Big Blood Elf Customization Thread


I’m not a fan of ‘blood’ in any way but I can get on board with fire. Still think Blood Elves should get more to indicate arcane and light.

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If the orcs can have upright it would be great to have it us

This isn’t really helpful here but I was messing around with the ptr and got a Fenelon with a faction switch token. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol, inc Void Elf based customizations for Blood Elves, that will end up being our “new” stuff. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Also don’t anyone yell at me, I’m not being serious like serious because I wouldn’t ever want that. :joy: :joy: :joy:


The only thing I’d like to get from Void Elves for my Blood Elf characters are a few hairstyles. It would be especially nice if they were altered slightly so as to keep the same general style, but be smoother and with less dangling curls than the Void Elf versions so as to look more in line with other Blood Elf hairstyles.


I can understand that and I personally wouldn’t complain if we got the burgundy/maroon hair color and the pink/purple eye color from Void Elves but I mainly said what I did a few minutes ago because of a Void Elf looking Fen being on a Blood Elf background. :yum: :yum: :yum:


he’s got golden eyes. :smiley:

I know I seen but his outfit is unchanged, thus why I said about Void Elf stuff for Blood Elves, I assure you I inspected the picture before I made the comment.

i was just surprised. lol. it was more just a statement of hey, golden eyes

(heritage gear…oh could work in reverse! ut oh. hehehe)


Lol, fair enough and I support a Void Elf Fen and a Blood Elf Fen, actually I just usually support Fen being Fen so. :yum: :yum: :yum:

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That was before I logged in. Heritage didn’t actually transfer over of course.

Heres what hes in now. :stuck_out_tongue:

An alternate universe where Fenelon finally made it home rather than falling to the Void. lol


aww shucks. hehe

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Alleria is no longer a Farstrider. The fact her model continues to use the Farstrider aesthetic is very confusing to me. As far as racial identity, the Farstriders are one of the main three groups within Blood Elven Society that defines their race. So giving Blood Elves feathers, flowers, leaves, warpaint, tattoos would be appropriate for them to achieve a sense of diversity from the void elves. Just because Alleria exists doesn’t mean all Void Elves should receive the same treatment, they were changed by the void in very different ways.

Void Elves are not High Elves and they shouldn’t be receiving the same customizations when it comes to tattoos, feathers, flowers, warpaint, etc. Hairstyles are fine, hair colors are mostly fine, make up options, faces, scars, that’s fine. But when it comes to building a defining diversifying aesthetic for the Blood Elves the Void Elves should not receive the same options.

It’s why we’ve been asking for different tattoos, warpaints, eye colors, hair jewelry, jewelry in general… Just things that would further differentiate between the two races. Even adding the Lightforged, Dark Rangers, San’layn options for Blood Elves I wouldn’t oppose.

I honestly wish they would’ve doubled down on more void options for the Void Elves. They should just take make Blood Elves neutral in 10.0 and add Ogres in our place for the horde. That way High Elf requests can just go to Blood Elves.


Yes, that would be the Eagletalon Battlegear, specifically the green set which I believe is the normal difficulty raid set. The Tier 19 hunter sets are some of the best hunter transmog in the game, with clear Thalassian-themed details, additional Dark Ranger details for the Mythic version, and colors that perfectly match Thas’dorah and its quiver.

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Ah thats the name. I can never remember…


Blood Elves:

  • Farstrider Tattoos
  • Rune Scarifications like those depicted on the BC boxart
  • Scars representative of their past as both warriors and survivors of the Scourge attack.
  • Tattoos that reflect their racial history and inclinations
  • Damaged ears
  • Makeup
  • Beards for the men
  • Jewelry for the men
    *Share hairstyles across elves where it makes sense.
    *Feather options for hair

For Dark Ranger options on the Belf model or as a forsaken model toggle:

  • Red eyes (Dark Ranger, San’layn or fire mage fantasy)
  • Undead skin colors
  • tear markings
  • Red eyes with black sclera

They’ll both receive options that are appropriate for them. Anything “High Elven” falls into that category.

Again, ask for Farstrider customization on Blood Elves, just also know there’s precedent set for playable races to emulate their faction leader across the various playable races, (sylvanas isn’t forsaken faction leader anymore before anyone brings that up), allowing void elves to ask for options to emulate Alleria.

You can say VE got changed by the void in diff ways but again, Blizzard has deigned to give them high elven looks otherwise they wouldn’t have gotten those options in the first place.

Again, this isn’t saying don’t ask for them, just know you’re asking for something that VE have the capacity to receive as well. It ain’t nothing wrong with that.


lol? you have as much right to blood elf culture as they do to void elf culture. you can look like an easter egg but youre not a nature loving farstrider, literally quite the opposite, and allerias appearance is not reflective of the void elves


You were never supposed to look like Alleria, you were supposed to look like Umbric. Alleria’s appearance was designed after the stylization of the Farstriders on the Horde, which is why her visual design has always remained distinct from Void elves. As someone else pointed out, you can even see an example of a Blood elf Farstrider with the same face paint design on her face when you look at the icon for Survival spec on hunters

The story of the Void elves are such a stark contrast to that of the Farstriders, who’ve adopted more skeptical stance on relying, or consorting with forms of magic. Void elves on the other hand meddle with one of the most dangerous forces to exist. Where the Farstriders respect, and live harmonious with nature and wildlife, the void elves are seen twisting, corrupting and bending nature to their will with the void.

I could see them getting possible themes for their void rangers, but to make them Farstriders?


i agree with everything you said EXCEPT that. blood and void elves are both high elves