BG's are all premades horde favored

Because both factions get access to them, so it evens out the BG. When you dont have to vs shamans you dont know how they could possibly feel worse than hunters, but they are much worse.

Again, refer to what I said… Just because both factions have access to them does not warrant being completely OP.

Bro - dont worry the minute… Shamans get nerf. They alliance will be back here complaining about something else on horde side. “EVEN THOUGH WE BOTH HAVE THEM ITS OK”. LOL

Horde don’t have any good hunters is the issue of all these karens crying about shamans. All the good hunters are ally for some weird reason so they’re not running around in BGS the way ours are in premade.

If the choice was between a pro hunter and a pro sham id take the hunter in wsg and ab. I can stop ELE as a good pvp’r.

But again I get that the karens crying are just randoms in bgs.

But it warrants a faction only class to be much more OP? Hunters arent the reason BGs are dying

dude you can gaslight all you want on forums but no one believes what a scrub like you has to say

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Says the alliance main posting on his horde shaman alt

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You can’t lock a Spriest up atm there is almost zero counter play to spriest
You cannot stop a pro hunter on a good team. They’re just crazy good, that kit is unreal in classic terms.

You CAN shut an ele sham down lol

How people aren’t getting this is amazing. Its truly amazing how bad people are now days and instead of learning the game or doing some research and getting better they run to the forums to scream at the top of their lungs NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFF

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Ok lvl 52 hunter. I feel dumber for reading that

welcome back hard carry legend

it doesn’t happen often but it does happen where 15 of the opposing team are all on the same server, it may not always be a 15 man raid team, but they do exist and they do get games eventually if they aren’t matchmade against an alliance premade, it will force them into a normal BG que

lol we stay in discoord laughing at these forums bro. These forums have been comedy central since P1 launch. Keep the good work

a little ironic coming from the level 52 orc hunter lol

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Keep gaslighting and claiming you have people on your side. Ive got reckful here laughing at you

Ok another horde player that cant grasp 3x ele shamans being able to dot a whole team in 1 global being strong.

You’re a fourm karen lol

You have a shaman on living flame or Sader? I will duel you for any amount of gold and post it here?

How will a duel solve anything?

he swears he mains a rogue, totally not a shaman. all his posts are about shamans. complaining about STV wep being 2h, rushing to defend shamans being OP, making threads about how “spriest is totally stronger than shaman u guys.” claims he has high arena rating XP and doesn’t post on that toon, hides behind a level 60 era character. claims his rogue is an alliance and always wins BGs.

dude is the biggest clown on this forum by a mile

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I dont know how someone can believe themselves at this point, surely something medical going on

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So only OP on the forums not in game?

This is gaslighting. You talk about how game breaking shamans are then say hurrrr naw don’t wanna duel wont prove nothing…

LOL pvp karens in todays wow is just wild. You guys cry more then any other people on any other game ever lol

Something is broken IN PVP Waaaaaaah nerf it.

Lets duel i’ll show you how its beatable

Nah fam pvp won’t show anything…

good thing shamans have blessing of freedom on the same cooldown but better, doubling as a physical grounding totem