BG's are all premades horde favored

I play on crusader strike and I queue with a 5 man just about every game. In most games, there’s 2 other groups of 5 mans that queue up. By the BG queue npcs, there’s literally people in /s spamming “LF1M AB.” There isn’t some coordinated effort on Horde to 15 man premade. There’s just lots of 5 man groups. If you’ve got a problem with 5 man groups go back to retail.

As soon as you group up though its no longer random.

This is one of the only valid points from responses. You 2 are correct it’s a huge catch 22. Dispel or not to dispel due to mana scarcity. It makes it more than just a cleanse bot job you have to weigh the benefits of dispelling debuff. But it’s kind of what pvp is about, those split second decision that could win or lose you the fight.

LOL that’s completely false. Ret was high burst before Damage Nerf but they had horrible sustained. On top partial damage being holy and no holy resist = 0 mitigation

You say I’m wrong then proceed to not disprove my point but enforce it.

  1. if everyone else is weak because their missing their kit and you’re not. That makes you “much stronger” than everyone else aka OP vs the relative norm.
  2. “Ret pally is not OP because Enh is way more OP” is also not disproving your class was OP. This just shows there’s also another class that’s not balanced.

You infer its not possible and you don’t stand there cleansing then you say you cleanse everyone…
idk man your post doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Yes and yes.
What you’re saying is impossible is standard in Arenas

It’s called triage, if you see that player he’s boned. You see some1 sitting a sheep, lets say your main healer with no dots you dispel. PVP is also about quick critical thinking, just because GCD is 1.5 doesn’t mean stop thinking for 1.5sec.

That’s kind of what I’m saying, selfish plays = high probability of loss.

never said it was exclusive to ret, said ret playstyle and situation has promoted selfish behavior.

Just to demonstrate what I mean by promoted selfish playstyle, lets look at ele Shammy as the opposite.

  1. Their totem abilities passively help everyone including themselves.
  2. They toss out heals to frontline because most of their abilities are hard cast so teammates act as meat shields for them
  3. Their abilities and gear stats jive with also playing support and dont limit healing

In general, it ends up promoting for of a team based playstyle even if for selfish end goals

Eles healing frontline. How cooked are you. Enemy team frontline is dead if im raining down flameshocks and lavabursts

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Im guessing if I was E.Frontlines, I’d be pretty cooked from the fire lol

you literally added a [not] to my quote you buffoon, I said ret burst was high before DR. high burst =/= one shot damage

Lol you’re right, all of your odd counter arguments that dont actually counter are very confusing.
I had assumed I misquoted after writing.

But again I guess that’s another area where you counter but prove my pt.
Pallies were OP phase 1 & 2.

high burst but not 1 shot does not demonstrate not OP.

so in the same sense shamans are op P2 P3?

brother the inferences I made were in direct reference to your post saying that we don’t cleanse.

Ret was the best melee in P1 but after avenger’s shield bug fix, the class lost value with druids being able to shift the slow (rightfully so, agree with bug fix) and hunters and priests were the meta. as for p2, nah.

my whole point is one shaman being capable of hitting 5 people harder than exorcism and dotting them all in a global and feeding himself instant lava burst procs off each one ticking with a 6 sec CD is OP. one shaman puts out more cleave+dots than one person can cleanse. add 2 or 3 more and it’s literally game breaking my dude. you’re deluding yourself if you think there is counterplay

I’ve never said they weren’t.

  1. The main topic was BG are horde favoured because of premades.

I said that’s not true.

  1. RET Paladins are Trash

Also said that’s not true, and its the relative difference of them being OP in P1 and P2 that now makes ret players feel a lot weaker. I even said they’re prob slightly underpowered now due to the Damage Reduction change making high sustained the new META.
And part of the reason they’re losing more often is that there’s a lot of selfish play on alliance that has been re-enforced by paladin playstyle and overall alliance BG situation.
Which is direct opposite to Horde BG queues and Shamen class.

If the poster said, BG’s are Horde favoured because of Shamens, I’d be more inclined to agree that it does play a role.

But that being said, I’ve seen good Holy Pallies carrying entire fights on alliance in this meta. It’s just not a very appealing playstyle (always hard casting heals) and it more advanced strats than just positioning and casting the right skill to be good.

I kinda get where you’re coming from but it’s also class design. if there was a DPS caster paladin, they’d likely have an easier time tossing heals to their allies like you’re suggesting ele does. Enhancement can toss out heals with no stop in uptime, all it costs is a global to help the homies out. Ret has 0 instant cast heals, flash of light is even worse now that healing is reduced, and holy light is a 2.5 sec cast. it works fine enough for holy pal because it’s 40 yard range. Ret is melee. I toss out heals if I run up on a teammate on a node who needs it, but most I can really spare while in the middle of a fight is utility like bop, cleanse, freedom, maybe a LoH on a healer or FC if it’s not a lost cause. but if I get kicked casting holy light all I can do is auto attack lol. I’ve been advocating for us to get an instant heal for a while now.

Ret felt good pre DR even though ranged was even more cracked, healers will still impactful enough to keep you in the fight.
This is how it felt putting on the R7 set before DR

holy light is 2s with bracer

oh yeah I forgot they moved it to bracer. it was originally helm and competed with Fanaticism. but I’d have to give up instant hammer of wrath as ret which is actually really nice to have

nice for holy tho, glad they changed that. it was really no contest between the 2 runes when it was on helm

yea its big for holy.

on topic, i am now positive its ally being pve focused. in p2 mages were top tier so ally had a lot more ranged. now almost every pug is war rogue hunter with the token guild melee group ferals. horde is all spriest boom ele/enh(same diff enh mains go ele for pvp) mm.

did a bunch of solo q wsgs last night and landed with the same 2 partial premades on ally vs partial premades on horde but we had some pro FCs so majority were wins. soon as the premades stopped queueing my team comps looked like WCL rankings.

not saying mm or rogues are bad but mm with pet is bad and stacking rogues on ally is ez aoe fear peels.

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You get 0 rep for losing. 3 losses = 3 marks = 100 rep. 1 loss on average is 15 min. Huge rep/hour.
Easier to afk on ashenvale for 1000 once a day and watch netflix instead.

Horde is attracting fotm crowd because of exclusive Hero class being superior and overall pvp oriented OP racials. Alliance is more casual.

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that’s still absolutely wild to me, I rarely ever saw feral when I was queueing.

try playing hpal again in P4, I know generally speaking more PVP oriented players flock to horde for advantages but I also think most of the PVP oriented ally players just aren’t queueing right now either.

wish you were on crusader strike homie :heart:

cause pvp 5 mans were probably still common. i understand the complaints about spriest now. they arent very good in ranged shootouts but ally has like 0 ranged lol. theyre pretty oppressive in that scenario. also dont see the complaints about ele. boomkin is still way worse. ele gets cucked by FR aura, cleanse and simply walking away if they try to turret. also just spread a bit so fs cant cleave

boomkin attempts to one shot you every 6s with 2x 15% chances to intecept stun you each time. they can even pool their previous surge buff til its almost off cd and go for a starfire surge starfire.

probably will eventually lvl my cs pally too. even when im playing late and im synced with AU prime time its probably less active than CS at like 3am server time.