Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Well you have the freedom to feel that way. I see it as giving people an open avenue to RP their characters as they see them.

My character would be better with red eyes. Since she is a warrior and feeds off rage. She also is a murder hobo. So why would she care about being corrupted or not? I’m not playing an honorable elf.


Oh definitely, it’s quite easy, as a matter of fact. Just utilize the Death Knight Story for all intelligent former-scourge, I would say. It’s no secret that the San’layn are highly intelligent, they were tacticians. They needed a home as seen in BfA. It had been a perfect change, but as usual, they blew it.

they could’ve even shared the dk ziggurat and starting zone. i mean wasn’t valanar one of the dk commanders ?


Alleria should’ve shot him for that.


I don’t see why it’d be a huge deal if people used the red eyes without a dark ranger mog.


its not a big deal, just realizing how iconic races like dark ranger, san’layn and high elves, really should’ve been their own things. i know thats alot of thalassians, but with multiple ways to look like other iconic thalassians anyway, seems a shame content wasnt developed to support them as their own civs.

maybe san’layns couldve been very tall.
dark rangers, very thin.
helfs, different hairstyles.

i dunno. not saying i dont like velfs, i do think they are unique.

I’d like to see an option to make male BE buffer and have an option for full beards.

Have I mentioned my belief in them Helfers feeling supremely bored in their own echo chambers as of late?

Ofc making the assumption that the hidden post is someone harping about “their Helf stuff for Velves”… on the Belf thread. /facepalm

Not less than copy-pasting Belf aesthetics watered down from the Velf visual style. Rp tools are just that: RP tools. This is the path Blizzard chose to follow and we all will have to adapt and move on, no more and no less.

Heck, talking about ideology of battle: the Klaxxi were a wasted oportunity. The Pandaren follow a more lenient “Alliance” mentality, and playing the “neutral” game only watered down the race to the point of irrelevance; they should had been the “Alliance race” that joins at the end of Pandaria and the Horde should had gotten non-worshipping-Old-Gods-to-the-point-of-idiocy Klaxxi instead (I mean the short story deployed in MoP made a good case about how similar is the Horde battle ideology with the Klaxxi one).

/raises hand

Personally I won´t roll my main as an undead, but I do dig the red eye stuff. However, if customizations is the most Blizz will do for the people actually wanting to roll a San´layn / Dark Ranger, well… let them have it, I suppose.

From my PoV, the warpaint, scars and runic scarifications basically cover the basic “exclusive aesthetic” of the Blood elves (heck, some will say jewerly too but I personally digress; survivors from the zombie apocalypse don´t sound like the kind of people who would care nowadays for oppulence); they just need to be robust enough so other themes like “Fel”, “Light”, “Arcane”, “Nature”, etc. can be explored using them.

Please, thanks to that “awesome” narrative I basically demoted her to “trophy wife 2.0 - just slightly less useless than imouto-chan but just as stupidly passive regarding her Human overlord-”.

How she feels all “cool” after such monumental and evident betrayal of trust is indeed pure mysoginy writting.

I could see how some people could get triggered, there´s a reason after all I can´t use the blue eyes or the purple ones; and that reason was Ion opening his imprudent trap to say those asets are to represent “High Elves” on Belf models -I could never relate to the High Elf narrative on Alliance and it´s disgusting reliance on Human Potential-. There are some weirdoes like myself that do get annoyed by tiny “lore bits” like that one. Had him stayed quiet, I would probably change from time to time the eye colors for my Belf, if only for variety.

The only reason red eyes on living Belves don´t bother me is because of the Dark Animus tbqh. It gives me a way to explain them that isn´t literally “only for undead elves”. Heck, I´d probably appreciate if they go back on their claims regarding the blue/purple eyes, I loved to assume those were given to represent Magisters that -after getting cleaning of the Fel by both the Light and the Arcane on the Sunwell- once again regained a more Arcane inclined appearance thanks to occupational issues.


I’d use red eyes on my pally to match her mog. I use the purple eyes a lot because purple is my favorite color and I’ve wanted purple eyes forever. My mage uses them because she’s arcane.


high elves were their own thing hyper you just rejected the lore for them because it took them out of your preferred faction

now idk what they are

dark rangers are a class not a race. its like asking for a farstrider AR. idk how they can work but it should be through the forsaken. probably just a toggle for hunters

i dont get the appeal of san’layn at all tbh unless they get a new model

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no, actually, i didnt reject it, i just thought it was not believable. i dont think void elf lore is believable either. haha

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thats for sure. but its what you wanted. the model, not lore. so they fanfictioned a soulless clone of blood elves just for alliance

i just made another new char and did that new isle starter scenario. havent played retail since tbc was announced. now i remember why i like wow. its just fun lol

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Funny how you care about that when it comes to Blood Elves and their own options, but not when it comes to watering down their uniqueness and the uniqueness of Void Elves…


exiles reach is definitely an improvement over the ancient starting racial zones


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blizz conceptual art blood elf tattoos


I want this


Not gonna lie, that got me in the mood to lick…


I have to agree… that’s one smokin’ hot dude!


Agreed, I love logging in to see stuff like this in the early morning. :fire: :fire: :fire: