Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Yeah for some reason I don’t like rot-gore, which is why I don’t like zombies much as a monster. Yet somehow I’m just fine with blood (there’s no logic to this at all). Bone doesn’t bother me though, nor does flesh, but rot does (‘bother’ as in ‘eh I don’t like it’ not ‘I CAN’T HANDLE IT!’ rather).

I think my favorite monsters are more bestial, like despite really disliking Shadowlands and not desiring for the afterlife races to be playable, I do really love the Stoneborn designs, and think they are super neat. So beast-based monsters (worgen count!) are cool, and of course ‘beautiful monsters’ with really eerie features like saw-like teeth and knife-claws.

Sorry for the off-topic-ness :stuck_out_tongue: I guess I could bring up felbloods as somewhat relevant as well when it comes to ‘beautiful monsters’ because they are the most twisted (aside from withered) of the elven-monster breeds (well… kind of, it’s debatable).

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Lol, I have never seen anyone in this thread, the Void Elf void specific customization thread or either of your San’layn threads care about talking off topic so you are good dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Perfectly understandable, rott can be quite err… nauseating. I take it you really really didn´t like House of Plagues (which is the ode to pus; though the best Maldraxxi character came from there so there is that -Marileth is sweet and I was like "omg, basically an Apotecary ripoff can be SWEET?!? why isn´t this happening for the RAS right now!!!-).

I personally find more or less interesting the monsters more depending on how they are written than their looks. The Stoneborn look VERY well done, but they´re quite boring for me. Draven is a “good boi” indeed (I do like the Stonemother but more thanks to her attitude, she´s vampiric Draenerys that managed to get her vendetta and enjoyed it non apologetically).

And don´t worry about off topics, happen quite frequently in here -well, is not a problem as long as this isn´t bait material and Ms., I´m happy to say Horde “monsters” and monstruous customizations aren´t considered bait here -not for me at least-. Felblood as long as they get some semi decent explanation I don´t have an issue with (heck, considering the quality ofthe recent writting, no explanation seems the best policy to use).


I’m not sure what you are on about. I never claimed to know more than Blizzard. It’s just a reason there have been so many schisms between elves. Groups of them now live everywhere. Thalassian elf does not mean aligned with other elves. It’s shown in game.

Oh, noes, not talking about you saying this, sorry if it came like that.

I´m talking about the usual suspects that come into the thread to say that “Belves future is only Light / Arcane / Fel / insert magical source of preference”.

You and I both agree the Belves aren´t a monolyth and their culture is waaaay broader than merely “one true path”. Heck, Blizzard agrees with us both as per the official text that describes the race in the official webpage.

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Oh gotcha! I was confused.

Meh, don´t worry. Tbqh i was uncertain if my message was right when I put on it -but then again, it was quite a megapost so… I forgot to go back and check again-.

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Maybe not compelling to you but compelling enough to Blizzard it seems, as I remember others saying the skin tone and hair color arguments were not compelling enough either yet those were received.

Me being in this thread does not matter with what Blizzard decides. I wasn’t present everyday or month or year campaigning for high elves on alliance yet they were received all the same.

It’s not a worry it’s more trying to help people not drive towards a dead end.

Remember, there’s been more than enough BE that have expressed their disappointment, rage, sullenness, etc at the skin tones, then the hair colors, after seemingly convincing themselves “it will never happen”.

So my comment to the other guy was simply, try avoiding saying phrases such as “and I don’t want to see this on X race at all, only my fav race should get it” as that’s how those people will lead themselves back to being disappointed again.

Unless it’s your prerogative to continue towards the disappointing road, then by all means continue - me being absent won’t change that.


I don’t care what Void Elves get as long as they give us something in return to set us apart. But discussion about them shouldn’t be here. It’s in just about every thread. And it’s starting to make me feel like every time Velves are brought up, Pandas should get a customization instead.


It had nothing to do with looking like Alleria, it was added as a high elf customization for Blood elves and Void elves, much like the Wildhammer Tattoos for Dwarves and the Sand troll skins for Jungle Trolls. Alleria was never even mentioned.

There’s no precedent to even consider making the Void elves who’s thematic design is already pretty established to look like a Horde group. Again, that’s like undead asking to wear 7th legion gear.

I think it has you worried that Blizzard will recognize the Blood elf player’s requests for their faction’s Farstrider themes over yours, and that idea worries you because then it might spoil your chances on ever seeing it added to the Void elves, especially when you consider the design and style of existing Void elf hairs.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if in response to the Blood elf players feedback they aren’t already working on some Farstrider customizations in the near future.

Which would explain why you seem so eager to remind anyone who requests Farstrider customizations on Blood elves that Alleria looks like a Farstrider, and how much you think that means you deserve them too. If you honestly were as confident as you’re making yourself out to be you wouldn’t bother entering a Blood elf customization thread concerning yourself with anyone who disagrees with some false pretense on altruism.

And if im being honestly, I like our chances on getting them far better than yours.


I recall you feeling that same way about only Blood Elves receiving blue eyes.

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Except we’re not talking about High elf customizations, we’re talking about Blood elf ones.


Alleria’s NPC to others during the velf recruit scenario is literally “high elf Ranger”. That’s her aesthetic blizzard has chosen to rep that, whether you want to agree with that or not is your own choice.

Having blood elf Farstrider’s doesn’t take away what Alleria’s aesthetic is and doesn’t take away that her own faction (velf) wants to emulate her look.

Humans can choose to look like Varian.
Blood elves can choose to look like Lor-themar.
Dwarves as muradin/magni (pre-diamond).
Orcs like Garrosh/Thrall.

Precedent exists for Void Elves to look like Alleria and get similar/same customization options. Trying to bar that from them is plain silly when you look at what other races can do.

Plus the main point was you felt a certain way about certain customizations being restricted in the past, and they were not.

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the only issue i have with just giving belfs red eyes and an undead skin tone instead of playable san’layn or dark rangers, is it will water down and detract from the visual style of those races. people will select red eyes for all types of classes and not all people who want to rp either san’layn or dark rangers may follow the originating styles…or at the least try to mog the originating styles.

you gotta admit, a dark ranger rp without a silver rimmed dark hood, is just gonna look like a belf with red eyes. the iconic style is at risk.

but giving belfs the red eye and undead skin options is just the easiest and most logical approach.

That’s the really odd thing, I don’t mind it because it’s actually got a really good story. In fact, Maldraxxas has to be among my favorite covenants, because I really love its story. I don’t mind the aesthetics either, I just wouldn’t play a rotting character, if that makes sense. The one thing that really grosses me out (again not to the point I can’t handle, I want to work in a biology lab someday, after all) is maggots, so I don’t like seeing them even if I can deal with it. (Not to the point of a phobia or “EW YOU SHOULDNT EVER SHOW ME THAT!”, more of a ‘eh not my thing, those do gross me out’)

Also yeah, I think the lore is the biggest factor for me for monsters. I might not like the aethetics of a monster, but if they have gore, I will like them, usually. Draven is pretty interesting yeah, along with the Stoneborn. It’s funny because aside from the look of the venthyr, I like revendreth aesthetics but hate their lore.

So in reality, there’s no true logic to what I like and dislike :rofl: More like: “I might not play this but I love its story” or “I might not like how it looks but I like its story” or “it looks really nice but there’s no good story”.

Au Ra have everything I adore from FFXIV, well the Xaela. The whole ideology of battle and might is a lot of fun.


i always wondered why blizz felt every playable race had to break from established high fantasy except humans and dwarves. having playable vampires in a game with playable werewolves is like gaming gold but they resisted the vampire addition for some strange reason. like you, the devs want their playable “monster races” to be chaotic good. its not hard to dream up a chaotic good lore for san’layn.

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People RPing their characters is not a problem at all. It’s not like Paladins were never corrupted in lore or something.

There will be plenty of people that want to look like Belves alone. It’s kind of care trolling to say that this is preserve Belves when they are different depending on how they align. You have Belves that fed off of fel, Belves that fed off mana wyrms, Belves that feed off blood magic.

None of us are really in unison on anything. So we should be able to RP as such.


i was just bemoaning the fact that the iconic imagery of this

and this

will be watered down, since it wont have any framework once its just widely available.

No more than sand trolls. They likely are not giving us more Thalassian elves. Everyone else would revolt. And Belves if true to their history should not be left pristine.


i realize its the most logical approach and it seems only fair to give them access to customizations from long requested races, it just seems cheap compared to actually making them playable races