Sharing the trust 3 magic:
And I’ve encountered a few forsaken fans that (nonsensically) believe adding Dark Rangers as toggle for the Forsaken ruins their race. Obviously, they don’t know their lore at all. And I get people screaming “no more elves” in a thread asking for customization (or model toggle for the Forsaken) for Blood Elves and a couple times in Baal’s Forsaken Customization thread when I had the gall to suggest the model toggle option or elven options on the model.
Not much to do when the usual suspects are obssesed with poaching anything and everything they “like”.
I frankly find stupid -there I said it- that obssesion with literally copy-pasting the art designs and limiting just in colors… excuse me, if the former warchief of the Horde belonged to the clan with the BLUE tabard and the BLUE aesthetics, pray tell why shouldn´t Belves get access to the color when our freaking Ranger General is decked in pure BLUE?!?.
Smh, I swear.
I have to say I wholeheartedly agree with them. Having two race aesthetics in one seems overkill and something blizzard will never do.
I respect your opinion, but I fervently disagree with you. Dark Rangers are part of the forsaken whether people like it or not and have been part of them since WCIII. They’re just as undead as the Forsaken and are elite members of the Forsaken military.
/looks at void elves
agreed. they are a distinct part of the forsaken. their npcs are all over undercity too
I don’t disagree that they’re forsaken. I disagree that they should be a toggle option for undead. Few people would use the Lordaeron undead model. It would dilute the race, as they are predominantly Lordaeron undead.
If it had been an option to make your horde race undead from the start, and start in Lordaeron, then it would work, but since that wasn’t what happened, we got human undead instead.
And two different race aesthetics in one, I mean undead human and undead blood elf as a toggle. Not two separate races.
Okay , I understand that reasoning. Thank you for clarifying and opening me up to that perspective of things. I doubt they’ll be a model toggle anyway.
im going to look at void elves again…
I think void elves were a massive mistake, but that’s not the comparison I was trying to make. I was merely saying you select undead and click elf option instead.
I think it would have been neat to have had all the horde races be able to become undead, instead of just the humans (but have the human model be also available). There would be some grey area with other alliance races, but that was weirdly retconned in cataclysm by saying they can’t be raised as forsaken. I’m still confused by that.
Anyway, imagine an undead Tauren with rotting horns, or a pale undead orc.
That would be epic. I’d probably have very few living characters left if this ever happened (it won’t.)
Night, night people!!!
Considering the continued controversy surrounding the Belf warpaint, I think it´s be good to post on this images and sources:
These are from the “Scrolls of Lore” forums, more precisely from the Pre-release Screenshots of the WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos thread:
I actually like a LOT how the warpaint on this model is very similar to the burning scars the Dark Rangers (or more properly, Sylvanas) got for their more recent versions.
This link to this thread too explains pretty much how WC3 ALMOST dropped with a better Hero skin for Sylvanas (but for some reason they backtracked?):
Personally, I suspect they removed it cause they either perceived it made Helves / Nelves too similar. Hilarious thing is, they ended up implementing the concept in WoW with Sylvanas´ model at the end.
Also, regarding the “reforged” models, I wonder is asking for a make up option similar to the eyebags and dark circles of the Reforged Dark Ranger models would be a good idea? (I mean, i guess sometimes I´d like for my Belf to “express” her stress levels -living in Azeroth doesn´t seem terribly relaxed tbqh-.
Hehehe, thanks Fen. I must admit I dig A LOT the eyebag marks on the Reforged Dark Ranger image.
Also a shame how the WC3 ranger model for Sylvanas got her marks removed just to put them once again in WoW, lul.
Fun fact, the Rangers where meant to be Half Elves.
These fearless Half -Elven women are masters of survival and wilderness exploration.
According to WoWpedia.
Maybe, though what´s the source cited in WoWpedia? Cause if it´s sourceless, then it very well may be a troll addition or something (remember that WoWpedia can be modified by any Dick and Harry).
At the end they went with full elves -I guess half elves getting powned wasn´t as dramatic an effect?-
Lot´s of cool stuff for the Belves that wasn´t implemented… I´ll forever mourn the loss of the shameless BfA transmutation circle ripoff portrayed in the RPG -though other stuff from the RPG was cringe-.
I believe they where still playing around with the story. They wanted some sort of Elf in the Alliance but weren’t sure how to do that with the elves leaving after WC2.
They had much cooler stuff in the RPG. Much more defined.
Some stuff was interesting… the blatant borderline villain batting? Yeah no, after a decade+ of the Horde races getting villain batted for the outrageous sin of well… rolling Horde, I rather got a new appreciation on the more balanced current writting put on the Belves.
They are in a nice middle… not terribly reckless (that portion was put on Velves), not terribly conservative (portion put on Helves).
Feels like they have been defanged a bit IMO but to each their own.
Here’s the link btw. Can’t pick out the exact quote atm because I’m downloading games to my new PC because my net is laggy.
Finally, I´ll post these tattoos -seen on Felblood elves but you know what? they look cool and are uniquely Belfy, we may as well ask for them to get something unique and non poachable if Fel stuff is the only thing the Helfers are willing to respect-:,h_700,q_75,strp/felblood_elf_by_sainro_d61t558-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTg3OGExNTktNjBmNC00NGRmLWE1MTctMzI4Yjc2YjEwODU2XC9kNjF0NTU4LTM2MWMyODg1LTJhZjItNDIyOS04YmM3LWZkNDk0MzkwODVhNy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Umhx-owRP_0t2r2Z3lI-AliMF-euZMvaxgQNycAateg
Recklesness to the point of self destruction is not something I appreciate on my narrative. There´s a difference between acting pragmatic and acting irresponsible if not downright idiotic.
Belves WERE stressed to the point of acting irresponsible to their lasting survival (there are limits one should keep after all), fortunately nowadays they do seem to keep some modicum of coherency regarding how far they are willing to go in their persecution of resources to improve their standing on Azeroth.
Liadrin getting a prominent cameo in WoD =/= portrayal for the Belf race, that was just the portrayal of Liadrin. Heck, the official text description on the official webpage pretty much says this, that the Belves as a race are complex and you find pieous angels like Liadrin as well as your average Fel sucking scumbag.