Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

Like another allied race? I feel like Blood Elves are a much higher priority than any allied races for obvious reasons. Nightborne are lacking, but still Blood Elves are higher priority. Humans, Night elf, and such have customization options of over 25 options for hair or skin and crap. There are many races that need updates but Blood Elves aren’t at the bottom just because they already look good.

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Preach it.

They weren’t designed like that at all. They didn’t even have blood elf skin coloring. For some reason that Blizz still hasn’t made much sense of, customization options were given to void elves to look more like blood elves. They are void elves and they were made as void elves.

Some developer must have a new lady who plays Alliance and wants to have the nice version of Blood elves and now this guy is just trying to get it in with this chick or something. That would be the logical reasoning behind this stuff.

They said they would give them normal skin tones a while back. They did it in shadowlands I believe or prepatch.

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or those guys

part ethereal


Looks not good. There is only one good Void Elf design out there with an additional one with the right weapon: Hunter Class + Heritage Armor + Artifact Weapon

Otherwise: “Voidcore Greatstaff” from Warlords of Draenor raiding

Meaning it more in the sense that the Void Elves are not meant to be High Elves in the game. They are still Void Elves. I know both are High Elves genetically, well… maybe not so much for the Void Elves now, but still came from that.

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Doubling down on void and ethereal would’ve looked so good.

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ooo imagine a hawkstrider travel form and a dragon hawk flight form

That is beautiful I love it

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I think adding hair accents similar to the Talon of the Phoenix fist weapon would look very cool on blood elves, or even have feather additions that have a similar effect. Tattoos that have the same glow would be awesome as well, that way they have a strong visual distinction to set them apart from void elves.


Well we can most assuredly now, just missing a few warpaint/feathers in the hair. “Never supposed to look x way” doesn’t mean a whole lot concerning player customization options. It’s the same argument people tried to use against Humans of different ethnicities and black skin Blood Elves (and Void Elves) being available now - not of much merit other than trying to minimize player options.

Alleria’s design hearkens back to before Blood Elves were a thing, it’s similar to her iconic look in WC2 just modernized.

Besides, that ^ is much closer than the survival hunter pic where the lady elf has green markings on both sides of her eyes. If they took inspo from that Alleria would’ve looked closer to the surv hunter icon than her WC2 look.

It’s not about being ‘a Farstrider’ it’s more to emulate their leader, like many other races can. Plus, the story of Void Elves is not much at all, they barely have any lore that cements them and are able to evolve into whatever may come - just like the lore of the game has been evolving as a whole.

You can try and argue all you wish but that doesn’t take away that this is equally likely another thing that both sides (Belf and Velf) will get eventually.


Actually high elven options were given to both so both could look more like High Elves, Ely Cannon, a Blizzard team member, has stated this already. So, they have made sense of the additions. Some people just aren’t apt to accept it.


Wooooo, Blood elves get stuff to make them look like what they already are, awesome


The point is that her appearance was never meant to be considered a “Void elf” aesthetic, even if you can be a blonde elf, it doesn’t change the cultural style of the Void elves, which is in stark contrast to Alleria, and the Farstriders.

Human customizations were due to limitations of the game, not a intentional design choice. Anyone arguing otherwise was doing so in bad-faith.

Actually the Survival hunter icon resembles Alleria’s face paint far closer than the one from WC3. Where as the one from WC merely paints half their face, Alleria’s has an articulated strike over her eye and cheek, much like the Farstrider does in the Survival art. The “design” is exactly the same, the only difference being the chosen color - which in this example it seems green was chosen to demonstrate their stealth among the green foliage.

Void elves cultural design is not inspired by Farstrider, or even High elven concepts, they’re a mixture of ethereal/magister designs, otherwise your heritage armor would look entirely different. The point in the end is that the “farstrider” aesthetic belongs to the group that actually has farstriders, and shouldn’t be subject to your constant effort to forget the “void” part of Void elves.

It does though, because the Farstriders are an iconic, and huge staple to Blood elf culture. If anything Void elves are likely to get void-themed tattoos to better align with their narrative. The “story” of void elves is pretty established in the sense of where they stand in accordance to magic, and the void, two concepts that don’t really align with Farstriders at all.

It just seems like a far-fetched attempt to grapple for something that was, and should never be yours.


You’d think all this arguing would get tired and old really fast.


Dark Ranger/San’layn options for Blood Elves. Woo!


Lol, that happens in most threads, I should know I often take part. :joy: :joy: :joy:

You can’t help yourself :stuck_out_tongue: You’re certainly true to your name. :smiley:


holds up a sign of shame saying 'I am easily baited (but I’m working on it)


I really often try to be nice but some people make it so hard sometimes and I’m not smart like Fall where I’ll just block the trolls usually.