BGs have finally died

Welp, its finally happened.
BGs are dead. I don’t know about arenas but the disaster that is now BGs is sad. Its like playing that game that has been given up on so you have all kinds of weird stuff happening…

1: Anyone see the exploit where you can grab the flag, use some jump potion thingy and on Twin peaks, you can get to the mountains outside the play area and just… Stay there.

2: Top 4 leaders on the board: All hunters at 80M and the closest second a DH with 65M and the rest of everyone around 25M.

3: Kill leaders all Hunters: 15-0, 23-1, etc…

4: 50% of all games start with 7 people and fills after you already lost.

5: Balance issues are the worst in WOWs history.

6: Some healers so OP you cant kill them… Others die in seconds.

7: Game is flooded with so many slows it feels like playing in lag from the 1990s, where ping was 300 and game cards could handle 3fps.

8: Boring, tired maps.

9: The name plate bug is now 1 month old with no fix.

10: Same, tired OP and bad classes.

Sad but in fairness, the game lasted a long time.


Ya bgs are the reason i got into wow. But with class balance and everyrhing else u listed they dont spark any joy. It feels abandoned in favor of solo shuffle which tbh i do enjoy but i wish i can just go back to doing chill fun bgs while doing dailys.

The best format for bgs currently is gw2 its 5v5 so not as big but the pvp is fun and no ones op. All the gear is squalized so u can always jump in and have fun no matter what skill matters more.

I would say wow would care but they only care about pve numbers and tuning raiding pvp always gets ignored.


i agree, bgs have been neglected so long they are no longer enjoyable, premades killed off bgs as well.


This is what killed BGs for me.


To be fair, it’s usually a boomie with AoE that seems to dominate the damage in BGs I play but hunters lead in kills because of their execute. I only played the one BG since I came back 3 weeks ago, I got pulled into an in-progress GY camp by one of the sync communities because someone else had left. Close sesame.

I feel like they’re abandoning random/rated BGs and arena in favor of their newer systems. I guess it’s adapt or move on.


You’ve just now realized Retail PvP is dead?

It’s been dead for almost a decade bud.


This is what kills it for me. I like Plunderstorm lack of grouping, but it’s not my favorite mode.

These premades need to stay in rated. Break up all groups in non rated PvP.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Oh hey yeah, we definitely need to have a conversation about rated battlegrounds going forward…

…oh wait, you’re talking about getting wrecked in randoms? Lolok.

I agree immortal healers are a problem though.


More like perma camped in graveyards like Warsong Gulch. And the Alliance has one player holding flag in base

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Premades killed BGs for me in retail and SoD. Blizzard not understanding how many players don’t participate in BGs due to premades is both laughable and pathetic.


Cross faction would at least allow a more even distribution of teams and healers and would slow down the sync communities but no doubt they’ll figure another way to abuse the bug that’s existed as long as I’ve played. I don’t want just be someone else’s fodder for their advancement.


I miss the BG play of old. I could spend an entire Saturday in EotS or AV, doing them over and over because it was such fun. I stopped enjoying BGs in early MoP for a few reasons, but …unpopular opinion…primarily the separation of players into rated and unrated BG queues. It inevitably and dramatically changed the quality of unrated BG play for players who (like me) weren’t dedicated enough for rated play, but who were having fun and trying hard to collect wins and sets and achievements. So many groups would feel half-baked, literally, often lacking leadership or motivated players who take the objectives seriously.

I think about BGs often, but cannot entice myself to queue. Maybe things have changed, but I can’t imagine for the better.

And to be really real, the total laziness of recoloring raid tiers for PVP sets is a huge whomp-whomp moment and I treasure my old unique sets all the more because of it. :slight_smile:

Also, add Tol Barad to the pool, already. I loved that place. I’ll run Tol Barad. Promise.


BGs have been dead since Cata.


All the focus of WoW PVP goes into arena because they love their e-sports. BGs suffered because of that.


Premades need the pugs, pugs don’t need the premades. You should be nicer to us or you might find yourself in Twinkville, population 0.


Lmao. Okay, there’s many other game modes in WoW.
I do pvp until I hit honor level 500 then I will never touch it again.

The entirety of Retail PvP needs an overhaul, the primary issue is Blizzards refusal to provide the minimum maintenance requirements in all areas of play.

Myself and several others are trying to work with Members of the Community Council over on this post here to garner Blizzards attention in the hopes of having some of these issues addressed.

Thanks for making this post, if the PvP community can keep a flag raised long enough for it to be seen maybe just maybe we’ll see some change.


I loved BGs! Randoms, rated, I didn’t care.
I like Randoms because I can just load up wow and play…
Now they are more just frustrating and broken.


It’s been this way every expansion because hunters no longer need to stand still for some portion of their damage. Having a deadzone eliminates this meta.

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I also saw a Blood DK finish a normal BG (not Epic) with 568M in healing.
Yes, half a billion in healing…