BGs have finally died

I don’t know but maybe last night was just an unlucky night for me but I am also seeing a lot of pre-mades in random battlegrounds, 9 out of 10 were 5 man pre-mades, and I am starting to think even this is unfair.


61-69 alliance was almost all premade vs pug in epics, it sucked. I noticed it got worse since the season started but I noped out after 1 game since I came back.

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Man I used to love PVP up until CATA.

I am not sure what the solution is but what if we had permanent tournament realms?

If I want to PVP just log in to the character on the pvp tourney realm and just go pvp.

Obviously they would need to add more stuff and make it better.

You get all the gears you want and go PVP. The base gear you start the xpack with and then you work on getting honor conquest to get the better ones.

I imagine it would be like the private PVP realms back in the day. People just hanging around dueling, doing BG’s Arena ETC. That was a fun as hell year of my life until they shut the server down.

Just separate the PVE from PVP. I would raid and do mythic plus on regular realms and when I wanna do BGS just hop on to my full decked out character waiting for me.

IDK dudes just a thought. It would funnel all the pvpers to one space. Also the tournaments realms can be balanced differently so PVE DPS does not interfere etc… Your PVP abilities are permanently on etc…

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saying it takes like 3 minutes for BGs its not a low pop issue its people leaving when they are losing and not improving aka a player issue not a game issue

The incentive to leave is greater than the incentive to stay. That’s a game issue. You cannot blame the players for blizzards inability to create compelling PvP content.


bro thats 100% a player issue. you are accept defeat instead of trying to improve and win. Thats what allot of casuals/bad players do in any game. look at league your team is losing you request FF if they dont you just leave. its not a game issue its a player issue

So what, you think players should stay in a losing situation with no chance and just what? Contemplate their life choices?

No. This is a game. It’s a problem that’s been solved. The issue is that wow PvP was designed by a PvE brain. How do the top PvP games out there solve the problem? Do that.

It is never the players fault that they don’t want to play your game. More broadly put, it is never a consumers fault that they don’t buy your product.

GET good. simple as that. you arent going to win every game you arent going to lose every game but if you leave as soon as you start losing it shows you want to be carried by someone else.

Want to know what they do they put timers on people who rage quit and evtually bans them. :stuck_out_tongue: just like wow puts a timer on them

its 100% a players fault if they gety angry because they arent skilled enough to win.

Yes and no. If someone wont buy a product because they arent good enough to use it thats a consumers issue not a issue of the producer. Example weight machine skinny jeans andy isnt strong enough to use muscle man extreme weight machine so instead of training to use it he cries and blames the producer for making something they arent good enough to use.
You are doing this but for BGs

For the record, we’re talking about unrated BGs. “Get Good” is kind of a dumb thing to say here.

What game does that?

That’s just gross. If you make an “extreme” weight set, your target audience is the people who can use it. You’re making a specialized product. It’s not your fault (using you as example) that you’re small and weak. You’re not their target audience, and there other product is more your speed. They offer both, because they want all the business they can get.

Wow doesn’t. The entry level, unrated, solo-queue experience is gate kept by wanna be elitists. Get good? You’re out of your mind.

That, right there, is why there are so few people playing that it’s literally not worth creating maps for. It’s up to Blizzard to offer a better product.

Just off the top of my head: reward participation and not wins. Make it more rewarding to keep playing than to leave. Leaver problem is solved.


Get good is for any game. so no its not lmao

league, dota2,seige, WoW, nearly every pvp game. only ones that dont are CoD where people leave after they die twice because their bad.

I hope they at least payed for that white horse lmao.

I hope asmon and the rest of the boomer doomers paid you well my dude. i just speak facts :stuck_out_tongue: but thxs for accepting that im right and you have no way to refute me

You’re so far off base I’m not sure we’re even talking about the same game. PvP participation is down to 5 digits and you wanna gatekeep.

Have fun running WSG with the same 4 people for the rest of all time.

It’s up to blizzard to make a game worth playing.


Rewarding those that bypass rules doesn’t work.

That is how Rated Battle grounds died.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


5 digits lmao what game are you playing. i love how boomer doomers dont even know their numbers
there is around 200-300k people doing pvp and we have around 7 million subs currently so please continue to speak whatever asmonflavored boomer doomer speach my dude its funny.

i never said that but please keep going in your strawman argument.

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Source please.

Mine is the wow leaderboards for rated PvP btw. 20k matches per week for SS and 12k for 3s. Compared to >1M m+ runs.

Also, you keep calling me a boomer and asmongold. I’m neither of those things.


I notice the issue with premades; do people who engage in pvp like battlegrounds think that removing or blocking the ability for people to join together would make bgs better? I’m not even sure how it works, do people make a group and somehow go into the battleground together?

I agree with 8: Being Tried Maps. I mean seriously. They are same dull boring maps that blizzard hasn’t even A Update the Older Battlegrounds to be HD Versions of Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch and B there hasn’t been a single new battleground and new pvp zone for a long time. I don’t think I could even recall the last time we even had a new battleground nor pvp zone.

I have always been confused why RBGs seem to have died. If it’s a great game mode then a lot of people would be playing it. So my assumption has been that players have done things to make the mode toxic such that it isn’t fun to play.

I know some people may also go on about how “inaccessible” they are, but that still goes back to players making it that way.

Also, some folks seem so excited by the concept of “solo queue RBGs,” but I don’t think they’re being fully honest with themselves about how such a mode might turn out given poor PvP design and balance, and then on top of that, the exploitive tendencies of too many players.

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I am not into PvP myself, but this seem to be issues that should be addressed so everybody can have their fun.