Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

I play blood elf because I love lore blood elf forever and because I love aesthetics and lore blood elf is that he does not want monsters to be part of the blood elf because the blood elves the patriots who fought to save quelthalas are not cannibal monsters or demons in the service of the legion. The horde already suffered a lot from this nonsense of being villains. and I’m sure many void elves actually want us to become monster villains to have the excuse to steal silvermoon from us!

If they promised to answer the door when we had unwanted visitors, sure!

Here is some felblood art of my own OC!

Wish there was more art in general, can’t find much of it online. That tells me we definitely need more felblood stuff :smiley:


blood magic is just that magic

So is every other form of magic. What’s your point?

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the blood elves were only radiated by fel crystals they never actively used fel only the legion’s servants did.

it’s a shame what happened to galell

That person has the classic ‘holier than thou’ mentality that light can do no bad etc etc when in reality perfection doesn’t exist, nor does purity, nor is there a ‘good’ magic. Just depends upon how someone uses it.

It’s a very narrow-minded view and I’ve resolved to not argue with people like that on here or irl over certain topics, it’s like talking to a brick wall.


Oh I found more!

(Here’s my character by them, well, one of them :smiley: )

No I think you’re right, that’s why fel green eyes & blue eyes are available on blood elves and canon still. Because if they’re not in close proximity to the sunwell (which is the case for plenty of elves), they are getting their mana and using it in a different way. The image shared is also why some want red eyes on blood elves without any sign of San’layn or Dark Rangers, but Sin’dorei using blood magic, which is displayed right there. I’m all for it.

I’m actually quite sad that the image shared there never went anywhere else. I was so figuring they were hinting to blood elves doing something more and leaning more into that blood magic but it never came to be.

BfA was a huge disappointment in general for me.


We are playing wow, do you really think that if we have demons and undead cannibals, the devs won’t turn us into villains? with all the void elves asking to take quelthalas from us that would be the perfect opportunity for them to ask to take quelthalas from us and expel us to ICC as human players ask to expel forsaken. I don’t want silvermoon to be a hole in the ground like lordaeron is.

where did this come from? No one is asking anyone on this thread to have Silvermoon taken away from the horde. Nor is anyone asking for BE to be villain baited.

No worries, I’m sure they will show that again.

Remember we where promised a canon to be fired sometime in the future too.

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They don’t realize I’m not responding to the nonsense anymore but I’ll say one thing and then drop it.

This is an important chart.

Any magic on this chart can be used for good.

Any magic on this chart can be used for evil.

Any magic on this chart can corrupt.

Corrupted beings aren’t automatically evil. Nor are demons. Nor are the undead. Nor are things like the Ren’dorei.

It’s a shame some people still cannot get the nuance, but I’m done arguing my point.

Magic and what something IS does not matter at all. All of our characters have free will. It all depends, again, on how they use their magic/talents.

Even healing magic can be evil, yes, really. If you heal a torturer of the innocent from death knowingly, I consider you evil.

Edit: Oh yes, and Lightforged Dranei count as corrupted. By the light. By the way. Are they automatically evil? Of course not.


True, but there is also conceptions of what is currupted or empowered as well. Not all curruptions makes you stronger. And not all empowerments makes you strong against everything too.

Anyways I wanted to ask the thread;

Does anyone have any art on magister tat’s of any magics yet?

just this week i saw like 3 threads of void elves asking quelthalas for them

give cannibals to the blood elves as is this game we will have a blood prince killing the blood elf leadership and turning them bosses of the silvermoon raid.
I do not want the same thing to happen to us that the forsaken become a group of genocidal psychopaths who in the end lose their country

Depends on viewpoint to be honest, I see all ‘empowerments’ as corruptions myself, just because in every situation (that I personally am talking about), it’s an overdose of the magic type.

Felblood elf = Fel magic overdose, drinking the blood of demons for days (I think orcs count for this too, the green ones. I think felblood orcs though are the next step up.)
Lightforged Draenei = light magic overdose, ritualistic
San’layn = Death magic and possibly blood, curse, unknown
Worgen = Nature magic overdose, curse origins
Nightborne = Arcane magic overdose, thousand-year-exposure
Ren’dorei = void magic overdose, ritual, depending on the elf there’s signs of the corruption on them

Edit: as for art I can maybe look some up, or do you mean new art


Those would be troll threads.

Pay no heed to them, they will not get silvermoon, also it has 0 precedence to the topic.

You mean san’layne? They should be an AR. We are not talking about them atm.

Not all forsaken is homicidal…


/10 char

Ah okay, I wish I had the capability to do that :sob:

… Suppose I could gather a list and send you over discord.

Naming and shaming might apply if I were to post it.

That’s the frustrating thing about trolls. Takes time to figure if it’s really a troll or someone who’s just really into a single aspect.