BG's are all premades horde favored


bad takes from bad pvp’rs oh lawd keep this crap coming bro were s/s this for disc.

A class that DOESNT have to cast is harder to shut down than a class that has to cast and can have its burst nullified with a cleanse. lolol

Yeah, but isnt that the same for any caster? Except other casters arent wearing shield + mail and have freedom totems.

Ele have to cast flameshock?? How dumb are you.

Spriest is the most OP thing in SOD and theres nothing close at the moment aside from a really well played rogue

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Ok horde player

my only horde is from SOM

My mains are on Era whiteman allyside and sod

also play feral NE in cata but its already dead

can shut down a spriest much easier than an ele. This guy definitely doesnt play alliance its so clear.


thank you

So you only play alliance on SoD. But you run to the forums to cry about enhance shamans not getting weapons. Dude no one here believes you so stop trying.

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No, this is factually incorrect. Just because you say it doesn’t mean its true. All classes should have pvp weapons.

man thinks casters should get STV weapon upgrades like they don’t kill people fast enough in PVP

totally mains a rogue btw

also claims to have arena achieves on multiple occasions and has yet to post from that toon, all he says is LOG INTO WHITEMANE BRO like anyone cares that he sat in a diaper to grind Rank 14

I destroy casters in pvp, that doesn’t mean they should have to raid to get weapons if they hate raiding.

Spriest is super tough if they’re really good.

rogues most broken class in sod next to spriest.

Rogues broken Sub kit with unreal burst is just silly its almost not fun ganking

This guy definitely doesnt BG. Just ignore everything he has to say. He thinks BGs = duels and world pvp.

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I mean its the same thing with karens like you queing and not communicating in the bgs. It is LITERALLY the same thing lol

You guys run around scattered getting picked off 1 or 2 at a time

I have ran a few random bgs, ally is god awful in SOD. IF you try to re direct or help people they just mass report

Just because you call others karens doesnt mean you arent one yourself.

I think you getting mass reported is a you thing. Can understand why

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I’m not the one crying about OP classes. Spriest is broken OP but I gave good feedback on it. NOTHING you say here is going to change ELE bud. They DO NOT take any feedback from the forums for sod now

I didn’t get mass reported

but you run onto forums to defend the current most overtuned class by saying other classes are stronger.


I literally called out the most broken OP class in this very thread just for you karens lol