BG's are all premades horde favored

No one has ever spoken about 1v1, only you because you cant grasp them being strong in a group setting. Your brain is that small you cant think past the 1v1

There, does that make you feel better? I did not even notice the default avatar it posted.

I’m not the one posting on a shaman claiming that shaman are so OP when it’s pretty obvious you are hiding your alliance main.

a duel doesn’t demonstrate them in a group setting which is the entire complaint lmao. I don’t complain about ele 1v1, I complain how busted it is having them melt your whole team before you can adequately react.

clown lord

Eles arent strong!! They can only flameshock 1 person in a duel so how could they possibly be strong?!?!?!

They’re easier to shut down with coordinated teammates lol what are you on about.

You guys keep crying on the forums for our entertainment and we’ll keep wrecking horde shams in our premades.

wouldnt any class be in a premade though??? I dont get your point

Keep believing that, and having no one else believe you. Must be a cooked life

What point are you trying to make? Speak english and try again?

“on my alliance rogue that 100% exists, it’s just on a different set of SoD megaservers you haven’t heard of, it’s really obscure”

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bruh alliance is dead, only shamans exist in sod now

Apparently blizz does because they haven’t nerfed ele and will not nerf ele lol

So your proof is the guys that have abandoned sod havnt nerfed them? Current state of the game is great i must say

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any caster would be easy to lockdown if you are running a premade, shamans would be one of the harder ones though.

They over nerfed hunters do to all the karens crying.

They figured out that listening to the bad crying pvp’rs was a terrible decision. They went on to gather feedback about things being changed in sod.

One of the biggest things they took away from the feedback was to stop listening to the horrible pvp’rs screaming on the forums and the tweeter.

They have since slowed waaaaay down on kneejerk reactions from the karens

I will assume in an alliance premade they will have locks and mages. Thats all you really need to keep ele’s in their place.

It helps but honestly you just need a good team communicated for cleanses and ccs.
Hunters a great job as well.

I 100% believe this guy played and justified BM scorpid pre-nerf P1

Yeah but locks and mages can be locked down much easier than eles. Its like these horde dont have to vs ele shamans in BGS??

In all fairness, ele shaman are pretty easy to shut down. One CoT or silence followed by focus and their dust in seconds.

This is not a comment about flame shock btw, just specifically addressing the ease at which eles can be shut down.

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Overnerfed the class that could 2 shot you with their pet… this guy doesnt understand balancing.

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