BG's are all premades horde favored

thats good at least

the problem isnt synced 5 man queues for horde the problem is solo q being 40m and group q being under 5 minutes. the only people getting pops are grouped lol. more or less every game is the equivalent of sycned 2-5 mans without even trying for it
total failure on blizzards part.


This just means that most people are queueing in groups. Just proves the majority of players wanted premades.

The failure on blizzards part was listening to the loud whining minority for this matchmaking change that almost nobody actually wanted.

“easiest class to kite”
-has blessing of freedom and slow on 6 sec CD

(if you don’t give him the attention he thrives off he will go away ;))

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omw to WPVP my way to rank 5 on PTR before reset so I can get a fkin trinket to do actual pvp testing

jk, but hopefully they fix that

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People are queueing as groups because they found out fast that groups get put into BGs before solo queuers.

And the reason for that is because the game priortizes groups against other group first, solo players against other solo players first, etc. If solo queuers are the minority, their queues will be longer.

This means the majority of queuers are group queuers. Turns out, people enjoy playing together with friends and trusted players. Players who prefer solo are the minority. This is the natural outcome of the matchmaking change showing the majority of players want premades.

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No it doesnt… Thats only if you queue up in a raid. Majority of horde are group queueing into solo queueing alliance.

The only reason horde are group queueing is because it bumps them to the front of the queue line. Must have something to do with its easier to find 3 x 5 man groups than it is to find 15 individuals.

Incorrect. 5 mans are priortized against other 5 mans first, solo queues against other solo queues first, etc.

Group queues have the shortest queues because most people are doing group queues. The majority of players want to queue together in groups, not solo. The solo queuers crying about premades were a minority, you are seeing the proof with your very eyes.

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no icd btw. curious if it can double heal a team if the target and beacon is in the same group.

:thinking: interadesting…

crusader strike holy pally reroll when?

You are wrong. Unless you can prove it… People that would otherwise (myself included) queue up solo are force to find 4 other strangers to make the queue time shorter. I mean, I was queue’n up with my alt rogue to get my queues to pop faster than solo. Now, all of the sudden you have to queue up with 5 people to get faster queues? It just seems like blizzard can’t fix what they messed up.

it pops in under 5m for ally solo, ive had it go for 40m+ on horde then invited a random dude and got it in under 5m.

idk theres nothing happening between now and p4

last time I queued it was still under a min solo :open_mouth:

… you are wrong im sorry to say. What you are saying should be the way it finds groups but it doesnt.

People are only looking to group on horde because it makes their queue pop sooner, nothing to do with prefering to group queue. If solo queue made horde queues pop sooner everyone would solo queue.


It’s a horde problem.

I think part of it is that Horde tends to group up more anyway, and so now there is a drought of solo players, making it harder for them to find games, forcing them to group, and I think you see my point.

I know, homie Soban is queueing solo ~5mins on a holy pally alt

only thing to do is to stop paying subs and let the money talk. these devs should all be dead for charging people money to play this unbalanced 10% win rate bullsht. ele shaman has been completely bat azz broken for 2 phases. and you wonder why horde que time keep on going up.

Wait till AV when horde has a 95% win rate kekw