Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Lol, and now we’re on better terms. Just weird because the jab post Soule was responding to was me literally saying “I am ending this convo line Soft”

Like I was already doing what she apparently wanted, but she decided to throw a jab? :thinking:

So I decided to jab back, just for funs. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I truly do wish Blood Elves get the options y’all want, that’s not the first time I’ve stated so here and I have made suggestions in this very thread too.


Better yet, why should regulars like Magnificent and Softsong be the ones to take the initiative? Shouldn´t the poster that only comes here to annoy others with the “muh Helf customization in Velves” QQ be the one to graciously leave a thread that is NOT discussing that particular point, hmm? I don´t go into their threads to discuss Belf customizations after the 9.1.5 changes were announced, it is so hard for them to do the same?

It is so hard to understand the concept that one doesn´t have to bring unrelated topics to ther people´s threads, especially when one doesn´t care for the ACTUAL topic of the thread?

Whatever the damned is commented in this thread does NOT affect their own Helfer petitions, ffs!!!.

Sorry not sorry, this two weeks we have managed to keet this thread on top basically with constructive stuff, not by proxy of artificial spats with the Helfers. Ergo, it IS possible to keep a thread relevant without using forums PvP as a crutch.

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It would be nice if we could get back to more Blood Elf options talk. But the high activity these arguments generate does (hopefully) keep this topic in view of the devs.

What Void Elves got, why they got it, and what the devs intend to do with that in the future, is irrelevant to this topic though. I’d be happier if we could see more pics of hot Blood Elf men with sexy tattoos, hairstyles, and other aesthetics we can ask the devs to give to Blood Elves. But that’s just me.

Like this hairstyle is a bit asymmetrical and kinda cool IMO:

Would probably work just as well for females too!

and this pic has a nice scar and more subtle facial hair:


Yes these look great and everyone knows Belf men didn’t get much with the customization updates. They need some love.


I’m not taking either side like taking it and I wasn’t putting blame on anyone either, I support options for Blood Elves really highly but I have never seen Muir not say he doesn’t support them for us either I mean he literally just posted.


A full beard option for Blood Elf males would be nice too!


Anything that helps Blood Elves (hell all elves) look more rugged I’m all for :wink:


Well said!!! I´m all for this.

Frankly, I´d have liked to get a ponytail option for the male Belves that doesn´t fall on the shoulder but on the back (the “Itachi” look I call it. The current “Flipped” hairstyle is a perfect basis, the devs only need to switch the ponytail to fall on the back of the model)

God damn, I thought getting good images of the ponytail would had been easier).

For the females I´d love both practical and not practical at all stuff.


Non practical (but cool for casters I guess, also two images cause her hair is VERY freaking long… like knee lenght long):

Well, Moon he may say so, but then he devotes 90% of the time to create controversy with regulars he disagreed with instead of actually proposing stuff -also, he was pretty happy to act like a smug a-hole the week he “won” his stuff, so nope: not falling for his “I support you” hypocritical BS. He´s one of the individuals whose good will I have marked with a ??? symbol precisely because I´m sure he only comes here to see what else he can pouch for his side and nothing else.

His contributions are nonexistant as far as actual innovation is related.


I can somewhat agree with this but as I already said earlier, I have to be welcoming of all types of posting in this thread and others I support because whether they are positive or negative, drama based, trolling, off topic, etc. it still adds post numbers which is what will in turn keep it at the top and that’s what I want for the threads I support to stay on top so they get more attention.


Well, I can respect this argument. Indeed, even if trolling, his “contribution” to upping the post count benefit us in the end.

However I think we should strive to make more visible the actual petition part, we don´t want the controversy to outshine the petitions tbqh.

On that note… diodn´t someone asked for afro and curly hair options too somewhere in this thread? Or was it in the original january thread?

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Here’s a few more images of potential options for Blood Elves:

This one has nice facial hair and scars, and the darker sclera around the pupil might make for a cool new eye color option!

Cool scar and maybe an idea for a new face option!

These tattoos might work, especially if Blood Elves get access to the Druid class!

I would personally like more short hairstyles that aren’t anime spikes. Like this!


I agree fully and with that said, red eyes, San’layn customizations and pink hair for Blood Elves. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

And it was in this thread, they asked for Merida from Brave type of hairstyles.


As a shameless anime fan, let me tell you i´m quite partial to the spikes :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:.

But yes, I guess you guys would want other options less errr… noticeable.


All those pictures are really nice. And I don’t understand why the no scars or tattoos thing when other races got them.


Not really, or else we would expect other races to keep getting customizations revolving around the subraces they were meant to emulate, rather than their own. It’s not like the visual direction for Bronzebeard Dwarves and Jungle trolls are going to change to Wildhammer and Sand, or Blood just because they got those subrace options.

The Void elf customizations were given High elf customization options, but in the end they’re still Void elves, it doesn’t change who they are culturally. We’re not seeing them wearing Rangeresque armor, or taking up their Farstrider ways because they have no interest in it.

