Big Blood Elf Customization Thread

People can push holy customization all they want, I personally hate it, won’t ever use it, and am not interested in it. I sincerely hope they don’t take the ‘light elf’ stuff from people seriously, they’re not lightforged. I really hope Blizzard listens to those who had interest in Blood Elves when they had nuance and were interesting, not some mindless servants of the light.


is he now? Maybe I should ask for a list of trolls?

Red are the eyes that glow
Blood, sand, and snow
Thirst driven madness
Unholy frozen sadness

The day may burn in shift
Fighting back the whispers adrift
Voices racing shadow’s wind, a wight
'Tis last you’ll see of the death knight.


Actually it was liadrin who was very involved with the light and later with protecting quelthalas who never had time for lorthemar

At this point I need a list too because I’ve lost count and think people are being dead serious when they are not.

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I’m a paladin who wants the light options that we should have.

hard to tell through the lens of the interwebz.

If you think being a pally makes you applicable for holy customizations, then all paladin classes should get it too :stuck_out_tongue:


customizing golden eyes says otherwise We already have light customization, we need more

the difference is that we already have golden eyes from the light

In that case, Felblood elves are all but a given by ‘but eye color’ logic since Blood Elves are literally represented by their green eyes.

We did it folks! Felblood elves for days!


Right! And she had a thing for Galell instead of Lor’theomar. Even thought Galell was the one who left mana gems for her to ease her cravings but it was Lor’theomar.

I’d love this! Let some of us look corrupt!


you mean those who were servants of the legion and died betraying quelthalas? Or that they used the power of the void and now they are in the alliance? we are not bloodthirsty monsters ready to eat people

I am. Come here, you smell like dinner.


And that’s all you should get, as it resembles that the sunwell is part light. Not fully, and that BE lore suggests only the most devout get’s them.


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Also, some of us are blood thirsty.


And that’s one of the reasons why it would be crazy to have cannibal monsters with us. Would anyone let cannibal killers live in their house?

Wasn’t it lore also that blood elves eye color resembles the magic they use the most in? Or was that just pre-sunwell destruction?

I still have the option of green eyes, and you have that whole paladin nonsense way of looking at things “because you don’t use the light, you’re evil”, so our conversation is 100% done. Go play a high elf, it’ll make you feel better, keep that toxic mentality out of blood elves.

Oh right, I’m also a DK, so yeah. “Wah wah so evil” wonderful, in that case go run from the ‘monsters’ and let people who think beyond black and white do the talking.

“Betrayed quel’thelas” how utterly bloody eyeroll inducing :rofl: If you like the alliance so much then go play on it.

Wanna share some art of a felblood I adore by one of my favorite artists!

This is neither my art NOR my OC, I wanted to share it! The art itself is by :slight_smile:

They actually did some art of my San’layn too, come to think of it.


That is some amazing art!

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