Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Druids and Shamans are the only classes Blood Elves don’t have access to. My guess is the biggest hurdle for Druids is the fact that they’d have to make new forms, and that requires actual effort. Lore reasons are probably another hurdle but lore has kind of become more of a “polite suggestion” rather than a “strict rule” these days.

Unless Blizzard decides to simply allow all races to be all classes, I’m not sure we’ll ever see Blood Elves get either Druids or Shaman. Not that I wouldn’t want those classes on my Blood Elves because I would. >_>


i tried, for the first time, a wow emulator. there were no classes, so you could mix almost any talent from any class, together (tbc era). it was a mess lol thats taking it too far, but allowing races to play all classes, that makes sense, as you could learn it from others who know it. tauren/trolls could teach druidism. orcs/goblins could teach shamanism. etc. only consideration would be special circumstances like velf paladins, and that could be achieved by just making them void-based pallies.


because then it would be world of elfcraft. i honestly think thats the only reason

times do change tho. just ask turalyon


That exchange was hilarious considering Liadran was at Argus and on the same ship with Turalyon.

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He may have not been aware that Blood elves are horde at that time, nor cared who is on what side due to his focus on winning the war on argus.

Or he’s just talking smack…


Just adding a post because I’m still waiting for my red eyes and my unique Blood Elf only customizations from Blizzard. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Bonus points if it’s San’layn customizations for Blood Elves. :heart: :heart: :heart:


All for the red eyes and honestly I’d like to see Dark Ranger stuff at this point.

Given how they’re treating Void Elves I think its valid to request at this point. (Going back on my I might rather it as a forsaken toggle at this point. Though I wouldn’t mind that either.)

San’layn I am gonna stay staunchly on the side of making them an AR personally. Though… I wouldn’t exactly refuse if they were offered as Customizations. It’d just feel like it does with Wildhammer to me. A waste.

Also want to see… well I’ll repost my list.

Amber eyes, orange eyes, red eyes.

farstrider, runic, arcane, pheonix or slightly fire based looking tattoos kinda like the Nightborne have going on.

Kinda hoping farstrider tattoos will be Braveheart like.

Scars, body and head…

Pink Hair…

Damaged ears


Fully encompassed blind options… Including half blind options that actually hits every color for both sides.

still trying to find a good idea on how to incorporate the Blood magic from Pandaria into customizations. Red eyes might work for this if done right.

Depending how Blizzard chooses to do it I’d like to either see San’layn or Dark Rangers be represented as well… though my preferred is with San’layn as their own AR and Dark Rangers as a model toggle for the forsaken.


This will always rank as one of my number one things customization wise for every race, although since they didn’t give Nightborne actual pink hair I’m starting to think it’s an unlikely wish for all races, however that won’t ever stop me from still wanting it or still asking for it for all races. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Honestly the world needs more pink. Pink hair especially.

I want to see it for every race. Perhaps even a few shades of it.

Won’t lie you put this into my head. Fully support the idea.


I fully agree and well I’m always happy to share my thoughts and my ideas. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:,

Actually I never would have liked or supported a lot of stuff that I like and support customization wise if not for you or others in different threads sharing your thoughts and ideas so I think that’s a great thing for us all. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Without the help and ideas of many on these forums, both that I often agree with or don’t, I would be far less interested in half the things I support.

Blood Elves need more customizations and I hope Blizzard sees those who are interested just as much as they see high elf folk. (or anyone else.)


we need this

I think dark rangers and sanlayne is best saved as a model toggle or AR.

There is plenty of ways to make BE’s unique without those.

Probably not gonna have anymore elf races with there being now four. And the Dark Ranger skintone and eye color is already in our dressing room. Just not unlocked to players.

Considering the customizations they gave to Dwarves and Trolls, this is not all out of the realm of what they are willing to do.


I love that you mentioned this because I was messing with it on Wowhead yesterday and I really liked the look of this character with the red hair, red eyes and greyish skintone, I just wish I could actually use those customization options in game. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


I want new styles with braids that are exclusive to belves. Even the races on the same sides don’t seem to be getting cross over looks. Draenei and LFD both will have their own unique hair options.

Blood elves deserve more hair with actual effort put in with accessory toggles and more color options, just like what draenei and lfd got. Highmountain are also getting unique options instead of hand me downs from regular tauren.

No reason for belves to get velf hair instead of hair made specifically for them. The only reason velves are getting belf stuff is because of the people who wanted it, and yet are now complaining that’s all they are getting.


Try going to a forsaken fan with that. You will find that it is indeed out of the realm.

It doesn’t matter what forsaken fans have to say about it. It matters what Blizz would be willing to do. And they likely are not giving us more elf races. So customizations are probably the only realistic option we have.

Forsaken can ask for straight backs, skeletal forms and the like that they’ve always requested.


Big Blood Elf Beard Customization Request.

(By mathptr1)