Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

the earrings would also be a good thing

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Well I guess… I´m apathetic towards earrings tbqh (those at least don´t seem to get in the way of actual melee combat).

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I tend to prefer smaller jewelry than clunky looks.


Trying to use the initial customizations VE got as an argument is faulty. That’s not the direction their customizations have gone since. Remember, initially, looking like a high elf was denied for them and it’s when they went back and revisited the convo that they decided to give them a few high elf looks with the potential for more later (which they’ve followed up on now by adding hair colors, with no statement of “ok that’s all you’re getting”).

What the NPCs are given does not matter, only BE Paladins/Priest are sometimes seen with the Golden Eyes, that doesn’t limit what the players are allowed to use in terms of their own customization. I still don’t see any dark skinned Blood Elves if you want to use that argument.

I already established earlier that Sylvanas isn’t the forsaken leader come their recent customization pass so you’ve lost that one already. Also I’ve given examples of other races that can, far more than you’ve given (your only example truthfully is Calia when there hasn’t been official declaration that she is the forsaken leader as of yet, right now it’s actually Lilian from everything shown, which female Forsaken can emulate).

Like the other customizations of other races that got options without it being outright declared it was to emulate their faction leader? Weak argument. I suppose male humans got that spiky varian hair not to look like Varian but just cuz? Ditto for Grommash hairstyle on Orcs. :roll_eyes:

They’ve been given options to look like High Elves and Alleria’s aesthetic is that of a High Elven Ranger, hence her Npc designation as I’ve already pointed out.

Oh I see, so you believe if Blood Elves get something first then it’s a high chance they won’t have to share them with Void Elves, as if it’s suddenly “yours” just due to the development timeline of them adding customizations?

That’s hilarious given something like ear sizes were new customization given to BE first and still went to VE later.

Void Elves have been getting lots of customizations they’ve been asking for, hasn’t that been what most people here and elsewhere have been getting aggro about? That VE “are being listened to but other races are not!!!”

Looks promising from what I can tell.

Tbh I feel sorry for you that you still seemingly are trying to campaign exclusivity for customizations that are more likely to get shared than not, despite all previous additions to VEs right in front of you.

And you’ve been at this since the beginning (back during the old forum layout), I recognize your name over most of the more recent people’s here.

At least even Ariel has enough of a mind to admit that the Options Alleria has are most likely to be shared.

You on the other hand are continuing to essentially stamp your feet and say, “no no no that’s not how this works” and continue incessantly arguing despite Blizzard news showing otherwise.

Get the last word if you wish, you haven’t presented any convincing arguments at all other than rehashing ones that are already proven to be defunct.

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no, that is the reason she said that. they are unworthy of the name. the queldorei are dead. the last act of the high elves was renaming themselves the sindorei per liadrin in the heritage scenario. she really said it the best didnt she :relaxed:

vereesa got personal jabs. peasants playing at nobility was referencing their refugee status and living off the charity of dalaran and ofc that she has half elf offspring. i mean there is literally nothing high elven about her culturally or figuratively. no high elf army or kingdom behind her. shes a joke and unworthy of anything to do with the ‘high elf’ moniker. shes just a pointy eared human at this point wasting away in dalaran with 2 children she nearly abandoned at one point

Looks annoying from what I can tell and belongs in another thread.


Thanks, your opinion will be noted and promptly discarded. Have a good one.

Same here. I use the same style our glorious Regent Lord uses (a.k.a. the rings on the upper side of the ears).

Will any of you kindly tell that poster that unless he/she/whatever has anything constructive to add, the harrasement of regulars can be taken to another thread, please?

I don´t see the point in trying to derail the discussion with “but muh Velf/Helf customizations!!” BS in the blood elf thread.

I have him/her muted but his answers still appear and are annoying.

Oh, tytyty, Soule. Exactly what I wanted to say.

And your off topic posts reported if it keeps up. Pulling for Void Elf customizations do not belong in a Belf customization thread. I don’t care if you get Alleria’s butthole on your forehead. It belongs somewhere else.


This all started because a poster said VEs shouldn’t get customizations in this thread. If you wanna report me for being off topic due to mentioning VE, I hope you’re policing those posts here that mention them as well.

Also remember if you falsely flag enough that’s a bannable offense.

Flagging someone for continuing to pull the conversation off topic that can be deemed trolling is fine. Doesn’t matter who started it. It needs to end!

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Actually it’s a convo between me and Softsong, that others can ignore. But somehow that flies past your head.

Plus I said I was done responding to her and you are the one that made a jab after that. How ironic.

Then take it somewhere else with Softsong. Discord exists, other ways of communicating exist. We want to pull for our own customizations here. We don’t want our thread and every thread taken over by Helfers.

Ok you’re still venting, despite me saying I’m not responding to her anymore. You’re the one continuing to be off topic now with just complaining about others.

Nothing of what you’ve said to me has to do with Blood Elves customization topic here. Just venting and throwing jabs/insults.

How about stop responding to me and I won’t respond to you? Easy.

While I generally agree with this, every post in the thread brings it back to the top so the more it’s on top the more likely Blizzard will look at it and continue to look at it for what we want and suggest.


soft is making good points

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I’m getting tired of them so I can see her point. I just don’t care what they get. But they have a way of being insufferable in every damn thread.

thats because they are worried. blizzard let them look like an easter egg, doesnt mean they are going to let them be nature loving farstriders. they might not even give void elves tattoos, just more corruption/void stuff. and if they did give them tats they might just be purple or a hot pink

im not a void elf and im sure blizzard will fix this

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Out of upvotes, so: :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

Well, as long as they bother to actually CHECK the options and don´t limit to review only the most recent posts.

Frankly I just think it´s not good to coddle the bad behaviour after some point. Spats in this thread with the Helfers serves noting but THEIR interests, after all it becomes moar Helf QQQ.

And we need the focus put on US, not them.


Lol, I just seen this, remember when we tried this, it totally didn’t work out. :yum: :yum: :yum: