Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

To be fair I also will go back on it, but I’m starting to do that less and less, and trying to stay out of the sass fights. Do I win that inner battle all of the time? Definitely not :stuck_out_tongue:


I feel you, I really do, I seem to argue with someone almost every day lately because of the many elf dramas, minus who I have already blocked and then I just see hidden reply and I ignore them completely now so I’m good about that at least. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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I decided against complaining about the arguing since it keeps the topic bumped and in view of the devs (much as it did for the High Elf debate). If arguing about this or that Void Elf stuff is what it takes to get what I want for my Blood Elf characters, so be it. I’ll just sit back, keep my nose out of it, and hope that in the end the constant visibility gets the devs to cough up the options I want for my Blood Elves.


You make a very good point. It worked for those wanting high elf customizations on the alliance.


Please, that´s a given.

I mean, the Orc supremacists and Garrosh fanboys celebrated only too much Vol´jin´s early demise and he was a Troll ffs… imagine both their ire AND their nonstoppable QQ if the job were held by a Blood Elf.

Matter of perspective obviously… the chains -just like the rest of the jewerly- are asets that frankly, only look good on a caster (and considering my only two Belf toons are melee, well… useless, customization is useless).

I´m a firm believed the themes are still there, they just have taken a seatback in regards to screentime (I mean, frankly the Belves don´t precisely hold a protagonist role in the game. The last time we did properly was in Thunder Isle and in there ALL aspects of the Belves were present -sans Liadrin the pieous, but then she had her time to shine in Talador-.)

Cue my post about this being told in the freaking official page as a description for the Blood elf race.

But sure, forum goers apparently know better than Blizzard themselves.

Sure Magnificent, it´s so basic they are the only elf mages getting portrayed in game as Blood magic manipulators and practicioners (ergo, as canon as it comes). The Blood Magic stuff related to the Dark Animus IS part of the Magister experience, not merely Fire and maybe Fel as some incorrectly reduce the Belf race.

For someone supposedly so invested in the race you sure as hell want to limit their themes… why? I mean, I can understand limiting Undead (after all this is strictly Forsaken territory as per canon lore), but the only stuff that basically makes the Belf mages different from your average High / Night Elf / Nightborne /Draenei / Human?

Imagine that warpaint with an scarification showing the aforementioned phoenix as a contrast? (I mean, remember those gory irl scarification images I posted above?)

Red eyes + generalized red colored effects thanks to manipulation (I mean if in the comics a dirty ignoramus like Valeera got purple eyes thanks to messing up with magic, proper magisters sure as hell can get the secondary effects expected from playing with the Dark Animus too much for too long. Even Orcs get it and those aren´t WoW´s version of Evees the same way thalassian elves are).

There, customization explained. Not terribly different from the explanation to fel green eyes, golden eyes (that basically are gained by devotion a.k.a. manipulation) or blue / purple eyes (that don´t even have an official explanation in canon lore ffs).

Pff the Helfers pushing for this stuff basiclly admitted to do so only because of spite, not because genuine interest. I can even tell you when that happened: it was one rando day in the Helfer thread when one of them started with the “San´layn for Velves cause muh gothic aesthetic” BS.

And they certainly aren´t regulars on this thread. Heck, I think you have them on ignore.

I can. For startes the basics: the red eyes. Secondary -and preferably after some quest chain or short story or whatever- some proper rituals after close quaters interactions with Mag´har Orcs that can give us mutations and then we go wild: we can import the Felblood ones (feathered wings, horns, claws), we can include the San´layn esque ones (bat wings and ears, claws, fangs, etc.) or some new ones (reptile pattern skin, serpent eyes, etc.) as a way to achieve the “Dire Belf” state (heck the Meta model for the DHs can be used to create the Dire model).

Felbloods canonically aren´t Demon Hunters, they don´t share their bodies with a demon, AND by proxy of gorging on Fel they developed some interesting mutations. I suppose any cosmical energy in huge enough amouns could cause this. Ergo, enough amounts of Dark Animus juice inflicted on a Belf can probably cause them to well… mutate in interesting ways.

I don´t call her the Draenei weeb for nothing, you know?

Her portrayal is apalling, she´s a glorified long eared human cosplaying an elf.

Yellow colored runic scarifications and IF th devs doi something with magical auras, a yellow colored one. There, “Light” customizations available.

No need to ripoff the poor LF Draenei, my man. Let them keep their identity ffs, they ARE a culture that DOES work around their “Light” (Turalyon basically send her beloved wife to cosmic jail cause Xe´ra told him to, so… deffinitely NOT how Belves operate).

Forsaken in Tranquilien. Since TBC.

So me thinks yes?

My dear Khairan, if the devs want to make us the villains, the cosmic source we use will be irrelevant.

Wanna bet in a hypothetical scenario involving Y´rel somehow managing to come to Azeroth with her Deaux Vult the one that will be partt of the Boss encounters on one of the raids will be Liadrin and NOT Turalyon? (And I´m quite sure on that bet).

Helfer first iterations of the megathread (villain batting the Belves WAS a thing back then. Nowadays? Nah. BfA apparently showed us the devs have no limits regarding incoherent writting so… I suppose the Helfer thought better about their “jokes”).

Not mine, shamelessly pulled from the artist handclaw on twitter:

Personally, i think following the rune path can be the way to create those “Magister” tattoos (if we look at Rommath´s arms design, we can see they are suspiciously similar to this kind of “language” used in Eversong´s Runestones:

Geometric plus “magical circles” seems the way to go.

