BG's are all premades horde favored

brother they’re instant lmao what instant heals do I have besides one that drains my mana bar on an hour cooldown?

Hope you reach your rather low goals. Good luck

flash of light is 1.5 sec cast and heals less than initial riptide lol

by the time i cast my instant heal (meaning i have the actual 5 stacks of msw by getting to and hitting someone at least 5 times ) you couldve already casted your biggest heal.

also my spells cost buttloads of mana with the shocks and everything else (including purge and any totem ect ect) so i wouldnt have the mana anyways to cast a heal and often dont have enough to cast the 225 mana riptide when i need it.

there are other costs and considerations to things.

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bro flash as ret heals nothing and holy light is a 2.5 sec cast and eats like 1/3 of a ret’s mana bar

Enhance was semi-viable for the 1st time in pvp and people are losing it. The funny part is feral gets the same exact treatment - "you are for the 1st time not completely useless in pvp/pve lets nerf you. Blizzard has no clue how to tune classes they dont have testers or devs that understand each class so they just listen to bad players whining on the forums about meta even though those same people cant press 2-3 buttons in the right order.

Dumbasses tune feral around Taylor from receiving.

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we can go over the cost benefit analysis of pallies and shaman or we could just agree that the heals are gonna be alot worse off if the ptr goes live like it is for shaman.

like a whooooooooole lot weaker to the point of almost uselessness in the bursty meta that will result.

up to you though.

I wish they accounted for overall damage done and healing done in the BG. you’ll likely be able to heal yourself over the duration of a BG more than my spec

tbh idk if I wanna even bother with p4

you know, i dont know if p4 is gonna be great either.

if the guild comes back ill do it . if not … i dont know what ill do. maybe back to era.

lhw vs hw is night and day and its a nerf that should have happened in HW base healing is somewhwre between HL and HT

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yeah it’s comparable to flash right?

as resto it heals as much as holy flash. enh also loses their free healing power but so does ret(and holy uses it too so that sucks)

feel free to log on and post flash numbers.

it’s like the same for ret dude but it isn’t instant cast lol

flash has the same scaling but worse base. with blessing of light and high hp its about the same as lhw

neither ret nor enh will have notable sustain in p4. boomies will still have insta cast healing touch tho :slight_smile:

again there are costs and considerations on why its instant vs non instant.

but its tedious to go over the full gambit of shaman vs pally cost benefit analysis .

one day we can and make a long boring post about it.

not today though. im going to bed soon.

As a class with bubble and LoH you have no right to complain about an instant heal that requires you to hit the target buncha times.

are you really comparing a 5m and 60m cd to a proc that youre going to get while dpsing passively

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if played with cooldowns in mind pallies can have like 3 +(free) full life bars .

its built into the class at a fundamental level.

but again this is not the post to go into a full cost benefit analysis of shaman vs pally.

save that for another day.

bgs dont wait for cds

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