BG's are all premades horde favored

might still run fanaticism in PVP for fat exo crits and HoT when I do actually get the chance to heal, not much PVP value in cons other than getting rogues and druids out

No i am comparing the easiest braindead class with literal immunity and full hp reset that a 5year old can play, to a enhance shaman, easiest class to kite and overall pretty dogsh"t in pvp and easy to play around. If you can connect for long enough can insta heal if the the enemy is trash and cant press dispel.

you guys should play both factions to get a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of pallies and shams. pallies rarely have full cds and shamans (if the teams are equal which they rarely are these days) are one of the only classes without decent defensives so they will go down to a stunlock +1 nuker on them without much they can do about it.

i play with boomies on my sham cause they offheal and ungimp me if i get cot spammed.

yeah I’m not saying enhance is going to be busted in P4 or that it even is currently busted, it’s prone to the same issues all melee have it’s just currently in P3 they have a healing edge on ret.

ele the real culprit :triumph:


say a fight at a node lasts 3 mins.

pally pops bubble mid fight.

1min 30seconds off bubble cooldown.

say you res at the gy of a nearby node in 20seconds

1min 50seconds off bubble cooldown.

you gather up with your team to assault the node the pally is at which takes about 1 min 10 seconds at the least

3 mins off the bubble cooldown

you travel lets say from lm to stables which takes about 20 seconds maybe.

3min 20seconds off bubble cooldown.

you get in the fight and have to end the fight before 1 min 40 seconds or the bubble cooldown is already back up.

sure youll get 1 loh only for that bg but youll still have 2 free full life bars to do with as you please.

you can see that even if the bg doesnt wait for cooldowns the travel and res time and rebuff time actually makes it so that if the bubble isnt up immedately it willl be a min and a few seconds at most till it is .

ele has to come closer than SL locks and are extremely vulnerable to nature lockout and cot. a rogue and boomie can dust one ez. all the other problematic nukers have more range(hunter) or better d cds like boomie and sp.

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not in P4 baybay

also nature lockout doesn’t prevent you from casting LB right?

I’ll give you though counterspell being 10 seconds is absolutely bananas when this much damage goes out this fast, CS will make it so you got nothing to press but 2 buttons and wait 6 sec

if I get CSd I’m just dead lmao literally can’t press anything

one is fire the other is nature. and the last is frost that nobody uses on a ranged class. (ITS A TRAP.)

you can still flame shock and lava burst just wont kill anything if heals are decent without some freecasted lightning

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yeah CS is way too long

if mages took another nerf they’d be gone though and then who would serve us food and drinks?

boomkin doesn’t mind since wrath can be spammed for arcane lockout and locking nature is the ultimate bait vs them. boomkin getting away with murder while sham is the scapegoat

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alliance got boomies lol

dude go que AB for a couple days, you’ll see what I mean. WSG is a little more free because it’s way easier to actually spread out but still move as a unit

ALSO I have called for tuning on Starfire but as an ally pally main, our counterpart busting our team up is prio #1

Boomie dmg is a close prio after that, don’t think I don’t see y’all laser chickens out there :eyes:

all i know is even on pally getting crit starfired into a stun forces me to bubble more than ele ever could. the fact you losing 2.5kish hp into a 3s rng stun is the most terrifying situation in pvp. I just walk away if a shaman is teeing up on me.

yeah no doubt boomie>ele on single target burst in PVP

when pallies finish their mc holy set aoe pad damage will be free healed. it already is by resto drus but i dont see nearly as many as i should

We didn’t see r10 pvp set stats and set bonuses. I hope they tune it better and FM gear will be bis for pvp in the future.

yeah its not going to be better than an aoe flash of light everytime you overheal

Exactly as we warned you and you refused to listen, history has proven over and over again that if you make the change that they did, people will queue 3 seperate 5 man groups all at the same time. All you did was add an extra step that stopped literally nobody from premading.

specc’d a boomie and rolled into stocks, 0 stuns on 3 starfall casts fyi

Man is just showing his intelligence with posts like this. Brain of a 10 year old