As a chemical engineer let me tell you the color of the flames depends on the elemental component getting combusted (ergo, pyrotecnics). So why limit this effect to redish colors? Flames in this game can be even purple (hello, Voss) ffs.

Excellent idea, better yet it´s not a shameless copycat on NB hair effects so, it´s better overall (both races retain some modicum of uniqueness).

I´d just expand on the colors available (as I mentioned, fire isn´t only orange and magic in this game basically has no coherent color pattern. We got white as an “undead” color with the Kyrians ffs).

Also, to finish this novella and to the delight (or maybe not, hehehe) of Fen, I´d like a warpaint style close to this:


Very true, I didn’t think of this at the time of posting. Excellent idea!


Glad to be of service.

Considering you guys aren´t the Boogeyman the same way I am, maybe we could make some summary and post it again on the General customization thread?

If you liked anything I´ve posted, feel free to use it.


Lol, I really don’t think you are that bad and I have always liked you since our first chat until now and now you are one of my favorites. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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I’ll gather as many suggestions for the summary as I can. It might take me a while.


Oh no, I´m quite happy being the boogeyman. Has kept this thread mostly productive.

Less trolls coming to cause nothing but aggravation too.

Damn, it´s so unfortunate Izzabelle got hurt, we could use some mockups form some of the latest ideas we have put in here.

Please, you´d be the one actually doing all of us a favor, if you need help just ask.


Yeah, I really miss Izzabelle and Lann and Somand and Lance, okay I’ll stop because really I could write a list if I keep going. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Nothing wrong with that, they deserve their due credit.

Heck, now that I think about it, I should bother Baal (the guy from the Lock customization thread, he´s a SF regular) so he ask the devs for me which “language” was used for the runic design on the Belf of the TBC gamebox. I suspect it´s based on Warhammer´s Eltharin, but I may be wrong.

And why would I need that info? simple: forthe design of the Magister runic scarifications / tattoos. At least to have something concrete to ask any artist or volunteer reading this (cause yes, my drawings are a crime against humanity).


Well it is now, that’s my point. Talking about the past doesn’t help here, they have it now so it’s available to them, also Alleria’s “cultural style” isn’t in stark contrast to Void Elves as she’s literally they’re leader - we have now gotten options to further emulate her likeness so it’s only a matter of time before more of it comes to fruition.

Alleria only has half her face with warpaint, the Surv art paints both sides of the face with the warpaint, ergo the WC2 throwback is much closer.

Anyways, this is also arguing over very small details, reminds me back when people used to argue over the ‘different shades of blonde/different shades of fair skin’ and VE literally got copy pasted options from BE - so I believe that shows trying to argue some slightly different aesthetic as the correct version is a waste of time.

Ask for your Farstrider aesthetic, but trying to say it shouldn’t be on VE also is the folly there just like trying to keep away the hair colors and skin tones previously.

Keep up the ‘it shouldn’t be yours at all!’ message, that’s done jack-all tbh which I’m super glad about Blizzard not listening to it.

Ask for what you’d like to see instead of trying to restrict others, it’ll save you a lot of heartache.


Oh, a hidden reply.

Is that one an answer to me or to another poster in the thread? And more importantly: is that post constructive or the usual inane baiting BS of always?

I swear to god, their threads must be as lively as a mausoleum if they resort to come here when they don´t have anything to add (nor much less genuinely care for what is discussed in here).

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The reason it was given to them wasn’t to make them look like Alleria though? it was to satisfy the request to look like High elves, and even then it’s reserved merely as an RP tool. If the idea was that the Void elves were “Taking after” alleria their heritage armor wouldn’t look like an ethereal peacock.

The Survival hunter simply has to strikes over both her eyes, but the design is exactly the same. The Farstrider from WC3 just paints half of their face another color. The design from the tattoos on the Survival hunter are far more similar to Alleria, than the design for the tattoo on the WC3 model, who’s only resemblance is the fact that it’s blue.

Difference is the Farstrider is a Blood elf organization that really has no place on the Void elves. That’s like asking for 7th legion armor because the Forsaken used to be Alliance humans.

Except hair color is tied to the race biological appearance, where as the Farstriders are a cultural organization among the Blood elves. You have no Farstriders in your faction, and trying to base your argument that Alleria looks like one is not a compelling argument.

Yet here you are in the Blood elf customization thread? lmao Clearly you’re worried that what we’re saying makes sense or else you’d just sit in your thread.


He’s not worried.

He’s here gathering ideas of what else he can borrow from Blood Elves to ask for that for his own pet project.


I mean, my comment about their threads being as lively as a mausoleum now that most of us stay away from them certainly seems to have some sense of credibility.

I have that poster blocked but his interaction with Softsong basically spoiled the post. He still in here to complain about what, exactly? Some posters calling the Farstrider aesthetics well… Farstrider and proper for Blood Elves? LMFAO, are they in here to actually gatekeep or something? Cause I don´t see what´s the issue with the stuff we say in here, it isn´t their business, period.

If posters say stuff that aggravates them and to add insult to injury they don´t care over Belf customizations nor much less the Belf race, what the freaking hell are they doing posting in here?


I mean, I could tell you outright why he’s doing it, but it would get me banned.

And I plan on making the remaining gametime I have available worth it.


I agree. Nice to see my choice to block his sorry behind was indeed a good decision.

Long time I haven´t see you in this thread, Midare. I posted GORY stuff, you should check and give your opinion (also as an actual goth irl, do you think my asseveration that Velves aren´t “goths” but “emos” is too far from irl standards?)

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I’ll to get the summary up tomorrow night. I’ve been sick. I’ll try to be as thorough as possible.