BG's are all premades horde favored

tbh I get why people are upset at boomie for sure but imo ele is a much bigger threat to the team than spriest. disperse is annoying but pretty easy to force and then kill. one cleanse shuts down VP, like the only disease you’re getting hit with, and it costs them one global per dude. could probably use the same argument with cucking them with SR aura

have you faced 3 eles running into fs range at BS yet?

Did an AB last night, we had 6 shamans they had 7 rogues. Easiest 5 cap of my life. We had them at trollbane hall after first fight

wheres throwinhands to say rogues are OP

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“bad pvp’rs like YOU should be muted. I totally kill shamans all the time on my alliance rogue main. you don’t know him, he goes to a different school in Canada.”

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oh yea ally gets stomped in ab. melee sucks for a number of reasons and one of them is 3 of the most dangerous ranged has shielded mail or higher level of phys reduction and the 4th is just mail with maybe 600 armor from agi.

melee has debuffs and control but casters are the threat. also melee heavy ally means homunculi have fkn 100% uptime on healers.

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Yeah but you have healers generally… and shamans …

Your takes through out this whole post are so clueless, bad and really shows that you have close to zero understanding of the game. You are either very young or just didnt get the much needed education.

you gonna go like this comment on your alts again?

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heh yall got rid of full premades back in p2 i believe right?

honestly ill give you that ele shaman are bonkers but not all shaman are ele and i doubt that up till maybe a week or 2 ago ele were as popular as running enh which is quite a bit lower on the power scale.

you guys can abuse range stacks just as well with shadow priests hunters and moonkin and be just as successful at the initial bs scrum along with other ways to actually play the game instead of zug zug like horde and alliance both do without reguard to actually winning.

mind you i havent been in a bg for a week and a half now cause they just dont seem to pop anymore but thats besides the point.

i dont know what incentive they can do other than neutering shaman completely and throwing all balance to favor alliance to even get these crying babies to play anymore but that shouldnt happen.

yes balance better please but no revenge killing of an entire faction cause salty babies cant seem to do anything but zug over and over and expect different results .

nobody is asking for them to be neutered just not leagues above our faction specific class. very hyperbolic to say bringing shaman to parity with paladin would completely throw the balance to favor alliance, dude how do you even mean?

you literally have map advantage in AB and overall better racials (stoneform I agree is really good, perception ain’t bad, meld is ok) but they aren’t implicit passive stun resist and WotF or cast speed haste (will be nice for ele to spam CL with)

alliance don’t want to que because they get stomped, shamans being OP just tilts the already horde favored design of the game into an unfun mess

also fixing solo BG que for horde early on in the game would have likely helped rather than incentivizing 5 man stacks, but it’s likely too late for that now

there have been post after post about the very thing i mentioned calling for just a complete neutering of shaman and the horde as a whole going back to about the start of p2 onward.

even if they bring down shaman like 3 or 4 levels it will never be enough for some people.

the racial thing i understand and they couldve just blanketed it where you could choose the racial or whatever . ( i honestly dont care as the racials only matter when its the very best or the absolute worst going against each other)

they dont queue and actually try cause they have the built in excuse that shaman are super op in everything they do and in fact if they brush their teeth they instantly reverse all cavities and discolorization with their magical thrall juice .

anyways ive seen actual good alliance teams that dominated even nearly full horde premades quite a few times and i know it is possible if you actually take the time to learn the bg and learn to play .

theres very little difference in a ranged group with 1 -3 shaman and shadow priests and moonkin and a hunter on the side vs one that doesnt have the shaman. everything coming at them will die horribly from melee and the other ranged will die without their melee sponges.

learn the tricks and learn to play as a full team and stop zugging and maybe youll see different results.

i know though thats impossible because that makes you have to put forth effort and “its too harrrrrrrrrd”.


this is fair that alliance does have a few throwers in some games. especially as rank progression gets achieved. people don’t want to keep queueing after rank though because you get mixed in with throwers.

this is simply not true though, none of those classes cleave and dot 5 in one global

p4 now they’re gonna have spammable CL too and even more FS dam AND earthbind root on one rune lmao

ranged is ranged.

simply put , being in a ranged stack eliminates the weaknesses of the people in the ranged stack.

is it harder to kill ele shaman?


is it so much harder that if your ranged stack kills the melee sponges of the other team and starts on their ranged stack that you cant just mop them up?


its all about tactics.

throwing a curse of tongues on a ele shaman when they have no way of getting it off butchers their cast times.

often it will blunt them enough that they can be overcome with your own ranged stack.

edit to add: btw is nobody dispelling or healing at all on your team or is that not implied?

maybe a resto druid or mage on their team will remove the curse :open_mouth:

edit to add your edit LOL

5 flame shocks from 1 shaman takes 7.5 sec for 1 person to cleanse.


honestly i havent been in a bg yet where when my team actually healed and dispelled it wasnt a sure sign we would win.

but then again ive been in plenty where people refused to decurse /dispel/heal and weve lost horribly.

edit to add: only need to dispel the one person the shaman is casting the lava burst on . quick hint target the shaman and press f . dispel that person and win.

dude they aren’t killing people just from LB crits alone. FS literally hits as hard as earth shock since the burn rune buff, cleaves 5 people, and for each person dotted feeds them surge procs for instant LB. just cleansing the guy they’re hardcasting on prevents none of this, and on a 1:1 ratio of cleanse and flameshock, one shaman can put out more flameshocks faster than one person can cleanse them all in a teamfight.

you are so gravely mistaken on this


if you priority dispel and dispel the others when you can youre ahead of most other players on alliance or horde.

i never meant that you dont dispel other debuffs and heal when you can.

ahh well.

listen, simple math shows the issue with trying to cleanse P3 FS.

GCD = 1.5 sec

one person can cleanse one magic effect every 1.5 sec

one ele sham can apply 5 FS every 6 sec

I know not every time, 5 people will be hit. but it’s often enough especially in the initial BS clash. alliance were winning more games pre DR and pre burn buff, but they buffed burn right before they put the DR in and it has been absolutely abysmal since

each fs applies individually so if 2 ele are there and not 10 people, some will be hit with 2 applications of fs, taking 1.5 sec to remove each, not even counting other magic dots in the game. each time they tick they’re feeding one of the eles power surge proc chance.

i agree that ele shaman are bonkers.

just dont fully think that in terms of ranged stack effectiveness , they are that much more op .

a ranged stack is a terrifying thing (speaking as a melee) and it really doesnt matter as much the classes in it (though i will say ele shaman are bonkers so it affects it a little more) but its the actual choices of the stack and the calling of targets and a huge number of other decisions that affect it way more.

dismantling one vs the other is typically the same process and one isnt enough to make you fail at a hugely higher rate as the other.

ele is also shielded mail that has more armor than plate wearers using 2h weapons. they’re not easy to dismantle, them and boomies are the tankiest casters in the game, in fact they’re tankier than every melee in the game.

but alliance has boomies lol, they don’t have the other tanky caster that can put out more spread team pressure than a boomie can.

they’re going to be even more broken in P4, imagine running in at BS clash, 3 ele shaman run up to the team running up to node, one guy throws down earthbind and roots the whole team, all press FS (that now deals 160% dot damage thanks to not only burn but storm, earth, and fire as well), and ele mastery into CL. anyone left alive? they can just spam CL now there is no cooldown