BG's are all premades horde favored

Cuz 20% DR will save them when focus. /smh I should log on and play some bgs.

Ah here is the long tirade of the guy who knows better than anyone else.

So tell me then:

Do you know how much mana a ret paladin has?
Can you do something else while you’re dispelling a teammate?
Can you dispel on the go when you’re engaged in melee combat?
How many magic debuffs do you think you can receive in a teamfights and how long it is to dispel all those debuffs to only one player?

It takes 1.5 sec per magic debuff dispelled.
I’ll let you do the math when you have on your head flame shockx3, 4x shadow weaving, sw:p, void plague, corruption, immolate, fire bomb, moonfire, sunfire, etc…

It’s so easy to blame ret players because they don’t dispel you.

It’s not Ret’s fault if nearly all the nasty debuffs in the game are magic.
It’s not Ret’s fault if in its kit there is nothing like abolish magic (because there is abolish poison/disease and totems of course).

It would be great if all priest’s debuffs were diseases, all druid’s debuffs were poison, all warlock’s debuffs were curse only, etc… But unfortunately it’s not.

I’m just tired of players who come on forum while pretending knowing everything when in reality they know nothing.

  • Players don’t say 99% of boomkin/feral don’t know how to play because they’re not not removing poison or curse (most of them don’t).
  • Players don’t say 99% of mage don’t know how to play because they’re not removing curse (most of them don’t).
  • Playeres don’t say 99% of shadow priest don’t know how to play because they’re removing disease or dispelling magic debuffs (most of them don’t).

Yesterday, with my elem shaman, I did 5 non premade bgs in a row and was with 2 boomkins / 3 mages and none of them dispelled curse of tongue on me and my elem teammate while we put poison cleansing totem and disease cleansing totem to wipe their selfish a$$ from VP and rogue’s poison.

Made some bgs with my hunter a few minutes ago, the last one there were 2 boomkins / 2 shadow priests who let me die full of dots right next to them. No dispel, no heal.
I died so many times because of dots. They were focused on killing enemy players while I tried to slow / roots / scatter all the guys chasing after them.

Should I start a new urban legend saying 99% of boomkins, mages or shadow priests are bad because they don’t know how to play their class?
Or maybe it’s more common to accuse Ret players of being so-called noob and not knowing how to play their class…

It’s so easy to accuse ret of being noob because players love to hate or despise them (lolret / retnoob / etc…) because they think Paladin should be the nice healbot/dispel bot slave they want 'em to be and this regardless of its spec.

It’s so easy to blame ret players by absolving yourself of any responsibility.

But funny part is many of those blamers do the exact same thing i.e. no heal / no dispel / no support. How many rogue/warrior/mage/etc I see every day in random bgs chasing enemy players instead of helping their teammates who are engaged behind or focusing the right target you know assist dps) and then scream HEAL/DISPEL/SUPPORT MY SELFISH A$$ NOOB!1!111!1

In reality every class has its share of noobs it’s not exclusive to ret.
But you’re right point your finger at ret players is the best thing to do because it’s the ideal culprit.

Players prefer blaming ret because… Well… Ret.

Excuse me it was a demonstration? Damn I thought it was just a $hit show.

In organized teams with vocals, ret players help their teammates like any other player.
In random bgs it’s different because noone cares about ret so why would they care about you?

Yes, you should complain about those player/classes that dont plaly their classes correctly. The problem is there are a billion paladins. So, they get sh1t on more often.

There are a less then 10% player base that know how to play their classes correctly. Congrats you fall under that number. =)

Spriests are super scary until they run into a group with pallys that cleanse.

to quote all the alliance
" make your own premade "

As an Alliance player who will have farmed 110k honor by the end of today this week all in AB, I feel that while Shaman’s are powerful, they are not the primary issue. The map layout is. Way easier for Horde to defend BS Farm and LM than it is for Alliance to defend BS LM and ST.

Yes Shaman burst is nuts, but dispels and heals and a rogue nullify them pretty well. The layout of AB is why Alliance lose so much and have to work so much harder to win. Horde can rotate way quicker and more effectively. At this point this is 20 years of the same map, not advocating for any changes at this point, just my two cents.

That said, when AV comes out, the tables will be turned so Alliance will get the geography advantage so there’s that to look forward fellow Alliance players.

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“wow zug zug horde thinks casting Cleanse gets me KBs wow”

t. >90% of Paladin players

CLASSIC if only it mattered

well that’s 20% more DR on top of already 20% melee/30% magic DR while being the tankiest caster in the game so…yeah. y’all act like 25 yard range is a death sentence, imagine what it feels like playing a melee lmao. at least enhance can get beefy instant 0 mana cost heals by hitting someone in range

P4 they should buff paladins to the moon.

I’m talking Cata WoG 10 sec CD at 250-300 mana as if it had 3 holy power
I’m talking buff divine storm and make martyrdom baseline as well as rebuke
I’m talking shield of vengeance on a 1 min CD
I’m talking make exorcist baseline so we can run one of our interesting leg runes (tremor totem rune, avenger’s shield)
Make a skill book for holy wrath to be instant cast

at this point not sure what you could even do to make Horn of Lordaeron not a joke, it removes might and is a chest rune (so is seal of martyrdom and divine storm) and lasts like 3 mins and is only party wide. one of the biggest joke runes in the game

Paladins have always been blizzard step-child. They don’t know how to balance them correctly and if they are OP, its only for a little while cuz they will get the nerf bat ASAP.

I would be ok if they buff the hell out of Rets give them EVERYTHING! But, when they bubble they can’t attack or move. That is my trade off for OPness. =P

nah you’re trippin man. I could understand asking for dealing reduced damage if we got to use both exorcism and avenger’s shield in addition to the rest of our kit, but asking to deal 0 damage or not be able to move is just silly

100% reduced damage. =P

Buff Mages, Warriors too. I’m dying to play my mage. LOL pun intended. LOL

This fresh 50 shaman outputs more pressure than any other class. Just run around flameshocking a group on CD. Anyone saying shaman isnt busted hasnt played alliance.

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wait you mean you don’t instantly get Thanos snapped any time you get in flame shock range?! how can this be?!

Im running around in greens, lvl 35 boe green weapons as enhance. All i do is flameshock and purge run in for a stormstrike and instant heal to full. Its actually so busted.

this isn’t happening. You cannot que up 15 people, you need to be muted from pvp discussions. You say the most outrageous stupidity just to troll.

SOD may be dead enough to try and all que same time in discoord but I bg literally every day and I don’t see this happening.

5 man is all you can “QUE” with in group at the moment.

Can we talk about this for a second because I feel like if ele shaman weren’t a thing to complain about this would be next on the list. It’s completely broken in bgs.

2 - 3 5 mans who queue up at same time will regularly get together in BGs at the moment because of the queue system. It honestly sounds like you havnt queued since week 1.

its only bad players complaining. We premade on ally and were not having issue with shamans.

Groups built around Spriest and good hunters are WAY more punishing then a couple shams.


Agreed. I feel like trap launcher plus entrapment is only not being talked about because of shamans right now. They literally have a ranged aoe snare that can completely immobilize you multiple times meanwhile getting nuked down.