BG's are all premades horde favored

already at 1hr queues to find 15 alliance

Imagine finding 40 while horde draw out games to get as much honour as possible. It will be 2hr+ queues. Blizzard will have to do something or phase 4 pvp will be dead after 2 weeks. Just like phase 3.

Yes, blizzard will be forced to release same faction bgs. Just give Shamans to Alliance and lets all watch how that wont help them at the least. lol

Just fix cave graveyards and alliance will queue av

I dont see same faction happening in AV. Imagine orcs fighting orcs, just isnt something blizzard would do in classic.

It can happen in Cata. If alliance stop queue’n in SOD what you think blizzard will do? nothing? lol Same faction bgs are coming.

Same faction AV is happening in cata? As in horde vs horde or alliance vs alliance?

Yes and yes.

I knew they introduced merc mode at some point but didnt know about same faction AVs. Never seen 40 alliance vs 40 alliance before that would be hilarious.

Oh, alliance vs alliance happens alot in Cata. Freaking annoying when you are trying to complete the daily. LOL

So cata has mixed faction queues not same, you get put on the lower factions team with them.

I havent notice mixed bgs. I’ve seen nothing but alliance on the other side. Even in WG.

The proof is in your face by group queues being shorter.

Solo priortizes solo queuers first
Group queue prioritizes group queues first
Full premade prioritizes premade queues first

This is the way the matchmaking system works. The most popular type of queue has the shortest queue time. Group queues are the shortest because they are the most popular. Most players didn’t want to solo queue. The evidence is in your face, the solo queueer criers from phase 1 were a vocal minority, otherwise solo queues would have the fastest queues.

Premades and group queueing is more popular than solo queueing. Cope. This is an old school mmorpg and you are shocked people don’t want to play it solo?

You couldn’t be more wrong. But, all good… we can agree to disagree.


What are you even on? lol pass that sh1t.


Thats the way it should work, but it isnt. If that was the case most bgs would be horde 5mans against alliance 5 mans. Its not, its horde 5 mans against alliance pugs.

So if your theory was correct the horde solo queue would be faster, which it isnt. So your theory is wrong. Not saying thats not the way it should work, but currently its not the way it does work.

yeah its mixed, alliance get shuffled into horde raids so they get faster queues. Its never 40man alliance vs 40man alliance, more like 25 horde + 15 alliance vs 25 alliancs + 15 horde.

Honestly sounds like a much better system than sod though.

You have no arguments other than “No YOU wrong”. I’ll continue laughing at you and your massive cope. Keep dismissing the evidence like a climate denier.

Majority of my games I see alliance 5 mans. Sometimes Alliance are the ones who have more of the 5 mans than horde does. This is how it works.

It’s slower because solo queues are not popular. Most groups are queueing 5 mans, so solo players have to wait in the priority queue.

this is because ally only premade thats the reason why that happens btw

Ok the fact you are saying majority of your games are vsing 5 man alliance teams i know you are cooked and spitting out lies to back up your argument on a forum which is very weird.

Enjoy having false narratives circle around in your head and not take on any info actual normal people are posting from multiple factions.

i promise you this isnt the case lol. wsg is heavy on premades though, but thats both sides. no one wants to play with incompetent players when pro fcs are in the game