BG's are all premades horde favored

Go log on your other toons again to support your own argument. What a fkn no friend loser hahaha

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theres these concepts of things that are interesting to me .

one of them is “social contagion” .

basically when something is believed by people and it spreads to others who havent yet even thought of it …

like “alliance are all doomed in pvp and there is no hope against shaman” spreads to randoms and everyone else you get the “lets lose quick cause its better honor per hour” and half your team quits… well its a self fulfilling prophecy .

you are the maker of your own doom i guess im saying.

They will all die to 3 eles spamming CL rip

lmao you’re having the worst luck now that it’s the dregs left. I rarely ever saw feral

Yep but youre failing to take into account the last 2 iterations of classic. Nothing to do with social contagion when there is 4 years of data to go off.

Yeah, because alliance are dumb enough to stand close together. /smh

You know what bottlenecks in AV are yeah?

thats the funny thing. it doesnt have to be bore out by the other editions of classic.

something being a new happening can truly be a social contagion . there are “new” additions to sod to make it unique enough on its own anyways.

that doesnt automatically mean that one means the other either.

throwers on our team are a legit problem the longer it feels like a lopsided fight to que. I mean there would maybe be like one guy in the chat saying “let them win” and would get shamed by everyone else during the start of P3, after R7 and DR it became much much more frequent. I just stopped queueing altogether, not gonna play against stacked OP faction AND against my own team of 3+ quitters every game

Whatever you say.

Oh, so you are talking about AV… Got it. Continue!

yes i believe this is proof of my posit on it.

seriously though the more things become “common knowledge” on the forums the more it bleeds into the thinking of other players.

maybe the forums are just a distillation of what common thought is or maybe its the other way around i dont know.

lmao, boomkins have better defensives than spriests and can have their full rotation available at 36y. i think theyll be fine. just install lose control and send moonfires into grounding ezclap

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it’s not the cause, it’s a symptom. alliance has been at a serious disadvantage since February. start of P3 felt different, enhance was still strong but killable and burn wasn’t buffed to the moon + less people were playing ele spreading big cleave, and it didn’t have extra SP and only hit 3 targets

ya i might agree there.

im saying that somehow its a good indication weather it be from it being a common thought or just the most vocal minority on the forums somehow blundering into saying something that sticks.

Of course it can be, but when there is concrete proof a class is overtuned its no longer social contagion for people to be disheartened by it.

Would be like men competing and winning in womens sports, are you saying the women cant complain because they are at a disadvantage? Any negative theories about the male dominance would be met with “women are just cry babies and always lose” while not addressing the issue.

heh i could go into it with you on that one but ill stay out of that.

honestly i can say p2 dual rb and way of earth was way more imbalanced that ele is now.

people rightly expressed that and i agreed. (i diddnt fully agree on all the “solutions” but i agreed that it was busted).

that isnt to say that ele isnt bonkers now and might be even more so in p4 if nothing changes.

but i have to add in the fact that i believe hunters = shadow priests > boomkin = ele shaman currently and dont feel like its been proven that im not at least mostly right on that.

in a 1v1 absolutely. ele isn’t even that cracked as a 1v1 class, no more so than anyone else really. in a BG setting they’re way more oppressive to the team

And you say that because you dont vs 5 shaman stacks in BGs. If you see it from both sides youll understand the problem.

No other class / spec currently can aoe rot down as many players as a shaman. Give that advantage to 1 faction and you are left with the current state of BGs even though the population is even. Not to say that wont change in P4.

Its nice having a 95% win rate in BGs. But id rather a healthy queue and a more enjoyable experience for both factions as i play both.

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