I was wondering how low health people could get, I had a few people in pvp 35-40 lvl gear and they had 160k
I still like all the people saying “Honor gear is easy to get.” Yes we all get that. It just shows how starved the PVP community is for content. We’re arguing about how easy it is to get base line honor gear lol.
I do think OP should buy some greens off AH to help. Other option is to do what I always do when gearing alt without getting AH gear….Go into epic Bgs and just half AFK and watch a movie.
I still think blizzard should add a minimum item level for Bgs/item level cap or just go back to stat templates. Lol if they brought back stat templates all the elite players would cry that they can’t 1 shot bad players. No more going 40 and 0 in random Bgs to feed the egotistical God complex they have.
I’ve been guilty of that, I miss my TBC twink hunter 60 and 0. Or going in to Bgs speced out warrior with Pocket healer going 30 and 0.
It’s a flaw with the game but we all do it. It’s why I doubt they will ever fix PvP.
you are asking for them to put in a system to “dummy” proof players from entering bgs essentially naked wearing no gear…and history tells us that if you make a system thats dummy-proof all you end up doing is making bigger and better dummys.
so no. random bgs means not just maps but random players with random skills doing random things. if someone wants to drive a glaive into the water and splish splash or maybe strip and /dance at the farm in ab and do some RP…totally random. totally acceptable. if you wanna play with people in full 424 gear…que up rated. look at that we solved the gear issue for you
I thought that was clap. But maybe they are both terms lol
Oh wait you mean a c++ codeing thing whoops
https:// cdn.discordapp. com/attachments/386699677074194442/1087087611539112096/image.png
If this guy couldn’t queue with his 77k HP he would just quit WoW and the people fighting him would too. It’s just so needed to have insane gear progression and gaps in the game, clamping gear so you can’t have literally useless players is just unacceptable!
That example is the exception to the rule though. I’ve never seen someone show up to a max level battleground wearing heirloom gear, lol.
An afternoon of battlegrounds.
Full conquest does not take an afternoon.
You literally pay $15/month to defend gear advantages in PvP, seek help.
I’m referring to honor gear.
Which is probably strong enough for random battlegrounds if people are reaching 3000 rating in shuffle with it.
The difference between honor and conquest is 13ilvls which is a 13% throughput difference (according to ion 1ilvl is roughly 1% difference).
The gear gap is there, but it’s not as massive as it was in SLs where max honor gear and conquest was 23 ilvls appart. it also takes WAY less time to grind out.
I made a post back in shadowlands showing the difference between the honor requirements for gear in WoD and SL’s
The current gear gap is actually better than WoD’s where honor and conquest were 15 ilvls apart.
And the honor cost for a full set it 11025 less than WoD.
Completely useless comment.
If players are equally skilled, the one with 30% more player power will win 100% of the time.
Well, they rarely are.
Again, an exaggeration.
Sorry to hear that things haven’t been going well despite them fixing gearing.
Not this expansion at all but over the years I’ve noticed it maybe a half dozen times. Maybe related to how BGs used to scale.
I have several alts around 414-416 PvP ilvl which is really just honor gear + crafted pieces and maybe 1-2 drakebreaker epic pieces and they are just fine in randoms. I even was playing my alts that I leveled back at expansion launch that are strictly 100% honor blues and they felt fine too.
Not everyone in BGs have full conquest and you can still compete against the ones that do if you know how to play. It’s not like SL where the guy in duelist gear just oneshots anyone in honor gear. The difference is nowhere near as massive as it was.
Is everyone at the exact same player power 100% of the time? No? Then gearing isn’t fixed.
Honestly that won’t help any of the people currently struggling “due to lack of gear”.
Gear = skill. When I hit the 2 key, I do it the bestest because of my gear, and with supreme skill.
How bad at this game are you that you need to rely on gear advantages to win, and adamantly defend it?
All the highest ranked players want ZERO gear advantages, btw.
I started with nothing just like everybody else.
This is as close as we’re realistically ever getting.