BG's are all premades horde favored

hehe we can agree on that. wsg is poopie doo doo.


It’s also not as much of a coordinated organized full team on discord clear comms assault on Chinese honor farming paladin bots as you might believe.

it needs the jumps patched and a timer man jesus it’s a commitment just to be in there

Haha one of those paladins that cant jump in wsg. It has been a pleasure watching you fall of the roof 7times in a row, same guy that cant make easy pvp jumps posting 1000posts on forums about pvp, deff reliable source :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy:

i suck and jump puzzles :frowning: .

really though thats the game for alot of wsg enthusiasts .

i wish they would patch out ALL the jumps and force people to have to defend and attack (what i would consider) properly.

but its a whole other game for those that love it and i dont want to take it away from them just because i personally would rather do even incursions than set foot in wsg again (and thats saying something).

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notice how everyone is ignoring you for the most part? because you’re a friendless unlikeable douche who likes his own posts. I didn’t say I couldn’t do them, and honestly I don’t always hit reliably, I said it’s annoying to deal with especially with no timer on the clock

well if ab was 10 man I would play that. there arent enough 5 man allies queueing to gatekeep the casuals. sounds bad to say, but horde group queueing is a normal thing cause of queue times.

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heh either queue with 5 and take like 15+ mins to queue or queue solo and be lost to the winds.

Play any other melee in BGs and you will see enhance is by far the top melee. Being able to instant cast your largest heal every 5 seconds at the cost of no mana is crazy.

Ele is the top range.

I dont know how resto feels.

Lock this class behind 1 faction that has to group queue and you are left with the current state of BGs.

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its actually funny but blizzard trained horde to at least duo. that means in an ab theres at least cohesion with one other player for every person on horde vs the actual solo q alloes.


which requires actually hitting the opponent. btw you cant if they have a bubble.

also can be dispelled ! who knew???

also edit to add: this also wont be the case in p4 as it only works on lhw.

yeah since P2, even if they changed solo ques now it would likely still naturally be reinforced to que with someone else

oh i called that shiz like well before they made the change.

the only thing that wouldve worked is actually implementing role queues and strictly enforcing people to play as their role and even then it wouldnt have made them “balanced” .

Yeah thats why we have freedom totem and ghost wolf and ranged slows. There is also an extra melee class we vs on alliance, so thats a bonus.

Also alliance only have 1 class to dispel, and they wouldnt be able to keep up on how fast we can stack them.

Again play a ret, rogue, warrior, feral, or melee hunter and you will see enhance is in its own league as a melee in bgs.


ill just say this.

there are other classes as busted or very nearly on the level as ele shaman and enhance is alot lower on the power level than the ranged classes. it may be top melee but top of garbage tier is still garbage compared to the ranged classes.

but please go on about whatever.

i say we can argue about scraps elsewhere while the big pigs eat all the tbone steak they want and throw us whats left.

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Excellent post, the pvp scene is one of the things killing SoD rn

Its okay to be a D tier kind of player you will get better with time, just take a break from the forums since you have nothing of any value to share.

ele absorbed enhance’s nutrients in P4 and became stronger, I think they’re not going to be talked about as much, they’ll be more like other melee (they’ll still have instant healing but not busted levels, I’m hearing spirit wolves ain’t healing much but they still got riptide and LHW)

“you’re a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck” shut up nerd lmao

as a pally player im sure youre aware that melee heals suck doggie poop.

lhw is pathetic and so is riptide for instant healing.

not sure about the wolves cause i havent tested the ptr.

you know how bad pally heals are and would still say this …

come on man . be serious.

edit to add:

lhw heals for 349 -394
riptide heals for 458-498 and another 486 over 15 seconds (32.4 hps)

its abysmal.