BG's are all premades horde favored

Yeah and no one agrees with you

dude is undercover shaman main hiding behind era rogue look at his post history

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I am a shaman called NotOP. And i am saying shamans are the most OP class at the moment. You are an era rogue with no backing.

Tons of people agree. What are you on about now? Nobody thinks Spriest is the most oppressive class?

You’re terrible at pvp so it makes sense that you cry about all the wrong things.

I am SOD I am 100x better than you at pvp and we can duel as many times as you want on any class you have so you see it for yourself.

Shamans OP in rando bgs where bad pvp’rs like you get nuked and then cry on the forums instead of learning how that class works.

So is boomkin
So is mage
So is lock
So is spriest

Some are stronger than others. You’re just bad. That is a you issue because good pvp’rs aren’t here crying for nerfs all day every day.

You’re also horde running premades vs ally who are to afraid to join disc for a raid let alone pvp

all this dude does is say “you’re bad” and hide lmao.

several weeks ago he was like “do I need to show my wrath arena achievements?” when nobody asked, and I was like "yeah sure :slight_smile: "

still waiting :slight_smile:
more interested in seeing the alliance rogue that he mains in SoD and totally has to fight shamans in BGs with though tbh

Thats where you are wrong… Ele are oppressive in group battles but far from OP. Just cuz you level one up so you can post on the forums doesnt make you right. LOL

We can duel to show whos better in BGs! Bro go back to your discord. You are severely lacking brain power.

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I leveled one to see how busted they were, and boy let me tell you. Im in greens doing more damage than i could on any other class. It is severely busted.

Karen, you’re on repeat. Nobody here that matters is going to read what you’re saying. They’re in the pvp discoords with us having discussions about changes now lol

You guys keep crying here we’ll fix it for you

a rune that gives me more spell power alone than most people have. So fair

And Spriest still dunks all over you

Go back to your discord, no one believes you on the forums. You arent worth the time reading your brain dead comments.

just because you play an OP class doesn’t mean you’re bad dude idk why it’s so hard for you to get this close yet still not admit it lol

in what world does being oppressive against a team and getting more damage value per global than literally everybody else make you not overpowered?

Yeah the pvp discords must be flourishing! How slow can you be

No you aren’t. See its posts like this combine with you hiding behind a shaman alt that just screams agenda. It doesn’t help your argument.


Because we can be shut down… Its not our fault alliance doesnt have any locks or mages.

Ah yes, i wouldnt know whats happening on my screen. No other class can i hit 1 global and hit 5 people for 500 damage while putting a 200 damage every 3 seconds on all 5. Nothing compares and until you play a shaman you would have no idea.

And so now people arent allowed to have alts? This is my horde pvp toon ill climb to HWL with. I have an alliance i will climb to GM with. I have the benefit of seeing BGs from both sides.

yeah man CoT is really massive at stopping those instant cast LBs from having 5 dudes feeding you power surge procs

Other classes can be shut down easier than you because you can global them!