BG's are all premades horde favored

??? because most of the good players care about what’s meta? do you even know what META means???


horde has those advantages in classic, TBC, and SoD

human has them in WoTLK and Cata, in Retail it’s nerfed but still good (only works on stuns), shadowmeld can be used in combat, dark iron dwarf racial is like stone form that buffs you for each dot you clear off. alliance stomps in all 3 of those iterations of WoW.

because they are meta. because they have advantages. like horde has in classic, TBC, and SoD

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And yet, In Classic I won 75% of WSG/AB games on alliance side and that trend continue into TBC. I’m glad for SOD I went horde, I dont think I could’ve taken this amount of crying. lol

So, you are telling me that… What like 90% of horde jump ship and switch to alliance? Or could it be that some dumb alliance switch to horde side? LOL

sure man, the most likely of scenarios

“I was playing alliance when they lost more often, now that they win more, time to go play horde!”

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You see you are just countering your own argument by admitting in the last classic iteration you won 75% of WSG / AB as alliance, but now its a 90% win rate as horde. But no it must be alliance suck and horde are better, except for last classic and current classic. But sod definitely

Styls was the deciding factor and carried both respective factions to glory


absolutely… glad you notice.

bro I feel like Manray explaining this to Patrick

The biggest factor in win/loss disparity right now is premades are more or less required for Horde to even get into a game.

and premades will have a dramatically higher winrate vs pugs.

Everything else are relatively minor issues and/or cope.

Little bit of wow history for you all: The single most imbalanced BG from a faction win/loss perspective in the game’s history was Strand of the Ancients. A game where both factions had random starting positions, and then swapped in the second half… and had the exact same potential class makeup was the single most imabalanced BG in the franchise’s history.

Alliance win rates right now probabably aren’t anywhere near that bad. I’d wager most of you getting stomped on, aren’t queuing with a group and/or are getting thrown into teams with no premades since you faction doesn’t more or less necessitate them to even get into the damn game.

That being said, that doesn’t mean Alliance players shouldn’t be complaining, and loudly, just that you’re likely complaining about the wrong thing… See even if you start queuing up in groups of 5 to match Horde, it only really matters if the rest of your faction is doing it as well… 5+10 randos is still going to get absolutely shredded by 3x 5 stacks. The system itself is broken, and it’s Blizzard’s job to fix it.

The only ways this gets fixed are Mixed faction BGs: Faction no longer matters in bgs and everyone is put in the exact same player pool and can understand one another mid bg. This will create dumb things like undead fighting valiantly to protect Vanadar and slay Drek’Thar, but it will immediately solve all the problems with queu timers, forced premades to avoid said queue timers, and even faction balance concerns (since alliance would potentially get shaman on their team too, if shaman are indeed overtuned)\

Coming from a horde player, the horde side gets 45+ minute queue times queuing solo, hence is forced into queuing 5 man to get reasonable 5ish minute queue times.

These groups are not “premades” in the strict sense of the word, just 5 people who want a faster queue and probably are a bit less likely to semi-afk or play terribly as they might get kicked from the group if they play increasingly bad. Almost none of these groups use discord though or lay out a firm strategy.

Whether I queue as a group or solo though, I’m still winning 90+% of the time horde side. The alliance feel there’s a map advantage to horde with LM/BS/Farm holy grail (and there is as it’s easier to defend those 3) but it alone should not dictate a 90% win rate, probably 55-60%. That’s enough of a disadvantage for a portion of your faction to decide the matches aren’t worth trying and play for kills, or partially afk, or just not try which swings your L rate to the moon imho.


Alliance get instant queues means alliance players give zero effort when faced with resistance.

If I’m waiting 45mins+ for a queue, you best be sure I’m going to make the most of it.

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whoever gets defense last wins as long as your team isn’t drooling on their keyboard

yeah man this is for sure a contributing factor but it’s not the whole reason

SoD PvP is a joke - not sure why anyone is playing it. If they uncapped honor rankings then maybe there’d be a point, but after hitting R7 there is 0 reason to play BGs. Unbalanced and likely won’t ever be.

Well you’ll want to play them for reput… oh wait nevermind.

Crazy to think you can get to Rank 7 and exalted with both PvP factions without ever stepping foot in a battleground.

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What do you do at lv60 once you have the ranking you want? AFK in town?

I would love to and can bgs all day long. But, I kinda feel bad for the alliance and dont want to contribute to their crying. So, I have taken a break till phase 4. I have high hopes and can’t wait to bgs my off. If rank 14 is reachable I might push for it.

it’s safe to queue boys, the Farseer himself is on hiatus!

nobody presses flame shock+lb quite like him

They make fun of us when we dont queue so that they might have some fun. I mean, we’re damn if we do and damn if we dont. =P

lol. the handful of times we beat horde, they must have been really pissed off lol.

Went 8-2 last night.

1 team stacked Spriest and had an absolutely insane hunter running with healing priest.
2nd team also had a couple spriest and a couple of those annoying boomies that actually know how to play their class. Game was close but we still lost.

All in all Spriest is still the most bonkers class in sod but i still chuckle when they absolutely destroy someone and slow motion teabag.

There were a couple of really good ele shams we faced but managed to shut down over all. Lots of really really bad enhance shams. Enhance low key needs a buff. Horde rogues seem to be getting worse.

no worse than vanilla is. sod has a lot of classes and specs that are too strong vs era where its a mage war rogue warlock fest and youre trolling if you bring a druid to anything but wsg.

Enhance definitely doesnt need a buff. Strongest melee in bgs by a long mile.