Golden eyes go to anyone faithful in the light, regardless of their class. The devs, and Danuser already went over this as well - They will mainly be seen on Paladins and priests because they’re more likely to be light revering than other classes, but other classes can have golden eyes if they too, are faithful in the light. And to exemplify this, they added a Mage Blood elf in Silvermoon with golden eyes.

Void elves on the other hand, don’t really have any example of anyone in their race showing any interest in being Farstrider, or forsaking their Void roots, in fact they seem to embrace it. We don’t see any examples of fair skinned, blue eyed elves even after the customizations were added - But blood elves were immediately given an NPC with the high elf customizations. It’s almost like they immediately felt these designs were appropriate on Blood elves, and not Void elves.

She was their leader for more years than she was not, and Blizzard has never tried to give the Forsaken her visual design. That is proof enough that race leaders aren’t always meant to look like their followers.

I don’t need to “show more” than you, I only need to establish that it isn’t a “precedent” to require a leader with unique visuals to share them with their followers. And if “Lilia” is considered the leader of the Forsaken, than by the same argument “Umbric” is the leader of the Void elves, with Calia and Alleria merely helping them.

Humans and Varian, and Orcs and Grommash are all “culturally” the same, their designs are all inspired by the same source, while Void elves and Farstriders don’t really align culturally at all. Even now you don’t have “blood elf” hairstyles because they’re “culturally” blood elven, where as skin and hair color is pretty much genetic.

And if Blizzard had to choose which race “Blood elven” customizations belong to in the future, I’m pretty confident they’re going to go to Blood elves, and not Void elves. Anything “cultural” and “Design” for Void elves will likely always hearken to their roots as Void elves.

Her Aesthetic is that of a “Farstrider” the fact that she’s a High elf is incidental because her character essentially jumped out of a time machine. There’s no lore precedent for any existing, modern day Void elf to look like her, which is why there isn’t. The void elves have already established their “aesthetic” with their nebula, void themes, while the only existing group of Farstriders belong to the Horde.

It’s ours because the Farstriders are a Blood elf customization, not a “High elf” one just because one popped out of a time machine. Culturally Alleria is not with the times because she quite literally popped in from another time. The only examples of High elf rangers would be the Silver Covenant, and Vareesa - who do not resemble Farstriders at all.

You can say this as many times as you want if it makes you feel better, but isn’t going to increase your changes of getting themes that are Blood elven culturally. The argument for giving Void elves High elf customizations were never rooted in lore, but rather game design for distinction.

It seems you’re under the impression that because Blizzard relented on that front, it means you can just ask for blatant Blood elf themes that make no sense just because “they gave us the other stuff!” It honestly sounds like you’re hyping yourself up for some serious disappointment. Just like those asking for Void elf Paladins and getting Silvermoon back.

You can feel bad for me all you want, as I feel bad that you’re stuck playing a “void elf” trying really hard to look like something they’re not, which must be pretty frustrating. I get to log in and play an uncorrupted elf, complete with the full set of High elven options and classes while you’re all still struggling with the fact that you shimmer like a void glowstick, and look like you crawled out of oil pit.

You face an uphill battle as the roots of your race will forever be tied to the void, which kinda stands against everything the “High elf” players have wanted all these years. In the end you’ll never get to be a “high elf” like the Blood elf players, and that’s just too damn bad.

It sounds like you’re projecting now since you’re the one who came to a Blood elf thread stamping your feet about how you deserve the customizations just as much as we do, if you felt that it was only a matter of time you would find no need to quote anyone who thinks differently with the “But alleria!” response over and over again. Even though Alleria is meant to look like a Blood elf Farstrider.

It’s obvious that you’re worried that we’re correct, and while you got the option to roleplay as a High elf, it clearly isn’t enough. So you whine and cry to anyone who even mentions exclusivity regarding “Blood elf” themes because unlike High elf ones, you really have no claim to them. The fact that Blizzard to neglect adding even a single Void elf using the High elf customizations, while Blood elves immediately got an NPC using the blue eyes is pretty damning.

That’s fine, I’m really not too concerned with whether or not claim that you’re convinced by my arguments, your presence here alone pretty much proves my point. I guess we’ll see when Blood elves get more customizations. c:


The first pic, do Blood Elves have green eyes in that color? Because if they do not then they should, it looks really nice (along with all the other pics!), thank you Nico :hugs:


They don’t as far as I know! And yes they should have such an option!


Cause Barbie race + Mysoginistic CEOs = cluncky jewerly, Soule.

Even official art has the Belves sporting scars and runic scarifications.

Correct me if I´m wrong, but wouldn´t female Belves manage to pseudo recreate this look if the devs implement the red eyes:

At least as far as face + hair combo. Not the boing part though.


Here’s a few pics in the Dark Ranger/San’layn vein (he he vein get it?).

Maybe Blood Elves can pilfer some Void Elf skin tones to use for Dark Ranger/San’layn style customization?

That hairstyle is sweet!

Lip piercings? Ok maybe there’s already enough jewelry but this is more my speed than the chunky stuff the gals got.


It’s such a shame. I’m not completely against the jewelry, but it needs to be far smaller on some of the pieces.