BG's are all premades horde favored

it was in a big way almost like the class that could do almost the most burst in the shortest amount of time also had a full set of reslience gear worth of defensives and 30% more hp than nearly everyone in the game.

tell me how that escapes past the “balance police” and we can make a new name for shaman called “houdini jesus”.

I mean in P2 it was way stronger than p2 ele lmao, they were walking T-1000 terminators. but they’d blow up one dude at a time, not hit 5 dudes with earth shock burst and big rot damage every 6 seconds while being tankier thanks to shield, mail, and DR

ive only done like 2 bgs since reset but the comps getting isnt making me wanna do more. ally is pve meta specs horde pvp every time. i really think they need to give boomkins wild strikes lol.

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some people want sanc aura to give WF, idk how I feel about that lol

Sanc aura should negate 1 physical attack every 6 seconds, and negate 1 magical offensive spell every 6 seconds. It works for everyone in the paladin’s party. Each person has their own personal cd on the effect.

i would argue the dr isnt the case as most pvp ele shaman that i know of at least are using shamanistic rage rather than way of earth.

honestly the flame shock has a short range and probably a shorter “spread range” to affect others.

ive said it before and ill say it again. class stacking of nearly every class (most notably ranged classes and specs) leads to imbalance . 5 moonkin are as scary as 5 ele to me and so on and so on.

if youre running into class stacks in bgs … well thems the brakes i guess. cant really avoid it in any meaningful way other than just throwing the games you see it in unless you have the gul to actually try and win anyways which i dont see the alliance has alot of people being like anyways.

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Gotta be the stupidest thing I seen today. What kind of crack are you smoking?

yeah they gave them a buff to burn and then nerfed everyone’s damage across the board. most of my abilities in p3, all my hardest hitting ones, were put in the same DR as Starfire lmao

you literally never fight them at blacksmith with a team objective node lol

Yeah you think 5 boomies are scary because you dont vs 5 shamans in bgs. You can stop a boomies damage, you cant stop a shaman.

I dont usually see boomy stacks in bgs, but i definitely see shaman stacks because of how overtuned they currently are. All you have to do is look at player numbers and youll see every class has had a massive fall off except one, which has actually gained numbers.

i want to say something here that some might find controversial.

the reports of things being super super bad are often not quite true just like the reports of things being super good are rarely ever quite true either.

its more of the truth being in the middle ground .

people hyperventilating about the evil shaman menace coming to take their posessions and eat their dogs are about as believeable as saying everything in game is balanced and theres no outliers at all.

i agree that ele shaman are bonkers. i also think most ranged characters if played right are bonkers too.

is it because i play melee mostly? maybe some.

i do also play ranged chars too and notice a big difference though. and my ranged characters are nowhere near the gear level of my melee.

So youre saying they could give shaman the ability to 1 shot 40 people, and if anyone disagrees with that its usually a middle ground and not as bad as it sounds?

Theres a reason only 1 class gets posted about multiple times a day and the rest arent mentioned other than by said class, or said faction that doesnt vs them.

lol i knew you would bring it to a ridiculous level.

no im not saying that at all.

im saying the truth of the matter is somewhere in the middle ground currently.

its not the end all be all.

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dude I agree as a melee it is rough dealing with ranged stacks period lol. I’m telling you though having one side that can cleave earth shock damage every 6 sec and put a dot that feeds powerful instant casts while rotting the team faster than it can be removed at a 1:1 ratio, while the other side doesn’t have a ranged equivalent (in a ranged heavy meta) tilts the W/L ratio, contributes to people being throwers, and contributes to bad queue times for that side because nobody wants to deal with it

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cause all the p1 fotmers think their boomkin play is top tier and the class just sucks

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If you losing to shamans you just garbage at the game. For the first time enhance isnt absolute garbage and they are semi-viable and people are losing their mind because they sucked at pvp to begin with and looking to blame anything and anyone but themselves.

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have been avoiding ab but wsg i just split and the flame only hits 1 or 2

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you want to know the truth about it?

its because of p2 dual rb /way of earth shaman being as absurdly broken as they were.

it shined a full spotlight on the class that was inescapable by any future iteration of the class.

people still somehow believe that enhance is somehow just as powerful after a myriad of nerfs making it not that anymore.

those same people that posted about it back then on their army of low post count alts 3 + times a day still havent stopped and wont stop.

even i say ele shaman are bonkers. but i still know that other classes are as bonkers in pvp but only because of p2 the spotlight is on shaman and will continue to be even if they nerf them way down somehow there will still be posts that just list shaman abilities and say “how is this not op” .

they could nerf shaman to p1 levels and people would still whine and moan .

ele shaman are indeed powerful. there are other classes on or very near the same powerlevel as them though and only a fool wouldnt want to address them in the same light . either that or someone caught up in the narrative that has been spewed for almost 2 full phases now.

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I mostly stopped setting foot in WSG after exalted right before p3 started because I didnt wanna keep chasing a dude playing Super Mario and play for 25 mins before the first flag cap. played maybe 3 WSG all of p3

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