BG's are all premades horde favored

Atleast you are getting your info from both sides.

If queues were popping faster for premades, and alliance are only premading, alliance solo queues wouldnt be instant because the majority of games would be horde vs alliance premades.

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for science queue ABs for a week (although with the state of the game this late into p3, not sure what kind of comps you’re gonna get and que against)

edit: not even a week that’s way too big of an ask, but try like 2-3 play sessions of nothing but AB queues

Im queueing as horde, and majority of the games shaman is the #1 class represented on horde side.

Its funny because when i first started queueing and saw all the pink raid frames i was thinking oh no, not 5 pallies.

Then realised i was playing horde and its 5 other shamans on my team which is bliss.

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and also


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ive not been that active this past week but shadow priests were super stacked on horde for a while. any fotm people chase on horde

ya i was exaggerating but its true. ally premade like 10x more than horde do. you cant really premade as horde due to que times. ally its super easy to cheese the removal of 10man stacks. for horde, its nearly impossible to do it unless the games dead like it is rn

if you mean full premade maybe but 5 stacks are way more common in horde.
as solo alliance i got the same 5 and 3 stack on my team 6 games in a row in wsg. not cause they were syncing but because we were the only ally queuing.

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If it was majority alliance premading horde premade queues would be instant aswell. Its like you dont even understand basic maths. The reason horde dont find 10man queues is because alliance arent premading.

I’ve watched Shobek queue up with two 5 man groups and only taking the queue if it pops for both for wsg for AB he does 3x5man groups. I’m pretty sure he isnt the only alliance doing that neither.

i mean i would assume full 15 q would be fast queues on alliance anyway

Nah because majority of alliance are premading, so youd go into a pool with all the other alliance premade groups. Thats why there are 0 bgs! Too many alliance premades

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if thats the case I dont blame them.

if those are 5 stacks in AB they should uninstall

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lmao I guarantee you they are not (I mean we both know that but some people here man smh) I believe dude was being sarcastic

yes there are 15man premade alliance with proper healer, comp, discord a few weeks ago. not sure about now since i unsubbed. we won most of the games and understandably so. guess what we lose to? anytime 3+ ele shaman shows up at first bs fight. the amount of burst from 3 ele is impossible for the healers to heal through. and the ele just doesnt die due to horde alway having a healer or two.
ele currently have the highest armor highest burst best utility out of all the specs. and its going to get even worse in p4. wonder why alliance pvpers are unsubbing? lol

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we all know horde premades are just better than alliance ones, i mean the stupid alliance premades arent even from the same server!

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Haha he did this and rage quit an AB we stomped him out in, but then again shamans actually are Op. idk what you are gonna do when I ctrl alt delete you with lava bursts.

We had like 4 eles rotting the whole team with flame shock spam nuking.

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literally watching a live of him on youtube premading right now, went back a few hours (he was talking about some CS go stuff) to an AB he queued into with 8 shamans LMAO RIP never stood a chance

“this might be an AFK angle, chat”

saw him get clapped at BS and heard someone on his coms go “dude wtf there’s 5 shamans at blacksmith”

just heard him say “the fact that we didn’t get 5 capped is pretty impressive”

watched him die to an enhance 1v1 near farm and go “DUUUUDE it’s so nerve wrecking I can’t even RP!”

All 5 shamans hit flame shock. 5 people die.

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what a game, alliance are just crybabies