those arm ones???

(maybe they didn’t make them originally cause they think ppl won’t see them, although LFD tats has that same issue.)

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You guys and the NB need to annoy the devs so they make a brighter option for your tattoos (if they are the manifestation of the Light / Arcane irradiating from the Draenei / NB body, there should be a case in which they are always visible too).


honestly I think LFD could use more tat’s other then naaru shaped ones tbh. But yeah they should be more visible, facial tat’s would be nice.

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Uhh?.. you don´t have those?

WTF, you should!!!

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Lol, thanks for the insight dearie because I still don’t blame you. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Hehehe, tbqh, I did it more for “their” benefit.

Also, do you guys think this looks reminiscent to the iconic language used on the scarification rune on the TBC artbox:

I may have found a way to comission runic proper tattoos.


hmmm… no but it could had been inspired by the language. I think something that could be created close to the language could work though.

It is inspired by the language, the first image? that is Vedic Sanskrit (or a proto version of it).

Blizzard probably had to modify it for obvious reasons, but then any artist can use this as a basis to develop “runes” that aren´t reminiscent of the Dwarf runes (that use the Futhark as an inspiration). Ergo, a way to make the runic tattoos for Belves “different” and unique.

Damn , so hard to get images of written thalassian.

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I think you are correct. This stuff is starting to fall into context.

So basically the Runes would be geometric shapes and lines with sanskrit type writing?

When do we finally cash in all those mana cubes we harvested in Netherstorm? Surely we were going to do something big with those… Also I don’t think we ever turned them off… they’ve been running for a decade :astonished:

I’d also like to point out our artificer technology to be able to build massive mana power plants in such a short time. Where’s my artificer class?!